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airplane photo

Страна: Великобритания

Год: 1919

Летающая лодка (проект)

C.Andrews, E.Morgan Supermarine Aircraft since 1914 (Putnam)

Some Supermarine Design Projects

  Like most of the British aircraft companies that survived the First World War, Supermarine were active in submitting many attractive design projects for new types to meet official specifications or to attract interest from potential operators, possibly from emergent countries new to air transport. Some of these are outlined here ranging from the ambitious transatlantic triplane flying-boat of 1919 to the quarter-scale SST model of the Concorde.
  In the military sphere came attempts to harvest the knowledge derived from participation in the Schneider Trophy International Seaplane Contest from improvements to the single-seat fighter flying-boat as exemplified by the Admiralty Air Department Baby of the First World War to the ultimate Spitfire of the Second World War.
  The ‘unframed’ drawings were specially prepared from surviving Supermarine drawings which were not suitable for reproduction.

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  • C.Andrews, E.Morgan Supermarine Aircraft since 1914 (Putnam)