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Страна: Франция

Год: 1916


J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)

Farman F.46E

  The F.46E was intended for use as a trainer in 1916. It featured dual controls with a partition between the student and instructor. It has been estimated that up to 10,000 pilots were trained on it during the war. The aircraft had a layout similar to the F.40 but featured elongated skids with two pairs of wheels mounted on the front of each skid. This was obviously intended to prevent nosing over during landing. The main disadvantage of the aircraft was that it had a pusher layout (unlike most of the other aircraft at the front) and its control system was markedly different from most other aircraft in service. It was powered by an 80-hp Renault 8B.
  The Norwegian army air corps ordered two in September 1920 after it was learned that there had been numerous accidents with the M.F.7s and F.40s being used at the training schools. The two F.46Es arrived at Kjeller Airdrome in November 1920. Given serial numbers 25 and 27, they remained in service until 1928.

F.46E Two-Seat Trainer with 80-hp Renault 8B
   Span 17.60 m; length 9.60 m; height 3.75 m; wing area 55 sq. m
   Empty weight 675 kg; loaded weight 1,000 kg
   Maximum speed: 100 km/h; range 400 km

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  • J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
  • Журнал Flight