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Страна: Франция

Год: 1915



В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны

Nieuport 10

   Самолет разработан в начале 1914 года известным французским авиаконструктором Густавом Деляжем, незадолго до этого поступившим на фирму "Сосьете дес Этаблиссментс Ньюпор" (Societe des Etablissements Nieuport). За основу был взят фюзеляж моноплана "Ньюпор-IV", который Деляж снабдил новыми несущими поверхностями оригинальной полуторапланной схемы с очень узким нижним крылом и V-образными межкрыльевыми стойками. Узкое нижнее крыло способствовало улучшению обзора вперед-вниз для наблюдателя, поскольку самолет создавался как армейский разведчик.
   Поначалу аэроплан был двухместным и строился серийно в двух модификациях: Nie-10AV, в которой летнаб сидел в передней кабине, и Nie-10AR, где летнаб размещался позади пилота. Обе модификации имели одинаковую цельнодеревянную конструкцию с полотняной обшивкой и оснащались 80-сильными двигателями "Рон".
   Полуторапланы "Ньюпор-10AV", пока еще без вооружения, начали поступать во французские разведывательные эскадрильи весной 1915 года. Однако уже через несколько месяцев большинство из них было переделано в одноместные истребители. При этом переднюю кабину летнаба заделывали, а над верхним крылом устанавливали курсовой пулемет "Льюис", стрелявший поверх диска вращения винта. Эта модификация получила обозначение Nie-10C.1. Во второй половине 1915 года многие "десятки" уже изначально выпускались в одноместном варианте.
   Помимо Франции, "Ньюпоры-10" и -12 выпускались серийно и состояли на вооружении в Италии, Великобритании, и России. Кроме того, на "десятках" французской постройки летали бельгийские и американские летчики. Отдельные экземпляры попали в Португалию, Бразилию, Японию, Таиланд и некоторые другие страны.
   Английская морская авиация получила 169 "Ньюпоров-10" и -12, из которых 50 штук были построены в Великобритании на фирме "Бердмор Компани". Итальянская фирма "Ньюпор-Макки" построила 260 таких самолетов, а московский завод "Дукс" - примерно 100 "Ньюпоров-10" в одноместном (истребительном) и двухместном вариантах.
   "Ньюпоры" фирмы "Бердмор" имели слегка видоизмененное вертикальное оперение с небольшим килем, по форме напоминавшим киль"Ньюпора-24".
Российские "Ньюпоры-10" и -12 использовались на русско-германском фронте вплоть до прекращения там боевых действий, а несколько десятков из них еще успели принять участие в гражданской войне.
   Всего в 1915-16 годах выпущено более 1000 "Ньюпоров-10", -12 и -12bis.
   Кроме того, японские фирмы "Накадзима" и "Токоросава" выпускали разработанные на базе "Ньюпора-10" учебные самолеты Ko-2, которые применялись в летных школах до конца 20-х годов.

   "Ньюпор" 10 двухместный; вооружение - 2 несинхронных пулемета "Кольт" или "Льюис". Один - на турели или на шкворневой установке у летнаба и один - курсовой над верхним крылом, стреляющий поверх винта.
   "Ньюпор" 10 одноместный; вооружение - 1 несинхр. пулемет "Кольт" или "Льюис" над верхним крылом. На российских "Ньюпорах" пулемет иногда устанавливали на фюзеляже перед кабиной под углом вверх.

Показать полностью


  • В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
  • А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
  • В.Шавров История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
  • J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
  • A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov The Imperial Russian Air Service (Flying Machines)
  • L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
  • O.Thetford British Naval Aircraft since 1912 (Putnam)
  • W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
  • J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 75)
  • Журнал Flight
  • H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/

    The cockade on the rudder of this Nieuport 10A.2 reconnaissance two seater, along with the uniforms of the attendant personnel positively identify it as belonging to an RFC unit, but the aircraft was also operated by the RNAS and it was this service that took a more muscular attitude in its deployment of the type, sometimes replacing the second seat with a .303-inch Lewis gun to give the machine a more agressive role. Powered by an 80hp Gnome or Le Rhone rotary, the top level speed was 90mph at sea level. The machine was used by France, both British services, the Italians, who also deployed it as a single-seat fighter, and Belgium

  • O.Thetford - British Naval Aircraft since 1912 /Putnam/

    No.2 Wing, RNAS at Imbros in 1915: the aeroplanes are Henry Farman F.27s and Nieuport 10 two-seaters.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Farman F.27 - Франция - 1915

  • Форум - Breguet's Aircraft Challenge /WWW/

    This is a Nieuport 10 (or XB as it was also known at the time) captured by the Germans. Clearly can be seen the man-'hole' in the wing, where the observer could use the machine gun that was mounted on top of the wing, firing over the propeller. These were the days before or in the beginning from the interrupter gear, which allowed shooting through the propeller.

