W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
A two-seat fighter built as a private venture and based on the design of the B.E.2c by G Tilghman-Richards of William Beardmore & Co, the W.B.II was powered by a 200 hp Hispano-Suiza 8Bd eight-cylinder water-cooled engine. It carried an armament of two fixed synchronised 0.303-in (7,7-mm) Vickers guns and a single 0.303-in (7,7-mm) Lewis gun on a swivelling Beardmore-Richards mounting. The W.B.II was first flown on 30 August 1917, and performance proved good, but the Hispano-Suiza engine was in short supply and was required for the S.E.5a single-seater. No production of the W.B.II was therefore undertaken, although two civil examples were built in 1920 as the W.B.IIB.
Max speed, 120 mph (193 km/h) at sea level, 111 mph (179 km/h) at 10,000 ft (3 050 m).
Time to 5,000 ft (1524 m), 10 min.
Endurance, 2.8 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,765 lb (800 kg).
Loaded weight, 2,650 lb (1202 kg).
Span, 34 ft 10 in (10,62 m).
Length, 26 ft 10 in (8,18 m).
Height, 10 ft 0 in (3,05 m).
Wing area, 354 sq ft (32,88 m 2).
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J.Bruce British Aeroplanes 1914-1918 (Putnam)
Beardmore W.B.II
THE second Beardmore type designed by Tilghman Richards was developed by him from the B.E.2C, for which type Beardmores were contractors to the Admiralty. Mr Richards wanted to show what the design was capable of, given a more powerful engine and an aerodynamically clean fuselage. Official permission was given for the construction of a prototype, and the resulting aircraft was a marked improvement over the B.E.2C. It was named Beardmore W.B.II.
The only B.E. components which in fact were used were the mainplanes and interplane struts. The fuselage was faired to a circular cross-section, and the airscrew originally had a large open-fronted spinner. The engine was a 200 h.p. Hispano-Suiza. The clean lines of the fuselage were somewhat marred by the exhaust stacks and radiators: these were disposed in two elements mounted in an inverted vee just behind the forward cabane struts. Petrol was carried in two 21-gallon tanks installed behind the engine, and the oil tank was mounted externally below the engine.
The undercarriage had two half-axles pivoted Sopwith-fashion at the mid-point of the two steel spreader-bars which connected the two plain vee-struts. A four-bladed airscrew was used at first, but was later replaced by a two-blader.
The method of actuating the elevators was interesting and unusual at a time when the almost universal medium was wire cable. Control rods were used, and each elevator had one control horn only, on its lower surface.
Whereas the observer of the B.E.2c occupied the forward seat, the W.B.II accommodated him behind the pilot where he could make effective use of his gun. The observer’s gun-mounting on the W.B.II was designed by Mr Richards, and gave a greater field of fire than the then-standard Scarff ring-mounting. The Beardmore-Richards mounting consisted of a “witch’s broomstick” built up of channel-section duralumin, pivoting on a ball joint at the centre of the cockpit floor and with its upper end running round the ring which surmounted the cockpit. The gunner’s seat was fixed half-way up the “stick”, which could thus be swung round instinctively and easily, and was provided with an instantaneous lock. The upper end of the “stick” carried the gun-mounting proper, which had a further range of movement: it could be swung upwards to enable the gun to fire vertically, or outwards when, with the “stick” athwartships, a line of fire could be obtained fifteen degrees past the centre-line of the aircraft in a downwards direction. Thus the normal blind spot was virtually eliminated.
By December, 1917, several modifications had been made to the W.B.II. The engine was moved forward and the spinner discarded; the nose cowling was given a rounded contour. The gun-ring on the observer’s cockpit was raised 5 1/2 inches, which made it more comfortable and effective in use. Aluminium tanks replaced the original steel ones.
The W.B.II was tested at Port Victoria and at Martlesham Heath, and was well reported on. It was said to be manoeuvrable and easy to land.
The type did not go into production, but a development was projected with the 230 h.p. B.H.P. engine. This machine was designated W.B.IIA, and was to have been a fighter-reconnaissance two-seater with considerably increased fuel capacity. The speed was expected to be 125 m.p.h. at sea level and 117 m.p.h. at 10,000 feet.
