В.Обухович, А.Никифоров Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
В процессе производства W 12 был создан ряд различных модификаций этого самолета. Так, патрульный вариант W 19 с двигателем Майбах Mb.IV (260 л. с.) имел увеличенные размеры и запас топлива, что позволило в полтора раза увеличить продолжительность полета.
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O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
Brandenburg W 19
With the expansion and reorganisation of the German Naval flying services in 1917 it was decided to concentrate the fighter establishments mainly at Borkum and Zeebrugge and to use Norderney chiefly as a reconnaissance station. By the end of that year, after the Brandenburg W 12 had been in use some six months, the need was found for a two-seat fighter machine of greater duration, and to serve this requirement the Brandenburg W 19 began operations in January 1918.
Basically similar to the W 12, the W 19 was a considerably larger aircraft, spanning almost 10 ft. more and being about 3 ft. 6 in. greater in length. Increased fuel capacity gave it a greater radius of action. Although so much larger than the W 12, performance was not materially affected due to the installation of the more powerful 260 h.p. Maybach engine, which represented an increase of some 110 h.p. over the W 12. A neat spinner improved the nose-entry lines, and a frontal radiator was fitted adjacent to the centre-section leading edge. The remainder of the fuselage was like that of the W 12, maintaining the same proportions with the characteristic upward rake and plywood covering. The tail assembly differed little, apart from the profile of the tailplane, which was changed to a large semi-circular shape. The parallel-chord wings had their tips modified to a more bluntly rounded shape: the near semicircular centre-section cut-out was maintained. Due to the considerable increase in span, the wings were rigged with two sets of interplane struts and braced in all bays with stranded cables, although on certain aircraft bracing was omitted from the inboard bay to enable the gunner to shoot through the wings. Plain unbalanced ailerons were fitted at all four wingtips and connected with a link strut. The typical Brandenburg float chassis was retained, likewise the wooden floats with wedge bows and knife-edge stern.
In patrol work Brandenburg W 19s would often reconnoitre ahead while their W 12 colleagues waited upon the surface - when conditions were suitable - and would return to collect them should surface or airborne targets be sighted. Frequently one of the large twin-engined F 2a flying-boats patrolling from Felixstowe or Yarmouth would be sighted on the water, having been forced to alight with engine trouble, and would be attacked. During 1918, combats between these big boats and the fighters from Borkum and Zeebrugge became fairly commonplace.
On 4th June 1918 a patrol of live flying-boats made up of aircraft from both Felixstowe and Yarmouth (under command of Capt. Leckie of the latter station) set course for Borkum, and about 10 miles from Terschelling one boat had to alight with engine trouble. The now four-strong flight was soon attacked by some fifteen variously assorted Brandenburg W 12s, W 19s and W 29 monoplanes, and an exceedingly hot combat ensued. The living-boats, maintaining formation to concentrate their fire, managed to cut off three of the Brandenburgs and concentrate their attack upon these seaplanes, one soon succumbing to their fire, side slipping and spinning into the sea. In turn, one of the F 2as was forced down and eventually interned by a Dutch trawler; another boat had to alight with a broken petrol pipe, but after making a temporary repair was able to take off again. After losing another seaplane the Germans retired, and during the flight back to Borkum shot up the first F 2a, which had alighted with engine trouble before the combat took place. The crew of the surfaced flying-boat vigorously returned the fire and managed to bring down a Brandenburg, whereupon another alighted near by to rescue the crew. Shortage of petrol forced the enemy to withdraw, and the F 2a was able to resume taxi-ing towards Terschelling Island. However, when within only a few hundred yards of beaching, it was again attacked by a Brandenburg W 19 - No. 2239 - which at last managed to set it on fire. The crew of three nevertheless managed to get safely ashore.
That chivalry existed between opponents over the North Sea is evidenced by an incident in June 1918 when a Felixstowe boat commanded by Lt.-Col. Robertson was shot down by live seaplanes from Zeebrugge. Crash landing, the boat tore off its wings and turned turtle: eventually Robertson was able to clamber upon the upturned hull. One of the German seaplanes alighted and taxied alongside to tell Robertson that he was near the Allied coast and ask him if he wished to be taken back to Zeebrugge or take a chance on being picked up by an Allied machine or vessel. The doughty colonel elected to remain with his wreck, whereupon his victor took a photograph of him, waved a friendly adieu and flew back to Zeebrugge. However, not a few Allied aircrews owed their lives, after being forced to alight, to being picked up by German seaplanes.
