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Страна: Франция

Год: 1918


J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)

Hochart S2

  The requirement for armored aircraft went back to 1912, when the Artillery Corps decided that all its planes would need to be armored against ground fire. The engines of the time would not permit an aircraft to carry armor and still have an acceptable performance. However, experience during the war with armored Caudron G.4s and, with much less success, F.43s, showed that such aircraft could be of enormous value in attacking ground troops. However, the G.4s and F.43s were too outdated to be successful in this role for long. Indeed, both types were soon relegated to flying when weather conditions would limit fighter opposition. However, the Aviation Militaire still wanted an armored ground-attack plane and in 1918 issued the S2 classification. This category called for a two-seat aircraft with armor and capable of attacking ground troops with machine guns and bombs. The LeO 5, Canton S2, Voisin 12, and Hochart S2 were designed to meet this specification.
  Little is known about the Hochart S2 aside from the fact that it had two 200-hp Clerget 11E engines. The wings were of unequal span and were staggered. Armament comprised four machine guns which fired ahead and downward and two flexible guns. Sixteen 10-kg bombs could be carried. The Clerget 11E rotary engines were high-compression, and it was estimated that the aircraft would have poor performance below 2,000 m. Since the Hochart S2 was intended for ground attack, this would appeared to have placed a severe limitation on its usefulness. This, plus the difficulties encountered with the development of the Clerget 11E engine, effectively ended the Aviation Militaire's interest in the type. As far as can be determined, construction of the prototype was never completed.

Hochart S2 Two-Seat Ground-Attack Aircraft With Two Clerget 11E Engines (all data provisional)
   Loaded weight 2,335 kg
   Maximum speed (estimated): 170 km/h at 3,000 m; ceiling between 6,000 and 6,500 m
   Armament: six machine guns and 160 kg of bombs

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  • J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
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