Страна: Франция
Год: 1911
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
ZODIAC. Societe Zodiac, 10 route du Havre, Puteaux pres Paris (Seine). Aero park: St. Cyr l'Ecole pres Versailles. Established 1896. Capital 850,000 francs.
Model and date. S2.
Length.................feet(m.) 38-3/4 (11.75)
Span, upper............feet(m.) 49 (15)
lower............feet(m.) 36 (11)
Area..............sq. feet(m?.) 350 (32)
Weight, machine......lbs.(kgs.) 1010 (460)
useful.......lbs.(kgs.) 551 (250)
Motor......................h.p. 50 Gnome
Speed, max..........m.p.h.(km.) 59 (95)
Number built during 1912 ...
Notes.--Wood construction. Control: Ailerons and 1 rear elevator. Upper planes staggered 30 in advance of lower. Quadrilateral fuselage. Piloted passenger side by side. Landing carriage: 2 wheels and 1 skid. Aeroplatte fabric.
The 1912 model was practically the same.
- Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
- L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
- Журнал Flight
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
THE NEW "ZODIAC" BIPLANE. - This, the latest production of the Zodiac Society, was last week tested in the air by M. J. Labouchere at St. Cyr. In general appearance the machine reminds one of the features of the Breguet and Goupy machines, the former by the narrowness of the main planes, the boat-shaped body, and the tractor in front, and the latter by the staggered arrangements of the main planes. The question of rapid dismantling for transport along the road has also been given special attention by the designers.
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
The big 2-seat Zodiac of 1911.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
GENERAL VIEW OF THE THIRD PARIS AERO SALON. - The machine at the bottom of the photograph is the Bleriot 100-h.p. "Aeronef," built to the order of M. Henri Deutsch de la Meurthe. On the same side, but towards the centre of the Exhibition, may be seen the Zodiac biplane and the Borel and Deperdussin monoplanes, while opposite are the Train and H. Farman monoplanes and Savary and M. Farman biplanes.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bleriot Bleriot-XXIV Aeronef - Франция - 1911Deperdussin B/C - Франция - 1911Farman monoplane - Франция - 1911Maurice Farman MF.3 - Франция - 1911Morane-Borel-Saulnier A - Франция - 1911Savary biplane - Франция - 1910Train monoplane - Франция - 1910
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
Side view of the Zodiac biplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
The pilot's seat of the Zodiac biplane, covered in with non-inflammable celluloid to protect the occupant from the rush of wind.