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Albatros EE / HE / FT Taube

Страна: Германия

Год: 1913

Albatros - DE / WDE / Militar-Doppeldecker - 1913 - Германия<– –>Albatros - HE Amphibian Taube floatplane - 1913 - Германия

Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913

ALBATROS. Albatroswerke G.m.b. H. Flugzeugfabr. u. Fliegerschule, Johannisthal bei Berlin. Established 1910. One of the largest constructors in Germany. Capacity: 150 machines a year.

   1911-12. 1912. 1912-13. Hydro. Mono.
   2-seat Military Military
   tractor tractor tractor.
   biplane. biplane.

Length....feet(m.) 13? (10.70) 43?-1/2 (10.5) 42? (12.8) ... ...
Spa.......feet(m.) 43-2/3(13.30) 52? (16) 65? (20) ... ...
Are...sq. feet(m?) 430 (40) 576 (54) 624 (58.5) ... ...
Weight, total...
   ......lbs.(kgs.) 1058 (480) 1543 (700) 1874 (850) ... ...
   .... .lbs.(kgs.) 661 (300) ... ... ... ...
Motor.........h.p. 100 Argus 90 Mercedes 120 N.A.G. or ... ...
   or 100 Argus Aust. Daimler
   max...m.p.h.(km) 56 (90) 59 (95) 46 (75) ... ...
   min...m.p.h.(km) ... ... ... ... ...
Endurance.....hrs. 6 6 7-5 ... ...
Number built
   during 1912 about 40 70 30 4 2

Remarks.--In all the upper plane is slightly staggered. In all the control is duplicated.

А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России

Начало карьеры "Голубя" восходит к 1907 г., когда Этрих и помогавший ему Франц Велс (Franz Wels) построили бесхвостый планер. 1 ноября 1909 г. (н. ст.) в Германии появилась компания "Этрих Флигер Верке" (Etrich Flieger Werke, позднее Etrich Flieger-Werke GmbH), выпускавшая до 1916 г. монопланы "Таубе" многочисленных разновидностей. По лицензии тем же занимались немецкие фирмы "Румплер", "Альбатрос", ДФВ, "Гота", "Хальберштадт", "Яннин", "Кондор", "Кригер", "Эльфауге" и "Любек-Травемюнде" (Rumpler, Albatros, DFW, Gotha, Halberstadt, Jeannin, Kondor, Krieger, LVG, Lubeck-Travemunde). В 1912-1913 гг. в Австро-Венгрии "Таубе" в небольших количествах собирались на заводах авиацентра "Фишаменд" (позднее: К. и. К. Fliegerarsenal Flugzeugwerk Fischamend) и компании "Лонер" (Lohnerwerke GmbH). Машины пользовались известной любовью пилотов, так как прочная конструкция и "природная" устойчивость в воздухе спасали от гибели в случае аварии. Отчасти благодаря этому в 1914-1916 гг. изрядно устаревшие "Голуби" оставались в строю не только в учебных, но, временами, и в боевых частях. Пленный германский "Таубе", добыча 20-го корпусного авиаотряда, стоявшего под Ригой зимой 1914/1915 гг., является одним из них [3, из коллекции Центрального государственного архива кинофотофонодокументов (ЦГАКФФД) С.-Петербурга]. Это машина фирмы "Альбатрос", тип ФТ (Albatros FT) с мотором "Мерседес" 100 л. с. От других "Таубе" модель отличалась формой носовой части, укороченным хвостом, V-образными стойками шасси, одна из которых служила опорой для тормоза, обеспечивавшего не более чем 70-метровый пробег в соответствии с требованиями Генерального штаба от 1913 г.

