Страна: Франция
Год: 1919
J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
Bassan-Gue BN4 Bomber
The Aviation Militaire, interested in obtaining a strategic night bomber in the same class as the RAF's Handley Pages, issued the BN4 specification in August 1918.
The B 3/4 requirement was for a heavy bomber to be used for night attacks, which meant that it would need little, if any, defensive armament. It was to carry a crew of three or four and have a 1,200-kg bomb load. Projected date for entry into service was 1919. The Bassan-Gue bomber was one of the aircraft designed to meet the specification.
The Bassan-Gue was to have been a triplane powered by three 450-hp Renault engines. However, the STAe had decided to reserve these engines for use on fighters; strategic bombers were not being given top priority for engine production. Instead it was asked that the design accept Hispano engines of only 300 hp. This meant the Bassan-Gue bomber would have been underpowered by 33 percent or would have had to been modified to accept four engines. It is not surprising, therefore, that the design was abandoned before it ever left the drawing board.
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)