A further development known as the WB.IIB was built as an air-mail transport. Two machines, registered G-EARX and G-EARY were built, and participated in the Air Ministry competition for civil aircraft, held at Martlesham Heath in August, 1920. The Beardmore company initiated a Renfrew-London air-mail service with these machines, but it was short-lived.
Manufacturers: William Beardmore & Co., Ltd., Dalmuir, Dumbartonshire.
Power: 200 h.p. Hispano-Suiza, engine No. (Peugeot) 115014.
Dimensions: Span: 34 ft 10 in. Length: 26 ft 10 in. Height: 10 ft. Chord: 5 ft 6 in. Gap: 5 ft 6 in. Stagger: 2 ft. Dihedral: 1° 30'. Incidence: 1° 30'. Span of tail: 13 ft 6 in. Wheel track: 5 ft. Tyres: 750 X 125 mm. Airscrew diameter: 9 ft 6 1/2 in.
Areas: Wings: 354 sq ft. Ailerons: each 16 sq ft, total 64 sq ft. Tailplane: 27-5 sq ft. Elevators: 20-2 sq ft. Fin: 6 sq ft. Rudder: 11-5 sq ft.
Weights and Performance: Date of Trial Report: December, 1917. Type of airscrew used on trial: Lang 3500A, Series No. L/14104. Weight empty: 1,765 lb. Military load: 185 lb. Crew: 360 lb. Fuel and oil: 340 lb. Loaded: 2,650 lb. Maximum speed at ground level: 120 m.p.h.; at 10,000 ft: 111-5 m.p.h.; at 13,000 ft: 107 m.p.h. Climb to 1,000 ft: 1 min 15 sec; to 2,000 ft: 2 min. 35 sec; to 5,000 ft: 7 min; to 8,000 ft: 12 min 30 sec; to 10,000 ft: 14 min 40 sec; to 12,000 ft: 22 min 40 sec; to 13,000 ft: 26 min 10 sec; to 14,000 ft: 30 min 10 sec. Service ceiling: 17,000 ft. Endurance: 2,8 hours.
Tankage: Petrol: 42 gallons. Oil: 4 1/2 gallons. Water: 8 gallons.
Armament: Two fixed, synchronised Vickers machine-guns firing forward. One free Lewis machine-gun on Beardmore-Richards mounting in rear cockpit.
Production: One prototype was built under Contract No. A.S.2864/18.
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H.King Armament of British Aircraft (Putnam)
W.B. II. As was becoming to a company having Beardmore's standing in the fields of naval architecture and gunnery, the W.B. II two-seat fighter (also suitable for reconnaissance and patrol) exhibited originality in armament. The first machine (1917) had a fixed Vickers gun and a Lewis gun on a simple ring-mounting. The second was higher powered, and even more interesting than its twin-Vickers-gun installation - its Lewis gun was on a Beardmore-Richards mounting, designed by G. Tilghman-Richards and nicknamed 'The Witch's Broomstick'. The central member of this mounting was a pillar mounted on a 'universal footstep bearing' at its lower end and supported by, and guided upon, a coaxial annular guide ring round which it could be traversed. This arm carried at its upper end a gun-arm, one end of which was mounted on a pivot pin carried by the pillar, the other end being fitted with a pivoted block carrying the stem of a fork to which the gun was secured. The pillar could be locked in any position round the guide ring and the gun-arm could be locked in any position relative to the pillar. The locking was effected by spring-actuated bolts carried by the pillar and operated by levers, likewise on the pillar. The pillar was further fitted with a seat, capable of being locked at any desired height. With the pillar displaced laterally to its full extent the line of fire could extend to 15 degrees past the centre line of the aircraft.
During the course of W.B. II development the guide ring was built up from the fuselage to enhance the gun's effectiveness and the gunner's comfort.
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Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919
The Beardmore W.B 2 is a conventional two-seater fighter equipped with а 230 h.p. Hispano-Suiza engine. The main planes are heavily staggered. The pilot is situated under the trailing edge of the top plane and the observer over the trailing edge of the bottom plane, giving both an excellent view all round.
The type W.B 2a. is a modified version of this machine fitted with a Beardmore " Adriatic " engine of 230 h.p and with increased tank capacity.