J.Herris Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Vol 1: Early Two-Seaters (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 24)

Albatros Pre-War Aircraft

   1913 was a big year for Albatros, which introduced a number of new designs. Albatros started 1913 with the Argus-powered DE followed by a series of Taube monoplane designs. These included the EE (for Etrich Eindecker} powered by a 50 hp Argus and later with a Benz, the HE (Hirth Eindecker] development of the EE with 75 hp Mercedes, and the HE Amphibian floatplane development of the HE, a Version of which was flown by Hirth to victory in the 1913 Bodensee marine aircraft contest.
   Finally, Albatros produced the FT, the last Albatros Taube design, in 1913. Some Albatros EE and FT Taubes survived into the early war period and were eventually re-designated A-types, although few details are available.

M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 84)

Albatros-Werke GmbH, Berlin-Johannisthal (Alb)

Aircraft Development:

  1913: In this year the company launched a monoplane (Taube) under the designation Type E.E. The climb time for 800 m altitude with military load (200 kg and 4 hours of operating fuel) was 10 to 15 minutes. The maximum speed was between 100 and 105 km/h.
  1914: Further development of the Taube resulted in the type FT., a military monoplane whose fuselage was made of plywood. The climb time was 800 m in 8 minutes with a prescribed payload (200 kg and fuel for 4 hours).

Журнал Flight

Flight, June 5, 1914.



The Albatros Taube is characterized by a fuselage similar to that of the biplane with which our readers are already familiar through detailed descriptions in these columns. The wings are of the Taube type, and bracing is effected by a bridge girder structure of steel tubes under the wings. Provision has been made for folding the wings in a very short space of time. The chassis, which is also built of steel tubes, is very robust, and its different parts are standardised to facilitate interchange.

Flight, August 21, 1914.


4. The Albatros Taube
   is characterised by a. fuselage similar to that of the biplane. The wings are of the Taube type having back-swept upturned tips, and there is the usual girder structure forming the lower wing bracing as in nearly all Taube monoplanes. It consists of a steel tube running parallel to the wing spars and placed some distance below the wing to which it is connected by a number of steel tube struts and diagonal cross bracing. Although offering a considerable amount of head resistance this type of construction is employed as it provides a structure of almost equal strength to that of a biplane. The stabilizer and elevator are formed by a single plane the front portion of which is rigidly attached to the fuselage whilst the rear part acts as an elevator by being flexed up and down. Steering is effected by means of two rudders, one above and one below the tail plane. Lateral control is maintained by flexing the upturned wing tips. Provision has been made for rapidly folding the wings for purposes of storage or transport. The chassis is similar to that of the biplane, the different parts have been standardised in order to facilitate interchange.

J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
Albatros EE Taube
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
One of the early Albatros Taube designs, the EE, with typical Taube design features like the low aspect ratio vertical tail surfaces. However, the landing gear was simpler than most Taube designs. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/ The Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Kathreiner Prize: From Puchheim near Munich to Berlin in five hours: Hellmuth Hirth on his Albatros Taube in 1911.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
Albatros. Monoplane.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
Albatros built more than one Taube with streamlined wood veneer fuselage construction. This Albatros landplane Taube features vertical tail surfaces both above and below the fuselage.
The Albatros Taube was retroactively designated the Albatros A.
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
This is another Albatros Taube using the wood veneer structure giving a very strong, streamlined fuselage. Similar to the Bodensee floatplane in design, its vertical tail surfaces are larger with a curved leading edge and the wider fuselage appears to offer side-by-side seating for two. Albatros devoted a great deal of attention to streamlining even before the war, although early Albatros production aircraft like the B-types are not nearly as streamlined as this aircraft. (Peter M. Bowers Collection/The Museum of Flight)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
The Albatros Taube Type FT had large side radiators and a further simplified undercarriage. It was powered by a 100 hp Mercedes engine. The FT was Albatros's last Taube design and served in small numbers during the early months of the war as an Albatros A-type (unarmed monoplane).
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
Albatros-built Etrich Taube
А.Александров, Г.Петров - Крылатые пленники России
(КПР 3)
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 1 /Centennial Perspective/ (84)
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
Albatros EE
J.Herris - Albatros Aircraft of WWI. Volume 1: Early Two-Seaters /Centennial Perspective/ (24)
Albatros FT