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Страна: Япония

Год: 1911

R.Mikesh, A.Shorzoe Japanese Aircraft, 1910-1941 (Putnam)

Narahara No.3 Aeroplane

   The Narahara No.3 Aeroplane was made from reassembled parts taken from the worn and damaged No.2 Aeroplane after its many training flights. This new aeroplane was a two-seat trainer with a more orthodox fuselage instead of the pod and tail boom layout. Initially, the structure was left uncovered, but when it was covered it was of the highest quality used on any of the Narahara aeroplanes, being a layer of silk over a layer of cotton with the weaves diagonal and bonded. Wing dihedral was eliminated and the ailerons consisted of the 'pulldown only' type for both the No.2 and No.3 Aeroplanes. A more rugged undercarriage with four wheels and landing skids were incorporated. The Gnome engine was from the No.2 Aeroplane.
   This aeroplane also flew successfully and became a trainer not only for the previously mentioned Einosuke Shirato, who later established the Shirato Aeroplane Research Studio, but also for Otojiro ltoh, eventually of ltoh Aeroplane Research Studio, and Saken Kawabe, later to be Principal of the Toa Professional Flying School, who also assisted Narahara with his work.
   A gust of wind destroyed the No.3 Aeroplane while it was on the ground in September 1911. This incident, along with reports from other countries about aeroplane crashes and pilot fatalities, brought about Narahara's family's insistence he should not continue flying and since he was more interested in the design and building of aircraft he agreed. Therefore, Einosuke Shirato became the instructor while Narahara concentrated on the building of other aeroplanes. By this time, Narahara had left the Navy with an equivalent engineering rank of Navy Lieutenant, Architect.

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  • R.Mikesh, A.Shorzoe Japanese Aircraft, 1910-1941 (Putnam)