The following tables give the details of both machines:
Vertical area of body 75 sq. it.
Engine type and h.p. Beardmore Adriatic, 230 h.p.
Airscrew and revs. 10 ft. 1,350 r.p.m.
Weight of machine empty 1,650 lbs.
Load per sq.ft. 7.6 lbs.
Weight per h.p. 11.7 lbs.
Tank capacity in hours 4.5 hours.
Tank capacity in gallons. 75 gallons.
Speed low down 125 m.p.h.
Speed at 10.000 feet 117 m.p.h.
Landing speed 50 m.p.h..
To 5,000 feet in minutes 5 minutes.
To 10,000 feet in minutes 12 minutes.
Disposable load apart from fuel 460 lbs.
Total weight of machine loaded 2,700 lbs.
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A.Jackson British Civil Aircraft since 1919 vol.1 (Putnam)
Two-seater powered by one 160-h.p. Beardmore, built by William Beardmore and Co. Ltd. at Dalmuir, Dumbartonshire, 1920. Two aircraft only: G-EARX, c/n 5441/1, crashed 1.21; G-EARY, c/n 5441/2, used on experimental Renfrew-Brough-Croydon service July-August 1920, C. of A. issued 21.2.22, withdrawn from use 1922. Span, 34 ft. 10 in. Length, 27 ft. 7 in. Tare wt., 1,650 lb. A.U.W., 2,516 lb. Max. speed, 125 m.p.h.
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C.Owers Beardmore Aircraft of WW1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 69)
Beardmore W.B.II Fighter/Reconnaissance Biplane
G. Tilghman-Richards was chief designer at Beardmore & Co Ltd when the firm set up its own design office. He sought to design a better aircraft than the B.E.2c that Beardmores were building for the Admiralty. Permission was granted for the company to go ahead with the proposal as a private venture (Works Contract No. 1133). The proposed machine would have a more powerful engine and cleaned-up fuselage.
A report from 9 May 1917, under the section titled: - ‘Machines believed to be under or design or partial construction by various firms,’ listed under Beardmore a 2-seater Fgtr. for Hispano-Suiza engine. This machine was designed some while ago and a Beardmore engine was promised to the Firm if possible by last January. Owing to the shortage of engines it has not been possible to supply this and it is understood that a 200 HP Hispano-Suiza has now been allotted by N.A.D. in order to test out the machine to which we were partially committed.
The design of the W.B.II was originally conceived to use the six-cylinder in-line 160-hp Beardmore engine. It retailed the B.E.2c fin and rudder and the wing structure of the B.E. mainplanes. The fuselage was faired out into a roughly circular cross-section. A large single exhaust port carried the exhaust to a silencer mounted centrally above the upper wing. The position of pilot and observer/gunner was changed from that of the B.E.2c in that the pilot had the front seat. He was given a synchronized Vickers gun and the rear gunner had a Lewis gun on a ring mount. As noted above, the shortage of engines meant that it was early May 1917, before the Air Department of the Admiralty were able to provide an engine, and this was a 200-hp Hispano-Suiza, in order that the machine could be tested. Contract No. AS2864/18 was raised to cover the machine.
The design was changed to accommodate the new engine it being reported that Various points in the installation require attention. This machine will be ready for test in three weeks. A later report noted that all alterations asked for had been carried out and the machine should be ready to fly within the week.
The W.B.II appeared with a large open-front spinner to the four-bladed airscrew. Twin exhaust stacks were fitted and two flat tube radiators were fixed longitudinally with v-struts of the cabane under top plane. Twin synchronized Vickers guns were now provided for the pilot. The observer’s gun ring was mounted on the top longerons. The rear Lewis gun was on a Beardmore swivel mount. This ‘Witch’s Broomstick’ was designed by G Tilghman-Richards and combined a seat mounted on a pillar to which extension the Lewis gun was attached. This mount is illustrated in H.F. King’s book on British aircraft armament.
The pilot was positioned immediately behind the engine and fuel tanks under the top plane. The observer was immediately behind the pilot. Dual control was fitted for us of the observer if necessary. The landing gear was streamlined steel tube.
