Поиск по сайту:

Страна: Германия
Год: 1912
- Caudron - C / D / E - 1912 - Франция
- Schwade - Caudron-Copy Biplane - 1912 - Германия
- Caudron - G.3 - 1913 - Франция
- Caudron - Type J - 1913 - Франция
- James - biplane - 1914 - Великобритания
- Ruffy-Baumann - biplane - 1914 - Великобритания
J.Herris - German Aircraft of Minor Manufacturers in WW1. Volume II /Centennial Perspective/ (50)
Pre-war Schwade Caudron-copy biplane with pilots. (Peter M. Grosz collection, STDB)
J.Herris - German Aircraft of Minor Manufacturers in WW1. Volume II /Centennial Perspective/ (50)
Pre-war Schwade Caudron-copy biplane with student pilots. (Peter M. Grosz collection, STDB)
J.Herris - German Aircraft of Minor Manufacturers in WW1. Volume II /Centennial Perspective/ (50)
Pre-war Schwade Caudron-copy biplane with trainee. (Peter M. Grosz collection, STDB)