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Albatros W.4

Страна: Германия

Год: 1916

Single-seat station defence seaplane

Albatros - W.3/W.5 - 1916 - Германия<– –>Albatros - C.IX - 1917 - Германия

В.Обухович, А.Никифоров Самолеты Первой Мировой войны

На основе конструкции D I был создан поплавковый истребитель Альбатрос W 4. Он отличался увеличенными размерами планера, несколько другим по форме фюзеляжем и хвостовым оперением. Самолет был оснащен двигателем Мерседес D.III. Поплавки были недостаточно прочными и часто ломались, возникали проблемы с охлаждением двигателя. Было произведено 118 машин.

J.Herris German Seaplane Fighters of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 2)

Albatros W4

   Albatros, the largest German aircraft manufacturer, responded to the Navy's request with the W4, a seaplane development of their Albatros D.I fighter that was being built at the same time. Both the W4 and D.I were powered by the 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine. Due to its floats, the W4 was heavier than the D.I and needed larger wings for more lift. The horizontal tail was larger to compensate for the larger wings, and flight testing of the prototype revealed tail heaviness. Changing the amount of stagger solved the problem and happily also improved climb rate and top speed. The prototype and initial production W4s had ear radiators and a single machine gun. The harsh operating environment caused considerable problems with the wood floats and a number of different designs had to be tried both for strength and seaworthiness. Repairs and water-proofing the leading edge and spars of the lower wings were also required after water damage, including delamination of the spars, was discovered. Starting with the second W4 production batch, two machine guns were fitted.
   The arrival of summer weather revealed problems with the ear radiators, which had to be replaced with a new design. Starting with the fifth production batch (1484-1503), airfoil radiators were fitted to reduce drag. To improve maneuverability the last two production batches were fitted with ailerons on all four wings.
   By the time the final production batch was built, the Brandenburg W12 two-seat floatplane fighter had proved it was more effective in combat than single-seater floatplane fighters and the final production batch of W4s was delivered directly to storage. Eight W4s were traded to the Austro-Hungarian Navy in July 1918 in return for Austro-Daimler V-12 engines to power Staaken R-planes. Designated E5 to E12 in Austro-Hungarian service, these saw no combat. By August 1918 only four W4s were on combat duty on the North Sea and another five were on combat duty in Turkey.
   A total of 118 W4 fighters were built in a series of production batches summarized in the table above.

Albatros W4 Production Summary
Marine Number Qty Notes
747, 785-786 3 Prototypes; 1 gun, ear radiators
902-911 10 1 gun, ear radiators
948-967 20 2 guns, ear radiators
1107-1116 10 2 guns, ear radiators
1302-1326 25 2 guns, ear radiators
1484-1503 20 2 guns, airfoil radiator, 4 ailerons
1504-1513 10 2 guns, airfoil radiator, 4 ailerons
1719-1738 20 As 1504-1513; delivered directly to storage.

J.Herris Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Vol.3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 26)

Albatros W.4

   Albatros, the largest WWI German aircraft manufacturer, responded to the Navy's request for a floatplane fighter with the W.4, a seaplane development of their Albatros D.I fighter that was being built at the same time. Both the W.4 and D.I were powered by the 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine. Due to its floats, the W.4 was heavier than the D.I and needed larger wings for more lift. The horizontal tail was larger to compensate for the larger wings, and flight testing of the prototype revealed tail heaviness. Changing the amount of stagger solved the problem and happily also improved climb rate and top speed. The prototype and initial production W.4s had ear radiators and a single machine gun. The harsh operating environment caused considerable problems with the wood floats and a number of different designs had to be tried both for strength and seaworthiness. Repairs and water-proofing the leading edge and spars of the lower wings were also required after water damage, including delamination of the spars, was discovered. Starting with the second W.4 production batch, two machine guns were fitted.
   The arrival of summer weather revealed problems with the ear radiators, which had to be replaced with a new design. Starting with the fifth production batch (1484-1503), airfoil radiators were fitted to reduce drag. To improve maneuverability the last two production batches were fitted with ailerons on all four wings. A total of 118 W.4s were built.
   By the time the final production batch was built, the Brandenburg W.12 two-seat floatplane fighter had proved it was more effective in combat than single- seater floatplane fighters and the final production batch of W.4s was delivered directly to storage. Eight W.4s were traded to the Austro-Hungarian Navy in July 1918 in return for Austro-Daimler V-12 engines to power Staaken R-planes. Designated E5 to E12 in Austro-Hungarian service, these saw no combat. By August 1918 only four W.4s were on combat duty on the North Sea and another five were on combat duty in Turkey.

