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Страна: Германия

Год: 1915



W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters


   Built by the Germania-Flugzeugwerke GmbH of Leipzig, the DB two-seat fighter utilised the efficient Walfisch (Whale) fuselage configuration which endowed the gunner, seated ahead of the pilot, with a broad forward field of fire. A two-bay biplane, the DB was powered by a 180 hp Argus As III water-cooled engine, carried a single machine gun on a ring mounting in the forward cockpit and was undergoing trials in September 1915. No production of the fighter was undertaken and no data relating to this type are available.

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  • W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
  • M.Dusing Germania Flugzeugwerke and its Aircraft (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 41)
  • M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)

    The Germania DB two-seater fighter prototype of 1915 carried a gunner ahead of the pilot, firing above the upper wing.
    The Germania DB was similar in concept to the AEG C.III. Designed as a two-seat fighter, the gunner sat in the front cockpit and was armed with a flexible and unsynchronized machine gun, with the propeller obscuring the field of fire forward and downward.There was no synchronized gun for the pilot. The DB also featured a fish-shaped fuselage profile with rectangular cross section for streamlining, but had external radiators. It was a 2-bay design that remained a prototype.

  • M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)

    Germania DM two-seat fighter prototype in its hangar.