В.Обухович, А.Никифоров Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Единственный самолет W 27 отличался I-образными межкрыльевыми стойками и двигателем Бенц Bz.III (195 л. с.). W 32 был похож на тот же W 27, но оснащался двигателем Мерседес D.III (160 л. с).
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O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
Brandenburg W 27
A development of the W 12, the W 27 did not differ drastically from the earlier machine; most noticeable variation was the "I"-type interplane and centre-section struts. Only a single aircraft was built, No. 2202, and it was powered with the comparatively new 195 h.p. Benz Bz IIIb engine, an eight-cylinder vee type. The performance did not warrant a production order, and the W 27 finished its days on training duties. Engine, 195 h.p. Benz IIIb. Span, 11.2 m. (36 ft. 9 in.). Length, 9.23 m. (30 ft. 3 1/2 in.). Height, 3.057 m. (10 ft. 0 1/4 in.). Area, 36.06 sq.m. (389 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 1,109 kg. (2,440 lb.). Loaded, 1,619 kg. (3,562 lb.). Armament, one Parabellum and two Spandau machine-guns.
Brandenburg W 32
A still further development of the W 12 two-seat patrol fighter theme was the W 32, in effect a re-engined W 27. Five machines were originally scheduled: Nos. 2282-2286, but No. 2285 and No. 2286 were cancelled in April 1918. Engine, 160 h.p. Mercedes D III. Span, 11.2 m . (36 ft. 9 in.). Length, 9.23 m. (30 ft. 3 1/2 in.). Height, 3.25 m. (10 ft. 7 7/8 in.). Area, 36.06 sq.m. (389 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 1,063 kg. (2,339 lb.). Loaded, 1,544 kg. (3,397 lb.). Climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 11.6 min. Armament, one Parabellum and two Spandau machine-guns.
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W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
BRANDENBURG W 27 & W 32 Germany
Early in 1918, it was suggested to Ernst Heinkel that a successor to the W 12 two-seat fighter would soon be required if the German Navy was to maintain its superiority over Allied types being encountered over the North Sea. To conserve valuable time, Heinkel installed the new 195 hp Benz Bz IIIbo eight-cylinder Vee engine in a modified W 12 airframe and a 160 hp Mercedes D IIIa in a second W12. Wing span and gap were reduced, stagger was increased to improve visibility, and aerofoil-section I-type interplane struts were adopted. Armament comprised two synchronised 7,92-mm LMG 08/15 machine guns and one 7,92-mm Parabellum on a flexible mount in the rear cockpit. The Benz-engined prototype received the designation W 27 while that powered by the Mercedes engine became the W 32, but both were found inferior to the W 29 monoplane and no further development was undertaken. The following data relate to the W 27.
Max speed, 106 mph (170 km/h).
Empty weight, 2,445 lb (1109 kg).
Loaded weight, 3,569 lb (1 619 kg).
Span, 36 ft 8 7/8 in (11,20 m).
Length, 30 ft 3 1/3 in (9,23 m).
Height, 10 ft 0 1/2 in (3,06 m).
Wing area, 388.16 sqft (36,06 m2).
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C.Owers Hansa-Brandenburg Aircraft of WWI Vol.2: Biplane Seaplanes (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 18)
Type W.27
The W.27 was a 1917 development of the W.12 two-seat fighting floatplane. The machine was powered by the 195-hp Benz Bz IIIb Vee-eight engine. The fuselage was virtually the same as that of the W.12 but the wings were different and featured "I" interplane struts. The Brandenburg three-view drawing of the Seekampf-Flugzeug-Type WXXVII shows a neatly cowled engine with a spinner to the propeller similar to the W.32. Performance was not improved enough to warrant production. All three were constructed but only photographs of MN 2202 appear to have survived. The type ended its days as a training machine. Unlike the Allies, Germany had problems with developing a Vee-eight engine during the war years and the failure of the W.27 may have been attributed to its engine.