Albatros W.4 Production Summary
Marine Number Qty Notes
747, 785-786 3 Prototypes; 1 gun, ear radiators
902-911 10 1 gun, ear radiators
948-967 20 2 guns, ear radiators
1107-1116 10 2 guns, ear radiators
1302-1326 25 2 guns, ear radiators
1484-1503 20 2 guns, airfoil radiator, 4 ailerons
1504-1513 10 2 guns, airfoil radiator, 4 ailerons
1719-1738 20 As 1504-1513; delivered directly to storage.
A total of 118 W.4 fighters were built in a series of production batches summarized in this table.

Albatros Seaplane Specifications
Type W.1 W.2 W.3 W4 MN747 W4 (948-967) W.5 W.8
Engine 150 hp Benz Bz.III or 160 hp Mercedes D.III 150 hp Benz Bz.III 2x150 hp Benz Bz.III 160 hp Mercedes D.III 160 hp Mercedes D.III 2x150 hp Benz Bz.III 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIb
Span 14.3 m 10.0 m 22.7 m 9.50 m 9.50 m 22.7 m 11.46 m
Length 8.56 m 8.2 m 13.1 m 8.50 m 8.50 m 13.1 m 9.59 m
Wing Area 43.0 m2 31.4 m2 - 31.0 m2 - 100 m2 -
Empty Weight - 935 kg. - 709 kg 784 kg 2,263 kg -
Flying Weight - 1,215 kg - 989 kg 155 km/h 3,665 kg -
Maximum Speed - 176 km/h 133 km/h 155 km/h 160 km/h 133 km/h 150 km/h
Climb to 1,000m - - - - 5.5 min. 20.0 min. 6.5 min.
Climb to 2,000m - - - - 8.5 min. -
Climb to 3,000m - - - - 23 min. - 34 min.
Duration - - - - - 4 hours 3.5 hours
Guns None 1 gun 1 gun 1 gun 2 guns 1 gun 1-2 fixed guns + 1 flexible gun

А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России

Редкой "птицей" в наших краях был поплавковый аэроплан "Альбатрос В. 4". Кроме аппаратов, брошенных в Крыму, русские пилоты встречались с такими машинами на Балтике, но в плен они не попадали. В отличие от всех ранее упоминавшихся разведчиков, "четверка" являлась настоящим истребителем, создававшимся в 1916 г. для защиты воздушных баз на побережье Северного моря от налетов британских морских самолетов. Модель В. 4 (W 4) была оригинальной разработкой, но все-таки имела сухопутного предшественника, "Альбатрос Д. 1", хотя по сравнению с ним обладала увеличенными размерами, большим весом и, конечно же, поплавковым шасси. Последнее оказалось в буквальном смысле слабым местом конструкции, так как недостаточная прочность понтонов вела к их частой замене. Вдобавок несущие поверхности нередко страдали от воздействия сырости, а в жаркую летнюю погоду боковые фюзеляжные радиаторы "кипятили" воду. Фирма постоянно работала над устранением этих и других недостатков, но в конечном счете пилоты предпочитали "Румплеры 6Б" "Альбатросам В. 4", чье применение, в результате, не отличалось интенсивностью: в период с февраля 1917 г. по август 1918 г. флот списал только 21 аэроплан из примерно 100 принятых - довольно низкий показатель для германского морского истребителя. В августе 1918 г. 4 аппарата находились в боевых отрядах Северного моря, 5 - в Турции, 56 - в резерве, а остальные, из общего числа в 86 единиц, служили в учебных подразделениях на Балтике или ремонтировались. Остается добавить, что всего компания "Альбатрос" построила 118 "четверок" с двигателями "Мерседес" 160 л. с. Большинство из этих самолетов вооружали двумя синхронизированными пулеметами "Шпандау", хотя ранние машины несли только один. На снимке 71 изображен "Альбатрос В. 4", парящий где-то в районе Севастополя, вероятно, в 1919 г. (из коллекции Т. Дарси).

