В.Шавров История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
"Пишоф" ( "Аутоплан" ) экспонировался на Петербургской выставке 1911 г. и на Московской 1912 г., после которой был приобретен Всероссийским аэроклубом в двух экземплярах, причем один из них был направлен в Севастопольскую школу авиации.
Построенный французско-австрийским конструктором Альфредом Пишофом этот самолет имел необычную схему расчалочного высокоплана, ферменного, без обтяжки. Два сиденья располагались рядом, за ними - двигатель и все это находилось под крылом; кверху шла цепная передача к толкающему винту, надетому втулкой на верхнюю трубу трехгранной хвостовой фермы. Двигатели - ENV в 50 л. с., потом "Лабор" в 70 и 85 л. с. Положение центра тяжести значительно ниже крыла самолета должно было, по мысли конструктора, обеспечить хорошую устойчивость в полете, однако это не оправдалось и самолет летал плохо.
Год выпуска||1911
Двигатель, марка||
Длина самолета, м||9
Размах крыла, м||11
Площадь крыла, м2||27
Масса пустого, кг||570
Скорость максимальная у земли, км/ч||80
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L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
Deleted by request of (c)Schiffer Publishing
Pischoff - Autoplane - 1910 - Франция
Autoplan: In 1909 de Pischoff returned to his native Austria; and working with 2 German engineers Werner and Pfederer, designed and built at Wiener-Neustadt the monoplane known as the Autoplan. Before the summer of 1910 de Pischoff had brought his new machine back to France: it still carried on its side fairings the initials PWP, which disappeared subsequently. The Societe Autoplan was formed before the 1910 Salon to exploit de Pischoff's patents.
The Autoplan was designed roughly as a winged car with a real ash chassis. The 60 hp water-cooled ENV engine nestled inside an aluminum top cowl with an automobile-style radiator in front; seats were side-by-side behind the motor. The monoplane wing was supported well above the nacelle; it was built with rigid leading edges and flexible trailing edges, and the tips curled up and were joined by springs so that one would go down if the other went up in a gust: automatic stability was the goal of too many French designers of the period. The tail was set at the ends of 4 tailbooms arranged in a trapezoidal section, and comprised a Bleriot-type tailplane with tip elevators, 2 small rudders above it, and a small secondary triangular tailplane above them; the whole assembly rested on 2 castering tailwheels, while the front end used 2 non-castering main wheels. In France the PWF initials on the sides were replaced by PAP, and de Pischoff's name appeared on the rudders.
(Span: 11 m; length: 9.7 m; wing area: c 27 sqm; empty weight: 365 kg; 60 hp ENV)
The general arrangement of the subsequent Autoplans did not vary much from that of the first one. It is likely the first propeller was geared down to 700 rpm, with a diameter of 3.14 m and a pitch of 2.75 m. In 1910 it was likely to be direct-driven at 1200 rpm with a diameter of 2.5 m. The engine cowl was extended around the 2 seats. At the 1910 Salon the Autoplan was offered with a 50 hp Daimler; and also with a 60 hp motor, as a Type Militaire. After de Pischoff's school moved from Issy to Juvisy, the 50 hp Daimler version was tested in January 1911, and was described as taking off after a long run and climbing slowly.
3 were said to be under construction at Boulogne-Billancourt, one of them meant for Russia; Shavrov confirms that 2 were bought for Russian flying clubs, first with 50 hp ENVs and later with 70 or 85 hp Labor-Aviations, and that all performances were poor. At the same time that the Autoplan was being described in France as having a gross weight of 520 kg, a 4-cylinder 70 hp Labor driving a geared propeller of 2.85-meter diameter and 1.8-meter pitch at 900 rpm was installed. The 2 seats were replaced by a single one. In 1913 the span was increased to 13 m (gross weight 570 kg) with no better performance.