The machine made its first flight under the hands of A. Dukinfield Jones on 30 August 1917. The dismantled machine was sent to Martlesham Heath in early October, arriving on the 3rd. Report No. A/70 noted that a flight was attempted but owing to unsatisfactory running of the engine it was only possible to stay in the air for a few minutes, however, this was enough for a two page report to be compiled listing the aircraft’s deficiencies as a fighter, from a gunner s point of view.
The gunner’s cockpit was far from ideal. The greatest depth from the top of the ring mount is only 34 inches, the average being 33 inches: this is 4 critical inches short of what is considered to be the minimum for a fighting machine. The fuselage, generally, is very shallow, and the gunner is consequently very exposed to the propeller draught and the possibility of falling out in any violent manoeuvre which virtually reduces his weight, unless he is provided with some form of harness.
The gun mount was designed by Beardmore and had many weak points and is generally considered much inferior to the standard Scarff Ring: the internal diameter of the ring is 28 inches, and therefore the same circumference as a Scarff mount.
The observer’s view was good and the field of fire was about equal to any existing two-seater. The elevator and rudder controls being inside the fuselage is a very good feature, and might be well copied in all fighting machines.
What was most interesting about the W.B.II’s armament was the Beardmore-Richards mounting in the gunner’s cockpit which was called The Witch’s Broomstick. This comprised a central member to which was attached the gunner’s seat. This could be locked at any desired height and the gunner could lock the device at any position on the guide ring. The upper end carried the Lewis gun. The gun could be locked in any position relative to the central member. When displaced laterally, the field of fire was extended 15° past the centre line of the fuselage.
The pilot’s view was considered to be about the same as that of the De Havilland D.H.9, and can therefore be taken as fairly good, but considerably worse than such a machine as a Bristol Fighter whole top plane is almost level with the pilot’s head. The radiator impaired the pilot’s forward view. The pilot and observer are placed close together as they should be.
In conclusion, without performance figures, it was considered that the machine was at a great disadvantage compared with other up-to-date fighting two-seater. The shallowness of the fuselage and its low setting in relation to the wings leaves the observer very exposed when fighting and without any opportunity of bringing his gun to fire on the same mark as the pilot’s fixed guns. For any proposed two-seater fighting machine these two points are considered of the first importance.
During testing the airscrew came off, holding up trials, and a fuel tank burst. The machine was returned to Beardmores on 19 November 1917, for modifications.
Returning to Martlesham Heath on 2 December, it was tested that month and Report No. M.147b was issued for Beardmore aircraft No. 1133.
The Report made the following observations:
The tailplane was adjustable in flight. The rear Lewis gun was on a Beardmore swivel mount.
Armament was twin synchronized Vickers guns and one Lewis gun for observer on turret mounting.
The two 21-gallon fuel tanks were situated between engine and the pilot, with a streamlined 4 1/2 gallon oil tank suspended below the engine. It was impossible to remove the tanks without first removing the guns and radiator.
Starting was easy. Get away time was 5 minutes.
Stability longitudinally and laterally was Stable. Controllability longitudinally was Good, laterally - Fair; directionally - Good but heavy. Manoeuvreability was only Average for a machine of this class.
Taxi-ing was good. Landing at an ordinary aerodrome was easy. The machine had a flat gliding angle. Although it had a non-adjustable rudder bar, the machine was not tiring to fly.
Other comments noted that there was no armoring for protection from ground fire, and that it was impossible to reach the engine air pipe taps when the seat belt was done up. The water pipe from the top of the engine to the radiator also needed supporting.
The machine had been sent back to the manufacturers who have carried out several modifications. The engine has been moved forward and is now very accessible and can be easily installed or dismantled. The magnetos are also easily accessible through ports and the whole cowling can be removed, in a short time. The cowl on the propeller has been replaced by streamline cowling around the engine.
Further the Gunner’s cockpit has been raised 5 1/2" which gives plenty of depth in the gunner’s cockpit and improved the field of fire. Aluminium petrol tanks have been replaced by steel tanks.
These alterations have improved the machine a good deal, but it is not considered the performance of the machine is good enough to warrant its production as a new type instead of or in addition to the Bristol Fighter. A Bristol Fighter with 200 Hispano suiza (sic) engine has not been tested at this Station but it is fairly certain that its performance would not fall below that given above for the Beardmore Fighter.
