Страна: Франция
Год: 1908
L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
- L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
One of the first revisions of the Witzig-Liore-Dutilleul No 1, with the wheels set too far forward, resulting in the distortion of the whole airframe.
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
The final version of the WLD 1, with the wheels safely back supporting the engine.
Журнал - Flight за 1909 г.
THE WITZIG-LIORE-DUTILLEUL AEROPLANE. - This view of the Witzig machine, which is taken from behind, gives an excellent idea of the en escalier arrangement of the main planes. It is a little difficult to classify this particular aeroplane under any of the accepted types.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
WITZIG-LIORE-DUTILLUEL (1908-09). First or one of the first appearances of the idea of a series of staggered planes, with which Sellers has ever since experimented in the U.S.A.