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airplane photo

Страна: Италия

Год: 1908


Единственный экземпляр

R.Abate,G.Alegi,G.Apostolo Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983

Gianni Caproni, the famous builder of Italian aircraft, was bom on July 3,1886 in Massone, a small town in the comune of Arco, in the province of Trento. He left his hometown very young to attend the Munich Polytechnic, graduating in civil engineering in 1907: he was only 21 years old. In the following year he attended a special course in electrical technology in Belgium, at Liege's Institut Montfleur, and obtained a further electrical engineering diploma.
   During that period he met Henri Coanda, a brilliant engineer of Rumanian origin of his same age, with whom he built a biplane glider which made several successful flights in Blaumal, in the Ardennes.

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  • R.Abate,G.Alegi,G.Apostolo Aeroplani Caproni: Gianni Caproni and His Aircraft, 1910-1983