With a performance not better than existing types in production and using an engine that was in demand for the S.E.5a fighter, it is no wonder that the machine was not selected for production. When its trials were completed, it was taken over by the RNAS and sent to the Isle of Grain on 17 December 1917, and apparently flown there.
Beardmore proposed the W.B.IIA with a 230-hp B.H.P. engine. Span was 34 feet 6 in and length was 27 feet 7 in. It remained a paper project.
The Aeroplane reported that Beardmore were going to exhibit a W.B.II two-seat sporting and touring machine fitted with a 160-hp engine at the 1920 Olympia Show. It was thought to be eminently suited for its intended purpose or for light mail carrying. Another machine was expected but the engine was not specified. In an attempt to utilize the design, Beardmore produced two mail-carrying version of the design in 1920. These had a 230-hp B.H.P. engine and were designated W.B.IIB. Two such aircraft were given civil registrations G-EARX and G-EARY and took part in the Air Ministry’s civil aircraft competition held at Martlesham Heath in August 1920. A short-lived air-mail service was started by the Beardmore company flying with these machines between Renfrew and London. They were likewise unsuccessful in the post-war environment.
Beardmore W.B.2 Specifications
Source 1 2 3 4
Span 34 ft 10 in 34 ft 10 in 34 ft 10 in 34 ft 10 ini
Length 27 ft 3 in 26 ft 10 in 26 ft 10 in 27 ft 7 in .
Height 10 ft 11 in 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 11 in
Chord 5 ft 6 in - 5 ft 6 in 5 ft 6 in
Dihedral - - 1 1/2° -
Incidence - - 1 1/2° -
Gap - - 5 ft 6 in 5 ft 6 in
Stagger - - 2 ft 0 in -
Track - - 5 ft 0 in -
Tyres - 750 x125 - -
Span tailplane 13 ft - - -
Airscrew - Lang D.R. C.L/3500 A Lang L/14104 -
Pitch 1186 2975 mm 9 ft 9 in -
Diameter 9 ft 2905 mm 9 ft 6.5 in -
Areas in ft2
Wings 354 - 354 354
Ailerons 64 - 64 -
Tail - - 27.5 -
Elevators 21 - 20.2 -
Rudder 11.5 - 11.5 -
Fin 6 - 6 -
Weights in lbs
Empty 1,765 1,765 - 1,751
Twin Vickers - 70 70 -
Ammunition - 56 - -
Lewis gun - 16 16 -
Ammunition - 32 - -
Dead weight - 11 99 -
Crew - 360 360 -
Total military load - 545 545 -
Fuel (42 gal) Oil (4 1/2 gal) - 340 340 -
Useful load - - - 180
Total 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,516
Capacities in gals
Fuel 41.5 42 - 50
Oil - 4 1/2 - -
Water - 8 - -
Speed in mph at
Ground level 120 - - 10.7
10,000 ft 111 111 1/2 - -
13,000 ft - 107 - -
Landing 50 - - 55
Climb to
1,000 ft - 1 min 15 - -
2,000 ft - 2 min 35 - -
3,000 ft - 4 min 00 - -
4,000 ft - 5 min 25 - -
5,000 ft 7 min 7 min 00 - -
6,000 ft - 8 min 40 - -
7,000 ft - 10 min 30 - -
8,000 ft - 12 min 30 - -
9,000 ft - 14 min 40 - -
10,000 ft 15 min 17 min 05 - 25 min
11,000 ft - 19 min 45 - -
12,000 ft - 22 min 40 - -
13,000 ft - 26 min 10 - -
14,000 ft - 30 min 10 - -
Duration in hours 2.8 - - 4
Engine - Peugeot Hispano-Suiza No.115014 - 160-hp Beardmore
1. In a tabulation in its 14 July 1920 issue, The Aeroplane gives a span of 35 ft 0 in and describes the W.B.2 as a three-seater.
1. Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, 1919. Arco Publishing USA 1990.
2. Report M.147B.
3. Aeroplane Data Book.
4. Aeronautical Engineering supplement to The Aeroplane, 14 July 1920.
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