Страна: Германия
Год: 1913
- Albatros - EE / HE / FT Taube - 1913 - Германия
- Albatros - HE Amphibian Taube floatplane - 1913 - Германия
- Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
- А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России
- J.Herris Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Vol 1: Early Two-Seaters (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 24)
- M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)
- Журнал Flight
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
One of the early Albatros Taube designs, the EE, with typical Taube design features like the low aspect ratio vertical tail surfaces. However, the landing gear was simpler than most Taube designs. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/ The Museum of Flight)
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Kathreiner Prize: From Puchheim near Munich to Berlin in five hours: Hellmuth Hirth on his Albatros Taube in 1911.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
Albatros. Monoplane.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
Albatros built more than one Taube with streamlined wood veneer fuselage construction. This Albatros landplane Taube features vertical tail surfaces both above and below the fuselage.
The Albatros Taube was retroactively designated the Albatros A. -
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
This is another Albatros Taube using the wood veneer structure giving a very strong, streamlined fuselage. Similar to the Bodensee floatplane in design, its vertical tail surfaces are larger with a curved leading edge and the wider fuselage appears to offer side-by-side seating for two. Albatros devoted a great deal of attention to streamlining even before the war, although early Albatros production aircraft like the B-types are not nearly as streamlined as this aircraft. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/The Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
The Albatros Taube Type FT had large side radiators and a further simplified undercarriage. It was powered by a 100 hp Mercedes engine. The FT was Albatros's last Taube design and served in small numbers during the early months of the war as an Albatros A-type (unarmed monoplane).
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
Albatros-built Etrich Taube
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
ALBATROS. Albatroswerke G.m.b. H. Flugzeugfabr. u. Fliegerschule, Johannisthal bei Berlin. Established 1910. One of the largest constructors in Germany. Capacity: 150 machines a year.
1911-12. 1912. 1912-13. Hydro. Mono.
2-seat Military Military
tractor tractor tractor.
biplane. biplane.
Length....feet(m.) 13? (10.70) 43?-1/2 (10.5) 42? (12.8) ... ...
Spa.......feet(m.) 43-2/3(13.30) 52? (16) 65? (20) ... ...
Are...sq. feet(m?) 430 (40) 576 (54) 624 (58.5) ... ...
Weight, total...
......lbs.(kgs.) 1058 (480) 1543 (700) 1874 (850) ... ...
.... .lbs.(kgs.) 661 (300) ... ... ... ...
Motor.........h.p. 100 Argus 90 Mercedes 120 N.A.G. or ... ...
or 100 Argus Aust. Daimler
max...m.p.h.(km) 56 (90) 59 (95) 46 (75) ... ...
min...m.p.h.(km) ... ... ... ... ...
Endurance.....hrs. 6 6 7-5 ... ...
Number built
during 1912 about 40 70 30 4 2
Remarks.--In all the upper plane is slightly staggered. In all the control is duplicated.