Страна: Германия
Год: 1917
- Germania - C.I - 1917 - Германия
- Germania - C.II / C.III - 1917 - Германия
- O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
- M.Dusing Germania Flugzeugwerke and its Aircraft (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 41)
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I prototype version A.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version A with radiator mounted on center section strut.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version A prototype. The high-mounted upper wing and large wing gap are noteworthy.
The Germania C.I also had a Maybach Mb.IVa. -
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version B prototype with ear radiators and modified cabane structure.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version B front view showing the ear radiators.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version C undergoing military evaluation at Adlershof.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I prototype version A with radiators on the center section struts. (Peter M Grosz collection/STDB)
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Germania C.I version C with airfoil radiator.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Strength test off Germania C.I wing section.
O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
Germania C I
The C I featured unusual interplane bracing and ply-covered vertical fin both above and below the fuselage. There was also a small lifting surface on the axle. Engine, not known but completely cowled (possibly 240 h.p. Maybach). Armament, one fixed Spandau gun forward, one manually operated Parabellum machine-gun in rear cockpit.