O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
L.F.G. Roland D IX (first version)
The first of three D IX prototypes, No. 3001/18, was fitted with 160 h.p. Siemens-Halske Sh III geared rotary engine. It competed in the second D types Competition in the summer of 1918. Span, 8.92 m. (29 ft. 3 1/8 in.). Area, 18.48 sq.m. (199.5 sq.ft.). Weights: Empty, 534 kg. (1,175 lb.). Loaded, 754 kg. (1,658 lb.). Climb, 5,000 m. (16,400 ft.) in 16.4 min., 6,000 m. (16,680 ft.) in 23 min. Armament, twin Spandau machine-guns.
L.F.G. Roland D IX (second version)
Differing from the first prototype, this second machine had much larger tail surfaces and unbalanced ailerons. Engine now installed was 210 h.p. Siemens-Halske IIIa. Armament, twin Spandau machine-guns.
L.F.G. Roland D IX (third version)
This third, and final, D IX prototype differed from the second machine in having a large horn-balanced rudder and overhung, balanced ailerons as on the first prototype. Engine, 210 h.p. Siemens-Halske IIIa geared rotary. Armament, twin Spandau machine-guns.
L.F.G. Roland D XIV
Powered with the 170 h.p. Goebel Goe IIIa eleven-cylinder rotary engine, the D XIV (No. 3003/18) was a development of the D IX. Span, 9.0 m. (29 ft. 6 3/8 in.). Area, 23 sq.m. (248 sq.ft.). Armament, twin Spandau machine-guns.
W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
With the advent of more powerful rotary engines in the spring of 1918, Idflieg supported the development of compatible fighters, one such being the D IX powered by the new 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh III rotary. The first D IX prototype demonstrated excellent performance at the 1st D-type contest in January 1918, before being destroyed as a result of a freak accident. While the D IX was in flight, the pilot’s seat collapsed, its occupant inadvertently pulling the aircraft into a tight loop in which the resultant g forces propelled him through the bottom of the fuselage before the aircraft broke up. At the time, two more prototypes were in assembly, the first of these being successfully load-tested in April prior to resumption of flight testing. The second D IX differed in having enlarged tail surfaces and unbalanced ailerons. Armament comprised twin synchronised 7,9-mm LMG 08/15 machine guns. It appeared in the 2nd D-type contest in May, but, according to the debriefing minutes, was considered unsuited for series production. The third D IX had been completed meanwhile with overhung, unbalanced ailerons and a larger horn-balanced rudder.
Max speed, 115 mph (185 km/h).
Time to 16,405 ft (5 000 m), 16.4 min.
Endurance, 1.5 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,177 lb (534 kg).
Loaded weight, 1,596 lb (724 kg).
Span, 29 ft 3 1/4 in (8,92m).
Length, 19 ft 4 1/4 in (5,90m).
Height, 9 ft 0 in (2,75 m).
Wing area, 198.92 sq ft (18,48 m2).
Essentially similar to the D XIII, the D XIV was ordered by Idflieg in April 1918 to evaluate the new Goebel Goe III 11-cylinder rotary engine of 160 hp. Fitted with the standard twin 7,9-mm LMG 08/15 gun armament, the prototype D XIV was completed in time to participate in the 2nd D-type contest in May 1918. Flying was strictly limited by the recalcitrant engine, and this, in accordance with competition protocol, eliminated the D XIV from further consideration as a production type. No data relating to the D XIV are available.
J.Herris Roland Aircraft of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 9)
Roland D.IX
The appearance of more powerful rotary engine prototypes in early 1918 was the impetus for development of rotary-powered fighter prototypes using these engines. The Roland D.IX was powered by the 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III counter-rotary engine and appeared at the First Fighter Competition along with similarly-powered fighter prototypes from Pfalz and SSW.
The Roland D.IX demonstrated excellent performance at the First Fighter Competition but was destroyed in a freak accident. The pilot's seat collapsed in flight and the pilot inadvertently pulled the aircraft into a tight loop. The resulting high G forces drove the unfortunate pilot through the bottom of the fuselage and the aircraft broke up.
Small numbers of the competing Pfalz D.VIII and SSW D.III fighters powered by the Siemens-Halske Sh.III were ordered, and the two additional Roland D.IX fighters being built were successfully load tested and competed at the Second Fighter Competition.
Roland D.IX Specifications
Engine: 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III
Wing: Span 8.92 m
Area 18.48 m2
General: Length 5.90 m
Height 2.75 m
Empty Weight 534 kg
Loaded Weight 724 kg
Maximum Speed: 185 km/h
Climb: 5000m 16.4 min
Roland D.XIV
The Roland D.XIV was ordered in April 1918 to evaluate the new Goebel Goe.III 11-cylinder rotary engine. Similar to the D.IX and armed with the standard two synchronized LMG 08/15 machine guns, the prototype D.XIV participated in the Second Fighter Competition in May 1918. Evaluation flights were limited by poor engine reliability and according to competition protocol the D.XIV was eliminated from consideration for production.
Roland D.XIV Specifications
Engine: 160 hp Goebel Goe.III
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
Roland D.IX 226/18 fighter prototype.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.IX fighter prototype was powered by the 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III counter-rotary. This first prototype, 225/18, with overhung ailerons is the aircraft that crashed at the First Fighter Competition.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.IX 225/18 fighter prototype crashed at the First Fighter Competition.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.IX fighter prototypes were subjected to the same control surface experiments as the Roland D.VI and D.VII to optimize maneuverability and flying qualities. D.IX 226/18 demonstrate one of different tail configurations.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
L.F.G. Roland D IX (second version)
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The revised Roland D.IX 3001/18 fighter prototype powered by the 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III was entered in the Second Fighter Competition. Its vertical tail configuration was similar to some of the D.VI and D.VII tail configurations; not a surprise since all were designed at nearly the same time and with the same technology. The major differences between the types were the engines fitted. The D.VI used a production engine and went into production and operational service. Using experimental engines, the D.VII and D.VIII were unreliable and were abandoned. Although the D.IX used an engine just going into production, it had no advantages over the similarly-powered SSW D.III and Pfalz D.VIII, both of which were already in production, so the Roland D.IX program was also terminated.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The revised Roland D.IX 3001/18 fighter prototype powered by the 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III was entered in the Second Fighter Competition.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.IX fighter prototypes were subjected to the same control surface experiments as the Roland D.VI and D.VII to optimize maneuverability and flying qualities. What appears to be D.IX 3001/18 demonstrate one of different tail configurations. D.IX 3001/18 also evaluated a third tail configuration.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Basically similar to the D XIII, the D XIV was powered by the unsatisfactory Goebel rotary.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.XIV 3003/18 fighter prototype powered by the 160 hp Goebel Goe.III was entered in the Second Fighter Competition. The D.XIV was very similar to the Roland D.IX powered by the production 160 hp Siemens-Halske Sh.III.
O.Thetford, P.Gray - German Aircraft of the First World War /Putnam/
L.F.G. Roland D XIV
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The Roland D.XIV 3003/18 fighter prototype powered by the 160 hp Goebel Goe.III was entered in the Second Fighter Competition. Problems with the experimental engine dogged the aircraft, limiting its flights and eliminating it from competition. The tight cowling with few inlet holes would seem to limit the flow of cooling air.
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
J.Herris - Roland Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (9)
The crash of the Roland D.IX fighter prototype at the First Fighter Competition was the result of a freak accident.
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
The second D IX with enlarged, horn-balanced rudder.