But by 1911 de Pischoff had sold his assets in the design to Cornet, at Juvisy, and for a while the Autoplan was known as the Cornet. In 1920 de Pischoff developed a tiny biplane powered with a small flat twin. The pilot sat on the tail-boom like a motorcycle; in 1922, testing an improved variant, de Pischoff spun in and was killed.
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Журнал Flight
Flight, July 16, 1910
Of the other monoplanes, the Werner, driven by Pischoff, and the Nieuport are distinct types of their own.
The main planes of the Werner machine are carried on the top of an open fuselage, which tapers to the tail plane in the rear. The engine is carried low down in the front, and drives through a long shaft, sprocket wheels and chain, a large propeller fixed at the rear of the plane. Below the plane also, and at the back of the engine, are the two seats for pilot and passenger. The whole machine is brightly finished with a glossy aluminium paint that would make one feel chary of sitting in it with new clothes on. The aeroplane flies well, and seemed to turn the corners fairly easily, in spite of its very low centre of gravity, which should make this somewhat difficult. The "tip-up" of the wing-ends is very noticeable when in flight.
Flight, November 19, 1910
FRENCH-BUILT monoplane with seats, engine, and landing-chassis placed beneath the main plane. This machine was designed and experimented with in Austria, but has since been developed in France.
General dimensions. - Total bearing surface, 27 square metres; length, 9 metres; width, 11 metres.
Seating capacity. - Two, seats placed side by side.
Engine. - Daimler (Austrian) 4-cyl. vertical, 60-70 h.p., watercooled. Engine and radiator placed in front as on motor car, a driving-shaft and clutch intervening between the engine and sprocket-wheel driving the propeller. E.N.V. and Gnome motors also fitted.
Propeller. - Designed by M. de Pischoff; of two branches. It is placed behind the main planes, and is driven by chain from a sprocket-wheel on the propeller-shaft.
Chassis and skids. - The chassis is very similar to that of a motor car, with the radiator mounted in front of the engine. The long skids are practically prolongations of the lower members of the main frame, and are fitted at their forward ends with auxiliary skids to take sudden shocks. Two wheels are fitted below the tail. Lateral stability is maintained by the flexing of the trailing edge of the wings.
Tail. - Elevation is regulated by the movement of sections of the tail. Double rudders are fitted, and above them is a small triangular fixed tail plane with vertical fins both on the upper and under sides. The tail is of the lifting type.
Weight. - Complete with engine, 360 kilogs.
Speed. - 85 kiloms. an hour.
System of control. - By a single lever placed in front of the pilot. A backward movement raises the aeroplane, a forward depresses the machine, a right-hand action flexes the left wing, and a left-hand does the opposite. A foot-pedal controls the double vertical rudders.
Price of two-seater, with 60-70-h.p. Daimler (Austrian) motor, 27,000 francs.
Flight, April 29, 1911.
Issy. - At Issy there are two dirigibles and 20 aeroplane hangars, or the most part occupied by the lesser known firms and numerous experimenters. Flying was not permitted till 4.30 in the afternoon, when several machines came out, the most interesting being the latest Pischoff, the Vinet, and an all-steel Voisin.
The Pischoff machine is certainly unique, and gives one the appearance of a small car with a monoplane attached about 4 ft. above as an afterthought. The chassis is composed of strong wood side members, attached to which are two skids and a very strong steel axle and pair of wheels. The engine is placed in front with a car radiator, starting-handle, bonnet, and scuttle dash a la Brooklands racing car, the pilot and passenger sitting side by side. The power is transmitted from the engine by a plate-clutch and cardan-shaft and then by a chain to the propeller running at half engine speed, which is fitted behind the main planes close up to the trailing edge. It is very novel to see the pilot take his clutch out, go round to the front, start up, get comfortably seated, accelerate the engine, and away. The machine flies very nicely in a straight line, but assumes some weird angles when turning. It is flown by the inventor, M. Pischoff, who in the evening left for Juvisy, arriving at the latter place safe and sound.
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