Страна: Германия
Год: 1913
M.Dusing Germania Flugzeugwerke and its Aircraft (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 41)
It is more likely that another person, namely Theodor Lawrenz, stands for the development of the first Tauben made from wooden band tubes.
Theodor Lawrenz came from West Prussia. He came to Johannisthal in 1910, where he probably moved into a section of the "Sternschuppen am Alten Startplatz" and built a Taube - like monoplane with long twisting flaps here until 1911. He had the rounded plywood hull supplied by the Karl Mutter wood band tube factory in Gorwihl in Baden. The use of wood tube technology in aircraft construction, especially for fuselages, was developed by Egwin Leiber and used practically by Lawrenz for the first time. Lawrenz equipped his first monoplane with a 4-wheel chassis, the axles of which were so far apart that he could do without a tail skid. He taught himself to fly on the apparatus powered by an in-line engine and flew around Johannisthal airfield with it until over 1912. However, Lawrenz never took part in competitions and it is not known that he wanted to train student pilots on his airplane.
Apparently Theodor Lawrenz moved his workshop to Teltow in 1913, where he completed another Taube monoplane in the autumn of that year. This was now powered by a 120 hp Argus 6-cylinder engine. Like other racing monoplanes of the time, this machine was equipped with a drop-shaped fuselage and a modern lamella radiator, which nestled pleasantly under the wing roots against the round plywood fuselage. The monoplane now had a normal V-strut landing gear with a central skid and a tail skid under the tail unit. The Tauben wings were fitted with small wing braces, but they did not have a strengthening spar. Although the type gave the impression of a fast racing machine due to its sleek shape, Theodor Lawrenz did not compete with this monoplane. However, in January 1914 he passed his pilot's test on the Teltow airfield. He then took up a position at the Rahtjen flying school at Johannisthal airfield before he moved together with Leiber to Leipzig for a dedicated short timeframe. He joined Rumpler in 1915.
The aircraft manufactured by Lawrenz were later acquired by John Frank Rahtjen and found their further use in Leipzig.
- M.Dusing Germania Flugzeugwerke and its Aircraft (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 41)
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Lawrenz Taube. The radiator ribs are moulded to the shape of the fuselage.
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
Final assembly of Germania-Taube. In front is a Lawrenz-Tauben (100 hp 4-cyl. Argus).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Germania Taube - Германия - 1914
M.Dusing - Germania Flugzeugwerke and Its Aircraft /Centennial Perspective/ (41)
The first Germania-Tauben, production line in Leipzig-Mockau. In front and in the back are Lawrenz-Tauben in production (100 hp 4-cyl. Argus).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Germania Taube - Германия - 1914