Страна: Германия
Год: 1916
Single-seat station defence seaplane
- Albatros - D.I/D.II - 1916 - Германия
- Albatros - W.4 - 1916 - Германия
- Albatros (Oeffag) - D.II / D.III - 1917 - Австро-Венгрия
- Albatros - D.IV - 1917 - Германия
- В.Обухович, А.Никифоров Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
- J.Herris German Seaplane Fighters of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 2)
- J.Herris Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Vol.3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 26)
- А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России
- O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
- W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
- E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
The prototype Albatros W.4 Marine #747 as built with stained wood fuselage and clear-doped linen flying surfaces. After it was assigned to Zeebrugge it was partly over-painted in camouflage colors.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
The prototype Albatros W4 Marine #747 as built with stained wood fuselage and clear-doped linen flying surfaces. After it was assigned to Zeebrugge it was partly over-painted in camouflage colors.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #747 was given a splotchy camouflage pattern (exact pattern and colors unknown) and named Mowe (Seagull) after assignment to Seeflugstation Zeebrugge. It was flown by Oblt.z.S. Friedrich Christiansen.
M.Schmeelke - "Torpedo Los!" /Aeronaut/
Albatros W4 Marine #911 after tactical markings were added at Windau. It escorted torpedo bombers. This fighter was flown by Lt.z.S. Schulz, who downed three aircraft while flying it.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #911 after tactical markings were added. This fighter was flown by Lt.z.S. Schulz, who downed three aircraft while flying it.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #911 after tactical markings were added. Close inspection of available photos shows the circular markings were in three colors, thought to be the German national colors, and were applied to the top of the rear fuselage in addition to the sides. This fighter was flown by Lt.s.Z. Schulz, who downed three aircraft while flying it.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1115 carried a personal insignia of a white arrow.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1512 illustrates the final W.4 production configuration with two guns, an airfoil radiator, and ailerons on all four wings for better maneuverability, and finished in standard naval late-war camouflage.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #1512 was the next to last W4 built in the next to last production batch. It represented the final W4 production configuration with two guns, an airfoil radiator, and ailerons on all four wings for better maneuverability, and was finished in standard naval late-war camouflage.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
This late production Albatros W.4 with unknown Marine Number carried 1918 national insignia. By 1918 the W.4 was used only for training.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Albatros W.4 prototype Marine Number 747.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 prototype MN 747 with visiting dignitaries in the background. Behind MN747 the tail of MN749 can be seen at left. MN749 was the Friedrichshafen FF43 that was a competitor for single-seat floatplane fighter orders from the Navy, but only one was built. Despite remaining a single prototype, the FF43 was assigned to Zeebrugge where it scored a victory. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Friedrichshafen FF43 - Германия - 1916
J.Herris - Weird Wings of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (70)
Oblt.zur See Friedrich Christiansen in the W.4 prototype, MN 747, at Zeebrugge. Now operational, this aircraft has had the fuselage cross modified by over-painting and was christened with the name Mowe (Seagull). The floats are longer than the initial floats used and have been camouflaged. Christiansen went on to score 13 victories and was awarded the Pour le Merite.
The first production batch had a single machine gun, but subsequent batches had two guns. The W4 was perhaps the best German single-seat floatplane fighter and was ordered in the largest quantity, 118 being delivered. -
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
A pair of Albatros W4 fighters ready for launching; Marine #911, last aircraft of the first production batch, is nearest the camera. W4 #911 later had additional tactical markings added.
J.Herris - Friedrichshafen Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (21)
Seaplanes lined up at Windau in 1917 include at least seven Albatros W4 fighters, with Marine Numbers 911, 958, and 1107 visible on the original photo. Albatros W4 Marine #911 is the aircraft in the right background with the two circles on the fuselage. Marine #911 was the most successful Albatros W4 in the Baltic; Lt.z.S. Schulz downed three aircraft while flying it. Friedrichshafen FF33L Marine #1263, a category CHFT reconnaissance two-seater, is in the left foreground, and a similar machine is at right.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Friedrichshafen FF33 - Германия - 1915
M.Schmeelke - "Torpedo Los!" /Aeronaut/
Ground crewmen attach beaching trolleys to Gotha WD11 137X at Windau after the Zerel raid of 8 October 1917. (KMF)
German naval seaplanes returning to their base at Windau after a raid on Oesel Island, October 8, 1917. The aircraft are Gotha WD 11, Friedrichshafen FF 33H, and Albatros W.4 fighters.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Friedrichshafen FF33 - Германия - 1915Gotha WD.11 - Германия - 1917
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #954, from the third production batch. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 #956 of the second production batch. The ear radiator is prominent and, located on both sides of the aircraft, partially spoiled the clean aerodynamic lines of the fuselage. This was addressed by using lower-drag airfoil radiators in the last three production batches.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #964 of the second production batch.
