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Martin glider

Страна: США

Год: 1909


Marlin - scout - 1917 - США<– –>Martin - pusher biplane - 1912 - США

Журнал Flight

Flight, July 17, 1909


   CONSIDERABLE success attended the meeting of the American Aeronautic Society's flight exhibition in the grounds of Morris Park, for although the actual flying was confined to the exhibitions of Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss, the fact remains that flight took place, and that visitors turned up in their thousands to see the sport. As we announced last week, Mr. Curtiss easily carried off the prize offered for a flight of a kilometre in length. In fact, he did far more than was necessary to fulfil any such condition, and altogether succeeded in showing the Aeronautic Society that they had every reason to suppose they had secured a good thing in their latest acquisition, for, as our readers know, they are to buy the Curtiss flyer for the use of their members.
   Of the other demonstrations which were given, the most notable was that made by Mr. Martin on a motor-towed glider. His experiments afforded one more example of the foolhardiness of tests of this character, for we have always maintained that there is little or nothing to be learned through being towed behind a car in this manner, and that a great deal of unnecessary risk attaches to the operator. Merely regarded as a method of initial ascent, the exigencies of the situation may doubtless justify the means, but as a test in itself the towing of a glider behind a car is absolutely inconclusive. The presence of the tow-rope is a restriction on the operation of the machine, and a menace to what natural stability it may possess. Indeed the conditions do not represent the problems of flight in the least. Mr. Martin at Morris Park was no more successful than others have been before him at this game, for he ended up his short and erratic aerial journey by being pitched off his machine over a picket fence, which the machine itself demolished.
   Apart from the actual demonstrations, various devices were on view for the inspection of visitors, and as there was mostly sufficient wind, a certain amount of diversion was created by kite-flying amongst the youngsters.

Журнал - Flight за 1909 г.
The scene at Morris Park Race Track, New York, during the aeronautical experiments arranged under the auspices of the American Aeronautic Society. The machine seen in the picture is the Martin glider.
Журнал - Flight за 1909 г.
One of the events in connection with the American Aeronautic Society's experiments was the testing of the Martin glider by towing it into action behind a motor car. The machine came to grief, and our picture shows the glider at the critical moment.