P.Lewis British Aircraft 1809-1914 (Putnam)
Eggleton Gliders
R. H. Eggleton, an apprentice at the London and South-Western Railway Carriage Works at Eastleigh. Hants., built three gliders during 1911, 1912 and 1913. The first was a parasol monoplane with a small nacelle, control being by ailerons, elevator and rudder of conventional pattern. The second machine also was a monoplane, but was of canard type, somewhat similar to the A.S.L. Valkyrie. The pilot sat above the wings and a wheeled undercarriage was provided. The span was 28 ft. and the length was 24 ft.
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M.Goodall, A.Tagg British Aircraft before the Great War (Schiffer)
Deleted by request of (c)Schiffer Publishing
EGGLETON gliders (R.H. Eggleton, 24 Cranbury Rd., Eastleigh, Hampshire. Flying at North End, Eastleigh)
Eggleton was an apprentice at the LSWR Carriage Works at Eastleigh, and is reported to have made eleven gliders in the years 1911 to 1914. Of these, three can be identified and illustrated, the first and second being illustrated in Flight 17 February 1912 (p.159).
The first, a parasol monoplane with ailerons and normal tail surfaces, had an enclosed section for the operator, but was of rather flimsy construction, perhaps accounting for its early replacement.
No.2 was a canard monoplane of Valkyrie type with forward elevator, where the pilot sat in a gap in the wing center section. The span was 28ft and the length 24ft.
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Журнал Flight
Flight, February 17, 1912.
Home Made Gliders.
Normally engaged as an apprentice in the London and South-Western carriage works at Eastleigh, nevertheless I have in my spare time been able to do a fair amount of work on gliders during last year, and the accompanying photographs may perhaps interest other readers of FLIGHT. The span of my latest machine is 28 ft., and the length overall 24 ft. Balance is obtained by ailerons coupled up to pedals, while a hand wheel operates the rudder and the elevator. The experimental work so far has been entirely obtained by towing the glider until it rises to a sufficient height. My previous model gave me some excellent sport over the 300 yards stretch that I have available. A club is being formed which I hope will do good work, and the country hereabouts is also an excellent flying ground for full-sized machines.
24, Cranbury Road, Eastleigh, Hants. R. EGGLETON.
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