Description: Two-seat fighting patrol seaplane (long range).
Manufacturer: Hansa und Brandenburgische Flugzeug-Werke G.m.b.H.
Power Plant: One 260 h.p. Maybach Mb IV 6 cylinder in-line water-cooled engine.
Dimensions: Span, 13.80 m. (45 ft. 3 3/8 in.) Length, 10.65 m. (34 ft. 11 3/8 in.). Height, 4.10 m. (13 ft. 5 1/2 in.). Area, 57.8 sq.m. (624.25 sq.ft.).
Weights: Empty, 1,435 kg. (3,157 lb.). Loaded, 2,005 kg. (4,411 lb.).
Performance: Maximum speed, 150.5 km.hr. (94 m.p.h.). Climb, 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 6.4 min.; 2,000 m. (6,560 ft.) in 18 9 min.; 3,000 m. (9,840 ft.) in 230 min. Endurance, ca. 5 hr.
Armament: First three aircraft had one fixed Spandau machine-gun forward and one manually operated Parabellum machine-gun in rear cockpit. All remaining aircraft fitted twin Spandaus forward.
Serial Numbers: Fifty-five aircraft delivered. Marine numbers 1469-1471, 2207-2216, 2237 fitted experimentally with cannon armament, 2238-2257, 2259-2278, 2537.
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W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
An enlarged W 12 developed to meet a demand for a two-seat fighter seaplane with greater endurance, the W19 was first committed to operations in January 1918. Appreciably larger than the W12, the W19 was of similar construction with fabric-covered wings and plywood-covered fuselage and floats, and was powered by a 260 hp Maybach Mb IVa six-cylinder water-cooled engine. The substantial increase in span necessitated the adoption of a two-bay arrangement, and, apart from the three prototypes, all W 19s carried an armament of two 7,92-mm LMG 08/15 synchronised machine guns and a single Parabellum of similar calibre on a flexible mount in the rear cockpit. One W19 was experimentally fitted with a 20-mm Becker cannon for trials. A total of 53 production W 19s was completed (one being retained for static tests).
Max speed, 93 mph (150 km/h).
Time to 3,280 ft (1 000 m), 6.4 min, to 6,560 ft (2 000 m), 18.9 min.
Empty weight, 3,164 lb (1435 kg).
Loaded weight, 4,420 lb (2 005 kg). Span, 45 ft 3 1/3 in (13,80 m).
Length, 34 ft 11 1/4 in (10,65 m).
Height, 13 ft 5 3/8 in (4,10 m).
Wing area, 622.17 sq ft (57,8 m2).
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J.Herris German Seaplane Fighters of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 2)
Brandenburg W19
Nearly identical to the W12 in configuration, the W19 was considerably enlarged to enable it to carry the greater fuel load needed for the longer range and endurance desired. Other than its larger size, the main visible difference was the W19 had two-bay interplane struts to support its larger wings instead of the single-bay struts of the smaller W12. Like late
production W12 aircraft, all W19 aircraft except the first prototype had ailerons on all four wingtips for enhanced maneuverability. With the exception of the first three W19 prototypes, which had a single fixed machine-gun for the pilot, all subsequent W19 production aircraft had two fixed machine guns.
One early W19, Marine #2237 ordered in December 1917, had a flexible Becker 20mm cannon instead of a Parabellum for the observer. This seaplane apparently had an enlarged rudder and elevator, perhaps for greater stability with the cannon in the slipstream, although further details are lacking. After testing in April 1918, during which fifty rounds were rapid-fired with no installation problems, the only change requested was enlarging the observer's gun ring from 900mm to 1000mm diameter. After approval by front-line personnel, #2237 was send to the front for evaluation, where it was written off on 20 June. Apparently the evaluation was successful because in early June the Navy ordered the fourth W19 production series, Marine Numbers 2544-2563, armed with the Becker cannon. All 20 W 19s of this series were found at Warnemunde in December 1918 by the Allied Naval Armistice Commission, most still in their packing crates.
Most W19 aircraft were powered by the 240 hp Maybach Mb.IVa, making the W19 much more powerful than the W12. This significant power increase compensated for its greater size and weight, making the W19 nearly as fast as the W12 while carrying more fuel, armament, and equipment. In April 1918 the first W19 arrived at Zeebrugge to supplement the W12 in the North Sea.
