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Страна: Германия

Год: 1918

O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)

D.F.W. F 37
   A late 1918 product, the F 37 may have been the C VII, but this is not confirmed. After the war, a height record of 7,700 m. (25,255 ft.) was obtained when fitted with 260 h.p. B.M.W. IV engine. Engine, 220 h.p. Benz IVa. Span, 13.6 m. (44 ft. 7 1/2 in.). Length, 7.0 m. (22 ft. 1 5/8 in.). Height, 2.8 m. (9 ft. 2 1/4 in.). Area, 38 sq.m. (410.4 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 800 kg. (1,760 lb.). Loaded 1,230 kg. (2,706 lb.). Speed, 160 km.hr. (100 m.p.h.). Climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 3 min.

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  • O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
  • J.Herris DFW Aircraft of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 29)
  • Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919