P.Lewis British Aircraft 1809-1914 (Putnam)
Mann and Overtons Monoplane
The Mann and Overtons Monoplane was designed and built by Mann and Overtons Ltd., coachbuilders of 15 Commercial Road, Pimlico, S.W.I, and was a diminutive single-seater reminiscent of the Demoiselle. It was displayed at the Olympia Aero Show of 1910, and was fitted with the 35 h.p. Anzani engine. The open fuselage was of steel tubing. The machine was tested late in 1910 at the Midland Aero Club's grounds at Dunstall Park, Wolverhampton, but was unsuccessful. Span, 18 ft. 4 ins. Length, 20 ft. Wing area, 128 sq. ft. Weight loaded, 536 lb. Maximum speed, 45 m.p.h. Price, ?300.
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M.Goodall, A.Tagg British Aircraft before the Great War (Schiffer)
Deleted by request of (c)Schiffer Publishing
MANN & OVERTONS monoplane (Mann & Overtons Ltd., 15 Commercial Rd., Pimlico, London SW1)
This was one of three variants of the Santos Dumont Demoiselle which appeared at the Aero Show at Olympia in March 1910, this one built by a professional firm of coach builders.
The structure of three pine longerons was braced by oval steel tubes and wires. The steel tube undercarriage was unsprung, but relied on the pneumatic tires and the flexibility of the curved axle to cushion landing shocks. The wing had a large cutout at the center and was set at a considerable angle of incidence.
Flight and The Aero disagreed on the method of lateral control, The Aero stating that this was catered for by the dihedral, whereas Flight stated that the left hand lever operated both rudder and warp; the right hand lever controlled the elevator. The pilot sat low down in the fuselage, below the center section. The engine was mounted on a cast aluminum bracket on the front of the single top longeron, with a streamlined oil and fuel tank behind.
Power: 30hp Anzani three-cylinder fantype semi-radial driving a 6ft diameter propeller.
Span 18ft 4in (20ft *)
Chord 7ft
Length 20ft
Area 120 sq ft (133 sq ft *)
Area rudder 6 1/2 sq ft
Area elevator 16 sq ft
Weight 326 lb (340 lb*)
Weight allup 536 lb
Speed 45mph
Price .300
*alternative figures from The Aero.
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Журнал Flight
Flight, March 12, 1910
Mann and Overtons.
A MONOPLANE, very much on the lines of Santos Dumont's "Demoiselle," fitted with a twin-cylinder V-type air-cooled Anzani engine of 20-h. p.
Flight, April 9, 1910
Leading Particulars of the Mann and Overtons (Santos Dumont Type).
General Dimensiotis.-Areas-Main planes, 128 sq. ft. elevator, 16 sq. ft.; rudder, 6 1/2 sq. ft.
Lengths.-Span, 18 ft. 4 ins.; chord, 7 ft.; camber, 3 1/4 ins.; skid track, 3 ft. 8 ins.; overall length, 20 ft.
Materials.-Wooden frame, tubular steel axle.
Engine.-30-h.p. Anzani.
Propeller.-Diameter, 6 ft. 6 ins.
Weight.-Machine, with engine, 326 lbs.; driver, oil, petrol and water, 200 lbs.; total flying weight, 536 lbs.; loading (all weight supported on main planes), 42 lbs. per sq. ft.
Speed of Flight.-45 m.p.h.
System of Control.-Warping of wings, rudder and elevator.
MONOPLANE of Santos Dumont type but having main frame constructed of hollow wood spars, instead of being made of tubular steel. The struts in the main frame, like those in the chassis, are made of tubular steel, as in the original Santos Dumont design. The disposition of the engine and of the pilot's seat is relatively the same, but the details of control are different. The Santos Dumont type of tail, however, is retained. The lever on the pilot's left operates a rudder by a to-and-fro motion, and the warping of the wings by a sideways movement; on the pilot's right is a lever controlling the elevator.
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