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Страна: Франция

Год: 1908


Журнал Flight

Flight, January 9, 1909



   Monoplane designed by M. Tatin and built by M. Chauviere for Messrs. Clement-Bayard, the well-known firm of automobile engineers, who have equipped it with an entirely novel type of engine made by themselves, which was illustrated in The Automotor Journal of December 26th, 1908, p. 1694. It is a remarkably substantial-looking machine, and a peculiar feature of its construction is the upward curvature of the tips of the main wings. All surfaces are covered with a light-coloured varnished silk, which looks at first glance like aluminium. The pilot sits in the bows, and the planes are attached to the centre of the girder frame. Carried by long wooden beams stretching out far behind is the elevator and rudder.

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  • Журнал Flight
  • L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)