When the German Navy requested single-seat floatplane fighters for station defense, Albatros responded with their W4, which was based on their D.I fighter and used the same 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine. The W4 had larger wings to support the extra weight of the floats.
The Albatros W4 was the most successful single-seat seaplane fighter used in the eastern Baltic. This example, Nr. 964, was delivered to Angernsee by Flugmeister Kedzierski on 6 July, 1917 and was most frequently flown on missions by Ltn zS Regendanz. It was ferried out to Windau on 7 November, 1917 by Obltn zS Pohrt. -
M.Schmeelke - "Torpedo Los!" /Aeronaut/
Albatros W4 Marine #965 outside its hangar. This was one of the W4 fighters based at Windau assigned to escort the torpedo bombers.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
This photo shows a woman in the cockpit of an Albatros W4; the photo seems to have been retouched to include her in 'pin-up' style, perhaps for a postcard. The W4 appears to be Marine #965 shown above; the dent in the spinner appears to be the same.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #965, an aircraft of the second production batch, with its pilot. This photo appears to be the one used to create the 'pin-up' photo.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 MN 1115 of the third production batch carries an arrow as a personal insignia; the pilot looks pleased to be photographed with his fighter.
The Albatros W.4 was developed from the Albatros D.I to fulfil the classification for a single-seat seaplane fighter in 1916. This particular W.4, Nr. 1115 was flown by Erich Kaestner who served eight years as a Marineflieger. -
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1318, from the fourth production batch, is shown here at the Austro-Hungarian Seeflugstation Puntisella in July 1918 before its new Austro-Hungarian serial E12 was applied.
Seeflugzeug 1318, Type Albatros W.4, Seeflugstation Puntisella, Juli 1918, noch mit deutscher Marinenummer, vorgesehen als k.u.k. E 12 -
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1322 from the fourth production batch has been damaged by a hard landing. It wears the late insignia so this photo is from 1918, indicating training use. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 MN 1322 in flight.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W4 #1486 of the fifth production batch before its accident shows the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, two guns, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1495 of the 5th production batch undergoing factory stress testing.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1512, sixth production batch, illustrates the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W4 #1512, sixth batch, also shows the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme.
Used essentially for the local air defence of naval seaplane bases in the Flanders area, the single seat Albatros W 4 floatplane fighter entered service with the navy in late 1916. Based on the company's successful D II fighter, but slightly scaled up, the W 4 used a 160hp Mercedes D III, giving it a top level speed of 109mph at 6,560 feet, dropping to 99mph at sea level. Armament comprised a single, synchronized 7.92mm Spandau, although some later machines carried a second gun. In all 117 W 4s were delivered, with 3 in 1916 and 114 in 1917. The machine seen here, serial 1512, was the penultimate of a 10-plane batch delivered during October and November 1917. -
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1512 illustrates the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early production Albatros W.4 on beaching trolleys. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early Albatros W.4 with ear radiators. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early production Albatros W.4 being hoisted out of the water. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Late production Albatros W.4 with four ailerons and 1918 insignia. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Oblt.zur See Friedrich Christiansen flying an Albatros W.4. Different float designs are evident in these W.4 photos; many different designs were tried to offer the best combination of handling on the water and in the air while maintaining water-tight integrity in the rough waters. Floats frequently needed replacement on operational aircraft. Christiansen scored 13 victories and was awarded the Pour le Merite.
J.Herris - Gotha Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (6)
Two Gotha WD11 torpedo bombers being escorted by an Albatros W4 fighter.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gotha WD.11 - Германия - 1917
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1486 having a bad day.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
This view of wrecked Albatros W4 Marine #958 of the second production batch being recovered from the water shows the three-color naval hexagonal camouflage fabric used on later production aircraft. The printed fabric was used on all upper surfaces. Printing the color on the fabric during manufacture saved time, labor, the weight of paint, and the paint itself.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
A crane rescues an Albatros W.4 having a bad day; the naval camouflage fabric is well shown. (Courtesy Bruno Schmaling)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 SVK Drawing, MN 747, 785, 786
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 SVK Drawing, MN 902-911
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
A late production W 4 with wing-mounted radiator.
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
На основе конструкции D I был создан поплавковый истребитель Альбатрос W 4. Он отличался увеличенными размерами планера, несколько другим по форме фюзеляжем и хвостовым оперением. Самолет был оснащен двигателем Мерседес D.III. Поплавки были недостаточно прочными и часто ломались, возникали проблемы с охлаждением двигателя. Было произведено 118 машин.