Страна: Франция
Год: 1917
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J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
Coutant Flying Boat
A flying boat was designed and built by the Coutant firm that first entered service in late 1917, and was selected for the same patrol/medium bombing specification as the D.D.10 (an aircraft with two 200-hp Hispano-Suiza engines), G.L. HB 2, Tellier T.4, and the Borel-Odier B.O.2. It is interesting to note that the Aviation Maritime chose to purchase a small number of flying boats from each of the five manufacturers rather than standardize on the production of a single type for the patrol/light bomber role. Certainly having such a multiplicity of types in service would only have exacerbated the problems of supply and maintenance at the naval aviation bases.
The Coutant flying boat appears to have been a conventional seaplane but with an exceptionally thin tail. At the end of the upswept empennage was a horizontal stabilizer and a circular rudder. The upper wing was considerably larger than the lower and the 280-hp Renault engine was mounted above the fuselage centerline just below the top wing. The aircraft, which appears to have carried two crew members side by side, was armed with a single machine gun and up to 140 kg of bombs. It is not known how many Coutant flying boats were obtained by the Aviation Maritime, but they saw limited operational service. Only two were delivered from February to September 1917.
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
Coutant flying boat at the seaplane base at Saint Raphael. The engine was a 280-hp Renault. According to SHAA records only two examples were delivered to the Aviation Maritime during 1917.