  • Журнал - Flight за 1916 г.

    The American Escadrille and some of the Nieuport Scouts "somewhere" in France. - Reading from left to right are :- Lieut, de Laage, Sergt. C. C. Johnson (New York), Capt. Lawrence Rumsey (Buffalo), Sergt. J . R. McConnell (Carthage), Lieut. William Thaw (Pittsburgh). Sergt. R. Lufhery (New Haven, Conn.). Sergt. Kiffin Rockwell (Atlanta), Adjt. Didier Masson (Los Angeles), Sergt. Norman Prince (Boston), who has since died from wounds received last week, and Adjt. Bert Hall (Galveston).

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Known single-seat conversions in the second RNAS batch of Nie.10s were 3964-3966. The first of these was delivered to Eastchurch on September 30 1915, and was initially flown as a two- seater. Its conversion to single-seat form probably took place in early 1916.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Disappointing though the quality of this photograph is, it is of interest because its subject, No.3168 of the RNAS, was an example of a single-seat conversion of an aircraft of the first batch of Nie.10s to be supplied to that Service. Initially delivered, doubtless as a two-seater, to No.l (Naval) Squadron, St-Pol, by mid-May 1915, No.3168 was soon shipped to Mudros, and was with No.3 Wing at Tenedos by late July. Although reported missing on December 20 1915, it was evidently recovered and repaired by May 1917. Perhaps the repair process included conversion to the single-seat form seen here. The Nieuport was with ‘G’ Squadron of No.2 Wing by August 1917, and was finally deleted, damaged beyond repair, on October 2 1917.

  • K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/

    The French Nieuport company established a reputation for developing a series of fighters that were among the leading designs of the day. This Nieuport 10 ('8517) served with 2 Squadron RNAS and was one of 50 such taken on charge from 1915.

  • D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/

    This well-known photo shows Cdr. Charles Rumney Samson, the British commanding officer of RNAS in Gallipoli, standing in front of a N.10 in September 1915 with gun fixed to fire above the arc of the propeller. Lack of an effective synchronizer was the reason for the awkward mounting. Salmson is holding an automatic pistol; it is not known if it was for air-to-air use or personal protection in case of being brought down.

  • H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/

    Charles Rumney Samson, born in 1883, came to epitomise the pugnacious spirit of early British naval aviation. Samson entered the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, as a cadet in 1898 and left as a sub-lieutenant in 1904. On 4 April 1910, Samson received the Aero Club Aviator's Certificate No 71 and from this time on, for the next eight years, Samson's destiny was bound up with naval aviation and its development. Samson, a born leader of men, remained an active pilot throughout this period, some of the highlights of which included his making the world's second only take-off from a warship, on 10 January 1912, and then in May 1918, when nearly losing his life attempting to fly the unforgiving Sopwith Camel from off a destroyer-towed lighter. Although destined never to down an enemy in combat, Samson's disciplined aggression was to have a profound impact on his foes, wherever he and his men where to go. Samson was in command of the RNAS's Eastchurch Wing at the start of the war, from where he moved the unit to its new base at Ostend within a matter of weeks. It was from here that Samson and his unit fought a valiant series of harrying actions against the might of the German army, using both his aeroplanes and the world's first fleet of improvised armoured cars, assembled and converted with the help of his brother Felix. From here on through the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign of 1915 and his continuing 1916 Middle East forays with the seaplane tender, HMS Ben-My-Chree, Samson's resolve never flagged. From May 1917 and back in Britain, the indefatigable Samson turned his mind to countering the dual threat of Zeppelins and U-boats. Absorbed into the newly formed RAF from April 1918, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Samson was given command of No 4 Group, precursor of RAF Coastal Command. Samson retired from the RAF in 1929 as an Air Commodore. Samson is seen here in the cockpit of a Nieuport 10, while operating from the island of Tenedos in the Aegean Sea during 1915.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    An RNAS Nie.10 single-seater armed with two Lewis guns. It is not clear whether the side-mounted gun had any range of movement.