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Страна: Великобритания

Год: 1913

C.Barnes Short Aircraft since 1900 (Putnam)

Short Tractor Seaplanes (1912-14)

   After 81’s early debut the next tractor seaplane due out of Eastchurch was S.68, Frank McClean’s entry for the 1913 Daily Mail Circuit of Britain seaplane race. It was basically similar to the 100 hp Gnome seaplanes already in production, but was to have a 100 hp Green water-cooled six-in-line engine. Its wing-span was over 60 ft, and at first the lower wing was shorter than the upper, but later it appeared necessary to reduce the wing-loading, so a new set of wings with equal upper and lower spans, reduced gap and slightly wider chord was made. By mid-August the aircraft was complete, but the engine vibrated badly, causing the radiator to leak and the water to boil away so quickly that, on one engine run, a piston seized and a new cylinder was needed. Eventually it was flown for about half an hour, but found to be too slow and under-powered for racing, so the entry was scratched at the last moment.

S.68 - Span 61 ft (18-6 m); length 40 ft (12-2m); area 600 sq ft (55-8 m2), later 660 sq ft (614 m2); weights and speed not recorded.

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  • C.Barnes Short Aircraft since 1900 (Putnam)
  • M.Goodall, A.Tagg British Aircraft before the Great War (Schiffer)