O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)

Albatros W 4

   During 1916, as a result of the depredations of British flying-boats and seaplanes upon the North Sea Air Stations of Zeebrugge, Borkum, etc., the German Naval authorities ordered the production of single-seat seaplane fighting scouts (Jagdetnsitzer Wasser) for local station defence duties. To ensure the speedy appearance of a suitable aircraft, modification of land machines was put in hand, resulting in the appearance of the Brandenburg KDW (a seaplane version of the D I "Star Strutter" scout supplied to the Austrian air forces), the Rumpler 6BI and 6BII (a single-seat seaplane variant of the C I) and the Albatros W 4, which used many components of the Albatros D I.
   These Albatros W 4s were able to remain on patrol in the vicinity of their home station for about three hours, attacking any enemy aircraft that should put in an appearance. Enemy patrol seaplanes were not too difficult to deal with, as the W 4 usually had the edge in speed and manoeuvrability, and was certainly superior in armament. The powerful and well-armed flying-boats of the R.N.A.S. Yarmouth and Felixstowe stations were, however, a much stiffer proposition, and pilots had to be possessed of a considerable degree of dash and resolution to close with these redoubtable opponents and achieve any decisive effect.
   The Albatros W 4 has often been described as an "Albatros D I (or D II) on floats", whereas, in fact, it was considerably larger in overall dimensions. Certainly the D I fuselage was used as a basis, although this was modified to a degree, especially in the tail section. The same basic formula of longerons and formers with ply covering was used; the upper fin was still built integral with the fuselage and ply-covered, but it was increased in area to compensate for the under-fin, which was deleted. The tailplane was also increased in area, ply-covered and braced to the vertical fin with light-gauge steel struts. As on the D I, the one-piece balanced elevator and the rudder were of welded steel-tube framing and covered with fabric. On the earlier W 4s the box-like Windholf radiators were positioned on the fuselage sides as on the D I but later the more efficient Teeves and Braun aerofoil-shaped radiators were installed in the centre-section in an endeavour to reduce drag.
   It was in the wing structure the W 4 differed from the D types, the span being increased by exactly 1 m. (3 ft. 3 3/16 in.), although the profile remained much the same, as was the constructional method of ply ribs mounted on two box-spars. The gap was much increased, and much longer and stronger centre-section struts were required. These were of streamlined section steel tube, of inverted U-shape with strengthening webs at the corners, and splayed outwards from the fuselage. Initially, ailerons of inverse taper were fitted to the upper wingtips only, but with this arrangement lateral control was on the sluggish side, so subsequent aircraft were fitted with ailerons at all four wingtips, linked with a steel-tube strut.
   A variety of floats was fitted to Albatros W 4s in an endeavour to discover optimum take-off performance. Operating from their own - presumably sheltered - waters, no great degree of seaworthiness, in the accepted sense, was required. Single-stepped floats of plain rectangular cross-section, and with little fore-and-aft taper at either bows or stern, were fitted; floats with flat tops, curved top decking and twin steps were also tried. A robust steel-tube chassis supported the floats, and the spreader struts were of the same medium; all bracing wires were of stranded cable.
   Increased fuel tankage (two separate tanks each of 73 litres capacity, together with 13 litres of oil) provided the considerable endurance already mentioned.
   Albatros W 4s remained in service until replaced by the faster and more effective Brandenburg two-seaters. They were supplied to the German Navy in small batches over the period September 1916 to December 1917, by which time some 118 of the type had been delivered.

   Description: Single-seat station defence seaplane.
   Manufacturers: Albatros Werke G.m.b.H. Friedrichschagen.
   Power Plant: One 160 h.p. Mercedes D III 6 cylinder in-line water-cooled engine.
   Dimensions: Span, 9.5 m. (31 ft. 2 in.). Length, 8.5 m. (27 ft. 10 3/4 in.). Height, 3.65 m. (11 ft. 11 3/4 in.). Wing area, 31.6 sq.m. (341 sq.ft.).
   Weights: Empty, 790 kg. (1,738 lb.). Loaded, 1,070 kg. (2,354 lb.).
   Performance: Maximum speed, 158-160 km.hr. (100 m.p.h.). Initial climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 5 min. Ceiling, 9,840 ft. Duration, 3 hr.
   Armament: Two fixed Spandau machine-guns synchronised to fire through airscrew. (Sometimes only one gun fitted.)

