Журнал Flight
Flight, October 15, 1915.
From Mr. C. A. Wragg, hon. sec. of the Victoria Aero Club, Melbourne, the following interesting letter has arrived, relating how a few enthusiasts down that part of the world are "doing their bit" for the furtherance of aviation, albeit only in a small way yet:#
"The club was formed some twelve months ago by a few keen and kindred spirits, and has since been steadily growing. The meetings are held monthly, at which we generally manage to put in an interesting evening. At our next meeting a paper will be given by Mr. G. Hawker, on aero engines. We propose, as a club, to construct and experiment with gliders, to popularise gliding as a sport, to establish a library on the subject for the use of members, and, in fact, to do anything that will tend to promote interest in aviation. Very little can be done now, of course, because of the war; a number of the members have sailed with the Australian Flight for active service.
"Enclosed are photos of a few of the members with a glider, which was presented to the club by Dr. F. M. Johnson, who is now, we believe, in England. It had then no front elevator or vertical fin and was controlled by movements of the operator. It takes a good deal of wind to get it off, but is all the better for that in the air for a beginner, because of its inertia. We have been using it on a fairly steep slope and each operator, as he took the landing bump with set teeth, wished ardently for the power to increase the lift co-efficient if only for the last two seconds.
"We get just sufficient time in the air to make us hate the idea of coming to earth, and long to open a throttle and soar over the hills; it is tantalizing when we know the opportunities that exist in England and other countries for extended flights, but we get a lot of fun out of it, and some instruction; no doubt the time will soon be in Australia when aeroplanes in the air will be a common sight instead of one for all hands to stand and gaze at as at present.
"By the way, we've discovered a simple formula for the solution of flight problems; it is WPP2 # work multiplied by patience and perseverance squared.
"In closing, allow me to tender a personal appreciation of "FLIGHT"; to me it is a completely satisfying journal from "Eddies" chat to the articles contributed by the various scientists."
On behalf of "FLIGHT" I beg to thank Mr. Wragg for his good wishes, and will reciprocate by expressing the hope that he and his fellow workers will soon be fortunate enough to find a sportsman willing to furnish the means wherewith to put into effect a much simpler formula for the solution of flight problems, to wit # H.P.