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Phillips multiplane No.5

Страна: Великобритания

Год: 1907

Phillips - multiplane No.3 / No.4 - 1904 - Великобритания<– –>Phoenix - helicopter observation platform - 1916 - Великобритания

M.Goodall, A.Tagg British Aircraft before the Great War (Schiffer)

Deleted by request of (c)Schiffer Publishing

P.Lewis British Aircraft 1809-1914 (Putnam)

Phillips 1907 Multiplane

   1907 saw the appearance of Horatio F. Phillips's most unusual Multiplane, which embodied four frames containing a total of some two hundred very narrow chord wings of venetian-blind formation. The machine was without a tail unit and was mounted on tandem main wheels, smaller auxiliary wheels being fitted at the wing-tips on the second frame from the front. A two-bladed 7 ft. diameter tractor propeller of very generous area was turned by a 22 h.p. engine.
   The Multiplane was tested at Streatham during mid-1907 and is claimed to have taken off in a 30 m.p.h. wind, to have been stable longitudinally, and to have flown a distance calculated to be about 500 ft.; thus giving Horatio Phillips a strong claim to the honour of being the first person to make a flight under power in Great Britain. Span, 20 ft. Length, 15 ft. Height, 10 ft. Weight empty, 500 lb. Weight loaded, 650 lb.

A.Andrews. The Flying Machine: Its Evolution through the Ages (Putnam)

In 1907 the indefatigable Phillips, now aged 62, put four banks of 48 aerofoils in tandem behind a 7ft propeller driven by a 20hp engine; and there is good ground for believing his report that it lifted off the ground of Streatham Common for 500ft - which would make it the first powered aeroplane ever to be flown in Great Britain, beating Samuel Franklin Cody’s performance at Farnborough in 1908 by over a year.
   Phillips continued to design, though no longer to build, his individualist aeroplanes. But his theoretical work on the aerodynamic properties of aerofoils was confirmed and enlarged in the first decade of the twentieth century by F. W. Lanchester of England, G. H. Bryan of Wales, and Ludwig Prandtl of Germany. As a quartet of individual thinkers, these men laid the foundations of aerodynamic theory, which influenced all ensuing aircraft design and construction.

A.Andrews - The Flying Maschine: Its Evolution through the Ages /Putnam/
The Phillips multiplane of 1907 may well have been the first British powered aircraft to fly.
Phillips No.5 multiplane was airborne at Streatham for a 500ft straight flight and for circular flights anchored to a pole in 1907.