Страна: Германия
Год: 1912
- Farman - Farman-III - 1909 - Франция
- Albatros - Farman F1 / F2 - 1910 - Германия
- Avro - Farman type biplane - 1910 - Великобритания
- Farman - Farman-IV - 1910 - Франция
- Albatros - WMZ - 1912 - Германия
- Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
- J.Herris Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Vol 1: Early Two-Seaters (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 24)
- M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)
- Журнал Flight
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
From March 1912 it was laid down that all German naval aeroplanes had to be of amphibian configuration, a difficult requirement to meet with the marginal engine power then available. By discarding the wheels fitted to the central Coulmann float of the Albatros WD3 (70hp Mercedes), Oberleutnant zur See Langfeld was able to make the first water take-off on 5 July 1912. When the wheels were fitted again, a system was used that enabled them to be raised clear of the water. To reduce water resistance further and allow acceleration to flying speed, the wing tip floats could also be raised by means of the large handwheel on the port side of the nacelle.
A.Imrie - German Naval Air Service /Arms & Armour/
Official dissatisfaction with the slow progress of the marine aeroplane led to the first German Seaplane Competition, held at Heiligendamm in August-September 1912. Various manufacturers submitted what were basically landplanes fitted with floats, and although only two (Aviatik and Albatros) met the requirements, the official view was that the problems of amphibian operation had been solved. In a further internal selection, the RMA (Reichs Marine Amt - German Admiralty) purchased this Albatros (80hp Argus) entry from funds raised by the West Prussian section of the Deutscher-Luftflotten-Verein.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
This Albatros MZ2 floatplane was used in early trials with W/T (wireless telegraphy) as indicated by the long aerial mounted to the pilot's right.The ground antenna can be seen behind the aircraft.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Naval Air Station 1913/14.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: AGO Pusher Seaplane Trainer - Германия - 1912
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
With this Albatros water biplane, the Kaiserliche Marine made its first attempts at wireless communication as early as 1912. In addition to the antenna wires, various parts of a radio system can be seen.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Albatros Wasser-Militar-Zweidecker (WMZ) No. 2 with NAG 4-cylinder 100 hp F3 engine. With this aircraft (navy number D.5), the navy undertook its first flight tests to test radio telegraphy.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
The Albatros MZ2 was also built as a floatplane; there a float-equipped F2 is being prepared to be lowered into the water by crane. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/The Museum of Flight)
The Albatros WMZ of 1911 was generally considered to be the German Imperial Naval Air Service's first practical seaplane, but aeroplanes were to take a back seat to airships in pre-war naval plans. -
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
HYDRO-AEROPLANES AT THE HEILIGENDAMM MEETING. - View of the Albatross from behind.
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
HYDRO-AEROPLANES AT THE HEILIGENDAMM MEETING. - Slipway and protecting breakwater.
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
HYDRO-AEROPLANES AT THE HEILIGENDAMM MEETING. - The forward floats of the Albatross..
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
ALBATROS. Military hydro-biplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
5. The Albatros seaplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
HYDRO-AEROPLANES AT THE HEILIGENDAMM MEETING. - The Albatross biplane flying round the cruiser "Munchen."
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
5. The Albatros seaplane.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
ALBATROS. Albatroswerke G.m.b. H. Flugzeugfabr. u. Fliegerschule, Johannisthal bei Berlin. Established 1910. One of the largest constructors in Germany. Capacity: 150 machines a year.
1911-12. 1912. 1912-13. Hydro. Mono.
2-seat Military Military
tractor tractor tractor.
biplane. biplane.
Length....feet(m.) 13? (10.70) 43?-1/2 (10.5) 42? (12.8) ... ...
Spa.......feet(m.) 43-2/3(13.30) 52? (16) 65? (20) ... ...
Are...sq. feet(m?) 430 (40) 576 (54) 624 (58.5) ... ...
Weight, total...
......lbs.(kgs.) 1058 (480) 1543 (700) 1874 (850) ... ...
.... .lbs.(kgs.) 661 (300) ... ... ... ...
Motor.........h.p. 100 Argus 90 Mercedes 120 N.A.G. or ... ...
or 100 Argus Aust. Daimler
max...m.p.h.(km) 56 (90) 59 (95) 46 (75) ... ...
min...m.p.h.(km) ... ... ... ... ...
Endurance.....hrs. 6 6 7-5 ... ...
Number built
during 1912 about 40 70 30 4 2
Remarks.--In all the upper plane is slightly staggered. In all the control is duplicated.