Страна: Германия
Год: 1918
O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
Sablatnig C III
Although no data on this interesting machine is available, it appears to have been based on the same ply-covered fuselage and tail surfaces as the C II. The low wing was of parallel chord and fitted with overhung, balanced ailerons. It was cable braced to the top of the fuselage, and underneath the cables were anchored to an additional pylon incorporated in the undercarriage chassis. A large lifting surface, as in the Fokker D VII, faired in the axle and spreaders. Engine, 245 h.p. Maybach Mb IV (probably).
- O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
- J.Herris Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 3)
J.Herris - Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (3)
This view of the Sablatnig C.III monoplane shows the horn balances on ailerons and elevator and the camouflage fabric covering the wings and tail surfaces. The wings have a constant chord with cut-outs at the wing roots to enhance the observer's downward visibility. Unfortunately, nothing is known of its performance or handling qualities. On the original print metal framing can be seen on the outboard leading edges of both horizontal stabilizers that, if covered, would fair them into the elevators.
J.Herris - Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (3)
This rear quarter view of the Sablatnig C.III monoplane illustrates the excellent field of fire for the gunner. The semi-monocoque plywood fuselage was well streamlined. Two handholds are visible on the lower aft fuselage for ground handling. The under-carriage spreader bar was enclosed in an airfoil like later Fokker designs. Power was the same 240-260 hp Maybach Mb.lVa engine used in the Sablatnig C.II.
J.Herris - Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (3)
Side view of the Sablatnig C.III monoplane emphasizes its streamlined design.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Sablatnig C.III (1918)
J.Herris - Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (3)
This front view of the Sablatnig C.III monoplane emphasizes its clean lines and advanced design.
J.Herris - Nachtflugzeug! German N-types of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (3)
This interesting photo shows the Sablatnig C.III monoplane on the left, one of the C.II biplane prototypes in the middle, and a production N.I on the right, making for an interesting picture of Sablatnig design evolution. Although the C.II is smaller and more compact than the N.I, it retains most of its design features other than the strut configuration. On the other hand, the C.III is a major advance. Although the C.III retains the basic fuselage and tail design of the earlier types, its low-wing monoplane design had much less drag; its frontal radiator also reduced drag.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sablatnig C.I/C.II/N.I/P.I - Германия - 1917
J.Herris - German Seaplanes of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (15)
Sablatnig C.III
J.Herris - German Seaplanes of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (15)
Sablatnig C.III