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Страна: Австро-Венгрия

Год: 1911

Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913

MERCEP Monoplanes. Mihalis Mercep, Aeroplanwerkstatte, Agram, Hungary. Russjan was connected with this firm, which built biplanes to his designs in 1909. Russjan was killed in the second of these. In 1911, a Mercep was built.

   1911. 1912-13.

Length feet (m.) 29-1/2 9 23 7

Span feet (m.) 34-1/3 10.50 32-1/2 10

Area sq. feet (m^2) 204 19

   (machine, etc. lbs. (kgs.) 617 280
   (useful lbs. (kgs.) 661 300

Motor h.p. 50 Gnome

Number built 1 1

[Illustration: Mercep. 1912-13.]

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  • Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
  • Форум - Breguet's Aircraft Challenge /WWW/

    Merćep-Rusjan EDA VI (Austria-Hungary [Croatia], 1910-1911) Monoplane built by the Rusjan brothers at the workshops of Mihajlo Merćep in Zagreb; completed sometime in Autumn 1910. Unfortunately, while promoting the upstart firm "Agramer Aëroplanfabrik M. Merćep" at Belgrad in January 1911, Edvard "Eda" Rusjan fell to his death when the wings collapsed on this machine.

  • Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/

    1910 Mercep-Rusjan monoplane
    Country of Origin: Slovenia (in 1910 Austro-Hungarian Empire) Designed and built by M.Mercep and E.and J. Rusjan
    Span: 46'

  • Форум - Breguet's Aircraft Challenge /WWW/

    Merćep 1912 aka Merćep-Rusjan Military-Monoplane of 1912 or Rusjan-Novak No.2 (Austria-Hungary [Croatia], 1912) Second design after the crash of the Slovenian aviation pioneer Eduardo Rusjan. Earlier, Eduardo had moved with his brother to Zagreb, Croatia, where Guiseppe Rusjan and Dragutin Karlo Novak then continued to built aircraft for the "Agramer Aëroplanfabrik M. Merćep", set up by businessman Mihajlo Merćep in Zagreb.

  • A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/

    Bleriot XI Serbian Air Force, source: Б. Циглис, Крила Србиjе. Воздухопловна команда и авиjатика српске воjске 1912-1920, Београд 2009