Страна: Франция
Год: 1918
Летающая лодка
Единственный экземпляр
J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
L.A.F. Desmon Flying Boat
The L.A.F. (Ligue Aeronautique Francaise or French Air League) designed and built a biplane flying boat with a crew of two which began testing in mid-1918. It was powered by two 280-hp Renault engines and was intended as a torpedo plane. The aircraft had twin hulls, each of which had two steps. The first flight was 28 June J 918. On the first two attempts to land a large amount of water sprayed up between the two hulls, making landing difficult. On the third attempt to land one of the aircraft's hulls failed and filled with water. As a result of this the Desmon was not flown again and the wreck was condemned in July 1919. Other land-based designs were proposed by L.A.F. but never built.
L.A.F. Flying Boat with Two 280-hp Renault Engines
Wing area 105 sq. m
Payload 500 kg
Maximum speed: 141 km/h at 2,000 meters; climb to 2,000 meters in 25 minutes
One built
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
LAF Desmon artist's impression.