Brandenburg W.27 Specifications
Source Typenschau Gray & Thetford Brand. 3-View
Dimensions in m
Span, Upper 11.20 11.2 11.200
Span, Lower 10.50 - 10.500
Length 8.32 9.23 8.320
Height - 3.057 -
Wing Area, m2 36.6 36.6 36.06
Empty Wt., kg 1,109 1,109 1,109
Loaded Wt., kg 1,619 1,619 1,619
Engine 195-hp Benz 195-hp Benz Bz.inb 200-hp Benz V- form
Brandenburg W.27 Production
Marine Numbers Class Engine Notes
2201 - 2203 C3MG Benz Bz.IIIbo One machine had a Benz Bz.IIIbm
Brandenburg W.32
The W.32 was an early 1918 development of the W.27 with the standard straight-six 160-hp Mercedes engine, the Typenschau stating that the machine was a conversion of the W.27. It would seem from the allocation of the Marine Numbers that the W.32 was Brandenburg's attempt to salvage the effort that went into the development of the W.27. Five W.32 biplanes were ordered but only the first three were built, the last two being cancelled in April 1918 so that Brandenburg could concentrate on the superior W.29 monoplane. MNs 2282 - 2286 were allotted to these Class C3MG machines. They were delivered to Kiel-Holtenau in early 1918.
Brandenburg W.32 Specifications
Source Typenschau Gray & Thetford SVK MN 2282
Dimensions in m
Span, Upper 11.20 11.2 11.200
Span, Lower 10.50 - 10.500
Stagger - - 1.300
Length 8.32 9.23 9.500
Height - 3.25 3.250
Wing Area, m2 36.06 36.06 -
Empty Wt., kg 1,063 1,063 1,063
Loaded Wt., kg 1,544 1,544 1,544
Time to 800 m 8.9 min. - 8.9 min.
Time to 1000 m 11.6 min. 11.6 min. 11.6 min.
Time to 1500 m 19.8 min. - 19.8 min.
Engine 160-hp Mercedes 160-hp Mercedes D.III 160-hp Mercedes
Brandenburg W.32 Production
Marine Numbers Class Engine Notes
2282 - 2286 C3MG Mercedes D.III Delivered early 1918.
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J.Herris German Seaplane Fighters of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 2)
Brandenburg W27
The W27 differed from the W12 primarily by its use of I-type interplane struts and a 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIb V-8 engine. These were class C3MG, so armament was two fixed Spandau machine guns for the pilot and one flexible Parabellum machine gun for the observer. Three aircraft, Marine Numbers 2201-2203, were built, but the engine was not in full production and the aircraft were used as trainers.
Brandenburg W32
Yet another W12 derivative was the W32, which appears to have been a W27 fitted with a 175 hp Mercedes D.IIIa engine. Again three aircraft were apparently built; Marine Numbers 2282-2284. The first aircraft, #2282, was class C3MG; the other two were class C2MG HFT. Dimensions were the same as the W27 and the W32s were accepted about the end of June 1918. By this time the faster W29 and W33 monoplanes were in production and an improved W12 was unnecessary.
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M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)
Hansa und Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke AG (Brand)
Aircraft Development:
At the start of 1918 it was apparent that aircraft supplied to the German Navy in the future would be required to carry more payload at greater speed over longer distances; hence installed power would increase, either through increased output of engines or the use of multiple engine installations. It was also clear that more machines would be needed to carry out the increasing tasks which befell a Navy now turning more and more to a defensive strategy.
Orders for aircraft had increased from small batches in 1914 to dozens in 1918, in spite of difficulties in the procurement of materials and components. This delayed deliveries to such an extent that many aircraft were short of vital parts as early as the spring of 1918. However, Hansa-Brandenburg managed to supply and deliver aircraft in fulfilment of their Navy contracts and at the same time produce experimental machines in the hope of receiving orders.
Early in 1918 the Briest plant produced the W.26 which was a long-range patrol seaplane with a 260 hp. Mercedes D.IVa engine. Three were built, but no production followed, The W.27 was a development of the W.12 with a Benz Bz.IIIb of 190 hp. One was built, although two machines were ordered. The W.28 remained in the project stage.
The Type W.32 appeared in early 1918 and was essentially a re-engined W.27. Five machines were ordered, but the latter two were cancelled in April so that the full production resources of the Brandenburg firm could be concentrated on the manufacture of the superior W.33.
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