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AEG #1

Страна: Германия

Год: 1910

Adlershof - Projects - 1918 - Германия<– –>AEG - #2 - 1911 - Германия

M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)

Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft, Flugzeugfabrik, Hennigsdorf (AEG)


  In January 1910, the AEG management decided to start building aircraft. To this end, a “Flight Technology Department” was set up, which was attached to the AEG factories in Hennigsdorf. Locomotives were the main product manufactured at this site.
  Initial flying experience was gained with a purchased Wright aircraft, which then led to the construction of a number of experimental types under the direction of Chief Engineer Stumpf.
  The workshops required for this purpose were set up in the rooms of an old sawmill located on the AEG site in Hennigsdorf. In the years that followed, the factory premises required for aircraft construction were continuously expanded.

Aircraft Development:

  In 1910, at the instigation of Mr. Baurat Jordan, a “Flight Technology Department” was added to the “A.E.G.”. The first flying experiences were gained on a purchased Wright machine, which then led to the construction of a series of test types under the direction of the chief engineer Stumpf.

M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
The first AEG aeroplane was powered by a 75 hp Korting 8SL116 (V8) engine (1910).