The W19 and the Maybach Mb.IVa
All W19s used the Maybach Mb.IVa. W19s through the first three production batches were generally scheduled to receive the 240 hp Maybach Mb.IVa engine, but when struck off charge some individual airplanes had the high-compression 260 hp Maybach Mb.IVa engine. It is not known if the more powerful engine was installed during production or retrofitted after delivery. The fourth production series was scheduled to have the 260 hp Maybach Mb.IVa. On 12 August 1918 this series was allotted between Kofl F (North Sea) and Kofl Marinekorps (Flanders).
Confusingly, both the Maybach 240 hp and 260 hp engines shared the designation Mb.IVa. The engine rated at 240 hp had cast iron pistons, produced a maximum of 245 hp, and weighed 400 kg. The engine rated at 260 hp had aluminum pistons, produced a maximum of 300 hp, and weighed 390 kg. Both engines had six cylinders of 165mm bore and 180mm stroke, providing 23.1 liters capacity and developed their rated power at 1,400 RPM. From these similarities it is apparent they were essentially the same engine with different pistons, power ratings, and compression ratios, but with little or nothing to distinguish between them externally.
Brandenburg W19 Production
Series Marine Numbers Qty Category Armament & Notes
Prototypes 1469-1471 3 C2MG 1 fixed, 1 flexible MG
Series 1 2207-2216 10 C3MG 2 fixed, 1 flexible MG
Series 2 2237 2238-2257 1 20 CK C3MG 2 fixed MG, 1 flexible 20mm cannon 2 fixed, 1 flexible MG
Series 3 2259-2275 2276-2278 2537 17 3 1 C2MGHTF CK C3MG 1 fixed, 1 flexible MG, wireless xmtr/rcvr 2 fixed MG, 1 flexible 20mm cannon 2 fixed, 1 flexible MG
Series 4 2544-2563 20 CK 2 fixed MG, 1 flexible 20mm cannon
Series 5 2683-2722 40 C3MG 2 fixed, 1 flexible MG
W19 Production Notes:
1. Marine Number #1469 was destroyed on its first flight in August 1917.
2. The engine for #1469 is not confirmed; #1470 & #1471 had the 240 hp Maybach Mb.IVa.
3. The engine for production series 1, 2, and 3 was usually the 240 hp Maybach Mb.IVa; some aircraft had the 260 hp Maybach Mb.IVa.
4. Marine Numbers 2208-2216 and 2237-2239 were accepted the second half of April/first half of May 1918.
5. Marine Number 2237, accepted in April 1918, was class CK; this was a test installation of the 20mm Becker in the W19.
6. Marine Number 2267, accepted in the second half of June 1918, had a 260 hp Maybach Mb.IVa.
7. The engine for production series 4 was the 260 hp Maybach Mb.IVa.
8. Completion of production series 5 is not confirmed, but #2687 and #2688 were handed over to Italy on 15 September 1920, so some aircraft of this series were produced.
9. A total of 115 W19s were ordered but it is not known if all of production series 5 were delivered. Production of at least 77 W19s is confirmed.
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C.Owers Hansa-Brandenburg Aircraft of WWI Vol.2: Biplane Seaplanes (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 18)
Brandenburg W.19
The W.19 was a larger and more powerful two-seat naval fighter that followed the W.12. It had been found from operational experience that a machine with more endurance was required and the W.19 was designed to meet this specification. The usual three prototypes were ordered, MNs 1469 - 1471. Aircraft 1469 is reported to have crashed on its first flight, sometime in August 1917. Another source indicates that MN 1469 was used for static testing and not delivered. Research by Ron Kintner has established that MN 1469 was deleted without being allotted to any naval air station, while MNs 1470 and 1471 are recorded in the Daily Orders of the Chief of Naval Aviation. Although at least 77 of the 115 W.19 biplanes ordered are confirmed built, pictorially the W.19 remains one of the least photographed Brandenburg floatplanes that entered active service. The type was operated with the W.12 and was not reported by their opponents as a new type.
