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Страна: Германия

Год: 1917

O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)

Gotha WD 12
   Only a single specimen (No. 944) of this unarmed patrol seaplane was supplied to the German Navy, although other aircraft of this type were built for Turkey. Turkish machines were railed to Herkulesbad in Hungary, erected and flown across Rumania to Lom-Polanka in Bulgaria, where they were again transported to Constantinople. Engine, 160 h.p. Mercedes DIII. Span, 150 m. (49 ft. 2 5/8 in.). Length, 10.0 m. (32 ft. 9 3/4 in.). Height 3.825 m. (12 ft. 6 1/2 in.). Area, 54 sq.m. (583 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty 1,000 kg. (2,200 lb.). Loaded, 1,550 kg. (3,410 lb.). Speed, 141 km.hr (88.125 m.p.h.). Climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 7.5 min. Duration, 5 1/2 hr. Armament, none.

Gotha WD 13
   This patrol seaplane was a development of the WD 9. None were used by Germany, those that were built were supplied to the Turkish Government during 1917. Engine, 150 h.p. Benz Bz III. Span, 14.6 m. (47 ft. 10 7/8 in.). Length, 10.068 m. (33 ft. 0 1/2 in.). Height, 3.74 m. (12 ft. 3 1/4 in.). Area, 49 sq.m. (529 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 1,061 kg. (2,334 lb.). Loaded, 1.463 kg. (3,219 lb.). Speed, 131.5 km.hr. (82.25 m.p.h.). Climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 9 min. Duration, 3 hr. Armament, one manually operated Parabellum machine-gun in rear cockpit.

Gotha WD 15
   Built towards the end of 1917, the WD 15 was little more than an enlarged WD 12 with ply-skinned fuselage and fin. It was the most powerful and also the last single-engined machine to be supplied by Gotha to the German Navy. Only two were built, Nos. 842 and 843. Engine, 260 h.p. Mercedes D IVa. Span, 17.2 m. (56 ft. 5 1/4 in.). Length, 11.2 m. (36 ft. 9 in.). Area, 64.5 sq.m. (697 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 1,545 kg. (3,399 lb.). Loaded, 2,300 kg. (5,060 lb.). Speed, 152 km.hr. (95 m.p.h.). Ceiling, 4,200 m. (13,780 ft.). Armament, none.

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  • O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
  • J.Herris Gotha Aircraft of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 6)
  • M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)