W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters


   Ordered as a prototype in June 1916 and tested at Warnemunde in the following September, the W 4 single-seat fighter floatplane mated a D II fuselage with new wings and tail surfaces, the 160 hp Daimler D III engine being retained. The twin floats had to be redesigned and reinforced, and the transparent Cellon wing centre section panel featured by early production W 4s became brittle and tore in flight, necessitating replacement by fabric. From June 1917, the side radiators - which tended to boil over in hot weather - were replaced, and, with the sixth production batch commencing with the 68th series aircraft, ailerons were introduced also in the lower wing. With an armament of either one or two 7,92-mm guns, the W 4 operated over both the North Sea and the Baltic, and 128 (including the prototype) were built, the last of eight batches being ordered in August 1917 with deliveries being completed in the following December. As late as June 1918, 65 W 4s were still listed as active (24 more being with various seaplane stations as practice machines).

Max speed, 99 mph (160 km/h).
Time to 3,280 ft (1000 m), 6.5 min.
Empty weight, 1,742 lb (790 kg).
Loaded weight, 2,359 lb (1070 kg).
Span, 31ft 2 in (9,50m).
Length, 27ft 1 1/4 in (8,26m).
Height, 11 ft 11 3/4 in (3,65 m).
Wing area, 340.15 sq ft (31,60 m2).

E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918

E 5 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1317 Merc 160
E 6 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1326 Merc 160
E 7 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1504 Merc 160
E 8 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1505 Merc 160
E 9 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1506 Merc 160
E 10 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1507 Merc 160
E 11 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1508 Merc 160
E 12 Albatros W4 Dt. Marinenummer 1318 Merc 160

