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Страна: Великобритания

Год: 1910


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C.Barnes Bristol Aircraft since 1910 (Putnam)

The Bristol Glider

   The Bristol Glider was a biplane designed by George Challenger for presentation by Sir George White to the Bristol and West of England Aero Club, of which Sir George was elected President in October 1910; this was a thriving organisation boasting over 75 members. The Glider was designed to carry two persons and was intended to take an engine of 30 h.p. at a later stage. It was sturdily constructed, with double-surfaced mainplanes and tailplane; ailerons were fitted to the upper wing only and the forward and aft elevators were coupled. Two very small rudders were mounted between the upper and lower tail-booms forward of the aft elevator and a conventional control system was used. The Glider was first flown at the Club's flying ground near Keynsham, Somerset, on 17 December 1910, with Challenger at the controls; it was hand-towed down a slope by ropes attached to the lower wing-tips, and a two-wheeled dolly was used for uphill retrieval. On 27 February 1911 it was damaged and was repaired by the Company for the nominal cost of l2s. 6d., but on 4 September 1911 it was more severely crashed and the repairs then cost ?30. No engine was ever installed, but the Glider appears to have survived at least until 1912 ; as it was constructed to Sir George's private order, it had no Bristol sequence number.

Type: Glider
Manufacturers: The British & Colonial Aeroplane Co. Ltd., Filton, Bristol
Power Plant: Nil (provision for 30 hp later)
Span: 32 ft 4 in
Length: 33 ft 10 in
Height: 6 ft 8 in

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  • C.Barnes Bristol Aircraft since 1910 (Putnam)
  • M.Goodall, A.Tagg British Aircraft before the Great War (Schiffer)
  • P.Lewis British Aircraft 1809-1914 (Putnam)
  • Журнал Flight