Страна: Франция
Год: 1918
J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
Bille S.A.C.A.N.A. Triplane Bombers
Among the diverse firms that submitted designs to meet the BN 3/4 specifications of 1918, the Bille (S.A.C.A.N.A.) firm submitted three triplanes in early 1918. Two seem to have been identical except that one was to have six 400-hp Lorraine engines and the other to have six 400-hp Liberty engines. This dual design was probably necessitated by the difficult engine availability situation in 1918; many of the better engines were being reserved for fighters. Both aircraft had a combined wing surface area of 500 sq. m, fuel for 12 hours endurance, a maximum speed of 160 km/h at 4.000 m. and could climb to 4,000 m in one hour.
The third design was also a huge triplane with a combined wing area of 600 sq. m. Power was to have been supplied by six S.A.N.A. engines of 700-hp each. The estimated weights were equally impressive and included an empty weight of 16,032 kg, loaded weight of 25,054 kg, and a payload of 5,000 kg. Enough fuel was to be carried for 12 hours endurance. The estimated maximum speed at 4,000 m was 160 km/h. and climb to 4,000 m was to take 60 minutes. This design also remained an unbuilt project.
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)