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Страна: Франция

Год: 1911

Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913

VINET. Gaston Vinet, 41-47 quai de Seine, Courbevoie: also 2-8 rue Larnac. Established for automobile work, 1893. Aeroplane output capacity: small.

Model and date. Type D 1913.
   1912 mono. Mono.

Length..............feet(m.) 21-1/2 (6.60) 21 (6.40)
Span................feet(m.) 28-1/2 (8.60) 28 (8.50)
Area...........sq. feet(m?.) 162 (15) 162 (15)
Weight, machine...lbs.(kgs.) 550 (250) 440 (200)
   useful....lbs.(kgs.) ... ...
Motor...................h.p. 50 Gnome 50 Gnome
Speed,max........m.p.h.(km.) 56 (90) 60 (95)
Number built during 1912.... 6 ...

Notes.--Wood construction. Landing wheels and skids. Control: warping and rear elevator. Rectangular body. The two types are practically identical.

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  • Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
  • L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
  • Журнал Flight