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Страна: Германия

Год: 1913

O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)

Hanuschke Monoplane
   This 1915 monoplane has been reported as the type on which Fokker based his E I series. Undoubtedly both machines were influenced by the French Morane-Saulnier Type H of pre-war manufacture. Engine was probably 80 h.p. Oberursel rotary.

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  • O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
  • A.Weyl Fokker: The Creative Years (Putnam)
  • J.Herris German Aircraft of Minor Manufacturers in WW1. Vol I (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 49)