Страна: Италия
Год: 1908
Единственный экземпляр
R.Abate,G.Alegi,G.Apostolo Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983
Gianni Caproni, the famous builder of Italian aircraft, was bom on July 3,1886 in Massone, a small town in the comune of Arco, in the province of Trento. He left his hometown very young to attend the Munich Polytechnic, graduating in civil engineering in 1907: he was only 21 years old. In the following year he attended a special course in electrical technology in Belgium, at Liege's Institut Montfleur, and obtained a further electrical engineering diploma.
During that period he met Henri Coanda, a brilliant engineer of Rumanian origin of his same age, with whom he built a biplane glider which made several successful flights in Blaumal, in the Ardennes.
- R.Abate,G.Alegi,G.Apostolo Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983
R.Abate, G.Alegi, G.Apostolo - Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983
Gianni Caproni’s first aeronautical construction dates to 1908. The biplane glider shown here was built in collaboration with classmate Henri Coanda, an engineer of Rumanian origin. The glider was successfully flown at Blaumal, in the Belgian Ardennes.
R.Abate, G.Alegi, G.Apostolo - Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983
A sketch of the second unbuilt Caproni-Coanda glider, which differed from the first in many respects including the addition of canard foreplanes. Together Caproni and Coanda completed three other studies for gliders.