J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
The prototype Albatros W.4 Marine #747 as built with stained wood fuselage and clear-doped linen flying surfaces. After it was assigned to Zeebrugge it was partly over-painted in camouflage colors.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
The prototype Albatros W4 Marine #747 as built with stained wood fuselage and clear-doped linen flying surfaces. After it was assigned to Zeebrugge it was partly over-painted in camouflage colors.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #747 was given a splotchy camouflage pattern (exact pattern and colors unknown) and named Mowe (Seagull) after assignment to Seeflugstation Zeebrugge. It was flown by Oblt.z.S. Friedrich Christiansen.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #911 after tactical markings were added. This fighter was flown by Lt.z.S. Schulz, who downed three aircraft while flying it.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #911 after tactical markings were added. Close inspection of available photos shows the circular markings were in three colors, thought to be the German national colors, and were applied to the top of the rear fuselage in addition to the sides. This fighter was flown by Lt.s.Z. Schulz, who downed three aircraft while flying it.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1115 carried a personal insignia of a white arrow.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Albatros W.4
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1512 illustrates the final W.4 production configuration with two guns, an airfoil radiator, and ailerons on all four wings for better maneuverability, and finished in standard naval late-war camouflage.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #1512 was the next to last W4 built in the next to last production batch. It represented the final W4 production configuration with two guns, an airfoil radiator, and ailerons on all four wings for better maneuverability, and was finished in standard naval late-war camouflage.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
This late production Albatros W.4 with unknown Marine Number carried 1918 national insignia. By 1918 the W.4 was used only for training.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 prototype Marine Number 747.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 prototype MN 747 with visiting dignitaries in the background. Behind MN747 the tail of MN749 can be seen at left. MN749 was the Friedrichshafen FF43 that was a competitor for single-seat floatplane fighter orders from the Navy, but only one was built. Despite remaining a single prototype, the FF43 was assigned to Zeebrugge where it scored a victory. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Oblt.zur See Friedrich Christiansen in the W.4 prototype, MN 747, at Zeebrugge. Now operational, this aircraft has had the fuselage cross modified by over-painting and was christened with the name Mowe (Seagull). The floats are longer than the initial floats used and have been camouflaged. Christiansen went on to score 13 victories and was awarded the Pour le Merite.
The first production batch had a single machine gun, but subsequent batches had two guns. The W4 was perhaps the best German single-seat floatplane fighter and was ordered in the largest quantity, 118 being delivered.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
A pair of Albatros W4 fighters ready for launching; Marine #911, last aircraft of the first production batch, is nearest the camera. W4 #911 later had additional tactical markings added.
J.Herris - Friedrichshafen Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (21)
Seaplanes lined up at Windau in 1917 include at least seven Albatros W4 fighters, with Marine Numbers 911, 958, and 1107 visible on the original photo. Albatros W4 Marine #911 is the aircraft in the right background with the two circles on the fuselage. Marine #911 was the most successful Albatros W4 in the Baltic; Lt.z.S. Schulz downed three aircraft while flying it. Friedrichshafen FF33L Marine #1263, a category CHFT reconnaissance two-seater, is in the left foreground, and a similar machine is at right.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #954, from the third production batch. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 #956 of the second production batch. The ear radiator is prominent and, located on both sides of the aircraft, partially spoiled the clean aerodynamic lines of the fuselage. This was addressed by using lower-drag airfoil radiators in the last three production batches.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W4 Marine #964 of the second production batch.
When the German Navy requested single-seat floatplane fighters for station defense, Albatros responded with their W4, which was based on their D.I fighter and used the same 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine. The W4 had larger wings to support the extra weight of the floats.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
Albatros W.4 Marine #965 outside its hangar. The dent in the spinner appears to match the two photos opposite.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
This photo shows a woman in the cockpit of an Albatros W4; the photo seems to have been retouched to include her in 'pin-up' style, perhaps for a postcard. The W4 appears to be Marine #965 shown above; the dent in the spinner appears to be the same.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #965, an aircraft of the second production batch, with its pilot. This photo appears to be the one used to create the 'pin-up' photo.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 MN 1115 of the third production batch carries an arrow as a personal insignia; the pilot looks pleased to be photographed with his fighter.
The Albatros W.4 was developed from the Albatros D.I to fulfil the classification for a single-seat seaplane fighter in 1916. This particular W.4, Nr. 1115 was flown by Erich Kaestner who served eight years as a Marineflieger.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1318, from the fourth production batch, is shown here at the Austro-Hungarian Seeflugstation Puntisella in July 1918 before its new Austro-Hungarian serial E12 was applied.
Seeflugzeug 1318, Type Albatros W.4, Seeflugstation Puntisella, Juli 1918, noch mit deutscher Marinenummer, vorgesehen als k.u.k. E 12
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 Marine #1322 from the fourth production batch has been damaged by a hard landing. It wears the late insignia so this photo is from 1918, indicating training use. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 MN 1322 in flight.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W4 #1486 of the fifth production batch before its accident shows the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, two guns, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1495 of the 5th production batch undergoing factory stress testing.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1512, sixth production batch, illustrates the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W4 #1512, sixth batch, also shows the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme.
Used essentially for the local air defence of naval seaplane bases in the Flanders area, the single seat Albatros W 4 floatplane fighter entered service with the navy in late 1916. Based on the company's successful D II fighter, but slightly scaled up, the W 4 used a 160hp Mercedes D III, giving it a top level speed of 109mph at 6,560 feet, dropping to 99mph at sea level. Armament comprised a single, synchronized 7.92mm Spandau, although some later machines carried a second gun. In all 117 W 4s were delivered, with 3 in 1916 and 114 in 1917. The machine seen here, serial 1512, was the penultimate of a 10-plane batch delivered during October and November 1917.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1512 illustrates the final production configuration of four ailerons, an airfoil radiator, and the late naval camouflage scheme. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early production Albatros W.4 on beaching trolleys. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early Albatros W.4 with ear radiators. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Early production Albatros W.4 being hoisted out of the water. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Late production Albatros W.4 with four ailerons and 1918 insignia. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/SDTB)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Oblt.zur See Friedrich Christiansen flying an Albatros W.4. Different float designs are evident in these W.4 photos; many different designs were tried to offer the best combination of handling on the water and in the air while maintaining water-tight integrity in the rough waters. Floats frequently needed replacement on operational aircraft. Christiansen scored 13 victories and was awarded the Pour le Merite.
А.Александров, Г.Петров - Крылатые пленники России
(КПР 71)
J.Herris - Gotha Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (6)
Two Gotha WD11s in flight with an Albatros W4 at bottom left.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
W.4 MN 1486 having a bad day.
J.Herris - German Seaplane Fighters of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (2)
This view of wrecked Albatros W4 Marine #958 of the second production batch being recovered from the water shows the three-color naval hexagonal camouflage fabric used on later production aircraft. The printed fabric was used on all upper surfaces. Printing the color on the fabric during manufacture saved time, labor, the weight of paint, and the paint itself.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
A crane rescues an Albatros W.4 having a bad day; the naval camouflage fabric is well shown. (Courtesy Bruno Schmaling)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 SVK Drawing, MN 747, 785, 786
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 SVK Drawing, MN 902-911
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
A late production W 4 with wing-mounted radiator.
O.Thetford, P.Gray - German Aircraft of the First World War /Putnam/
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Early)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Early)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Early)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Late)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Late)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 3: Bombers, Seaplanes, J-types /Centennial Perspective/ (26)
Albatros W.4 (Late)