Страна: Франция
Год: 1916
J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
Nieuport 18 and 19
With the failure of the 1915 concours to produce a suitable bomber, it was decided to hold another competition in 1916. Nieuport designed a twin-engine bomber with the engines in a tractor configuration. Two versions were produced. One had two 150-hp Hispano-Suiza engines and was designated the Nieuport 18. The other had two 150-hp Clerget engines and was designated the Nieuport 19. Both carried a crew of three. Known dimensions were a wing span of 18.20 in, a length of 13.30 m, and a wing area of 53 sq. m.
Although no photographs of the aircraft have been found, drawings show a configuration similar to the Gotha G.V. In typical Nieuport fashion, the biplane wings were of unequal span, the top wing substantially longer than the bottom. The bottom wing was also narrower than the top wing. The two-bay wing used V-shaped interplane struts. As with most French bombers, the landing gear consisted of a single large wheel under each engine nacelle and a pair of large nosewheels. One gunner was seated in the nose and another was located well aft of the wings. The pilot was seated under the top wing. The very long rear fuselage ended in a oval fin and rudder assembly and the tail surfaces were curved.
The aircraft was not selected for production. It has been suggested that the Aviation Militaire discouraged Nieuport from developing a bomber prototype because it was feared that such a project might interfere with the production of the badly needed Nieuport fighters.
Apparently, the Royal Naval Air Service saw some merit in the aircraft, as 25 were ordered (with crew complement reduced to two) with 110-hp Clerget engines. Serial numbers allocated were 3940-3945, 3953, 3995-3997, and 8475-8486. It is possible that the failure to secure an order from the Aviation Militaire led the Nieuport firm to abandon further development of the Types 18 and 19, and the RNAS machines were never delivered.
Nieuport Twin-Fuselage Aircraft
A twin-engine tractor biplane with two fuselages was built in 1916. It may have been intended for use as a bomber or escort fighter/destroyer in the same F category (Fortress) as the Breguet 11 and the Van Den Born F5. It appears that the RNAS placed an order with Nieuport for this aircraft in 1915. The Nieuports were described as "Twin Biplanes" and were allocated serials 1395-1397. They were to be powered by two 110-hp Clergets (indicating that this order might have actually been for the Nieuport 18/19 described below). The order was canceled in December 1915.
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
Nieuport 18 and 19 (Provisional)