The W.19 with a larger wing span than the W.12 featured two-bay wings. On the prototypes these had cable bracing in each bay; however, on production machines the inner bay was wireless. Of similar configuration and construction to the W.12 it was considerably larger and possessed a greater endurance and radius of action. When equipped with the more powerful 260-hp Maybach engine(54) performance did not suffer and the two types could operate effectively together, although it appears that the Brandenburg Kastas gave up their W.12 fighters and were entirely equipped with the W.19 as numbers allowed. The W.19 was reportedly easier to fly than the earlier 150-hp Brandenburg but not as manoeuvrable.
Borkum flew large patrols of the W.19 from August to early October. On 8 October the W.19 fighters at Borkum were transferred to Norderney and they were replaced by the W.29. Details of the operations of the W.19 from other naval air stations are sketchy. Despite this the W.19 was an effective fighter and did enable the German naval aviators to keep up the pressure on their British opponents until they were replaced by the W.29. A total of 115 W.19 fighters were ordered; however, only 77 can be confirmed. It is not known if all the machines of the last batch were delivered. The Japanese expressed interest in the type and obtained MN 2690 post-war.
Operational Use of the W.19(55)
It appears orders for the distribution of the W.19 were issued in February 1918. Aircraft were to be shipped to Zeebrugge and Borkum. The later received its first W.19 biplanes by May. The first operational use of the Borkum's W.19 fighters was on 10 May. A formation comprising two W.19 and a Friedrichshafen FF49C floatplane left on a morning patrol. W.19 MN 2208 was forced to alight at sea, the Friedrichshafen, MN 1825, also landing. The other W.19, MN 2211, returned and reported. A rescue flight was sent out but did not locate the downed aircraft. The Friedrichshafen was located and towed in but the crew of the W.19 had to sink their aircraft and were interned in the Netherlands.
The British discovered that the Germans accompanied their mine-sweeping vessels with light vessels, and support capital shops were sometimes patrolling or even anchored in the inner Bight. Coastal Motor-Boats (CMBs) being of shallow draft and equipped with torpedoes could be carried to near the mine-field and released for a dash across to the inner part of the Bight and attack any capital targets of opportunity. It was proposed that flying boats from Yarmouth and Felixstowe would patrol off the Dutch islands to distract the attention of German seaplanes from the CMBs. A number of such operations were carried out with limited or no success. During one such operation on 1 August, a Zeppelin made a bombing attack on the naval forces. As it appeared that the Zeppelin commanders were losing their sense of caution it was determined to carry a fighter on the next excursion.
On the evening of 10 August the Harwich Force set out again with the CMBs and a Sopwith 2F.1 Camel on a towed lighter. A few minutes after the CMBs started their run the Force was sighted by some German seaplanes that kept the Force under reconnaissance. These were probably those from Kasta 5 that was making the first patrol of the day. At 7.10am the Yarmouth flying boats arrived and were directed to the position of the German seaplanes. The weather conditions allowed the surface ships to easily view the German machines but they were not visible from the flying boats that set off in the wrong direction. They returned and asked for more information and were directed to seek out the CMBs that should have been returning. No sighting of the motor-boats was made. While this was in progress the L.53 made an appearance and Lt. Stuart D Culley took off in his Sopwith 2F1 Camel N6812 and soon after the remains of the Zeppelin fell into the sea. The CMBs were now overdue and the destroyers and light cruisers were ordered to sweep in search of them. Flying boats from Yarmouth were dispatched but no sign of the missing boats was found.
After being launched from the cruisers, the motorboats had moved towards the Dutch coast and then turned and ran along the coastline outside Dutch territorial waters. Six seaplanes were sighted but were thought to be British until they were close enough for the black crosses to be made out. These were Brandenburg W.29 biplanes of Kasta 5. The CMBs closed up to concentrate the fire of their Lewis guns and were soon in a running duel with the German seaplanes that bombed and strafed the motor-boats. After about half an hour the leader decided to return to the Harwich Force, and then four fast fighting seaplanes with twin forward-firing guns arrived. Actually Brandenburg W.19 biplanes of Kasta 1 and Norderney W.12 and W.29 aircraft arrived, and continued the attack. Keeping the sun at their backs the Germans dived on the motorboats, "defined in clear detail, and the fire from the seaplanes, opened with fair accuracy at long range, was maintained without break and with increasing sureness of aim as they neared the luckless crews." The fight took place four miles off the Dutch coast. One boat managed to reach the shore. Another caught fire but managed to get within half a mile of the shore before it blew up. Two were sunk by their crews when they ran out of ammunition and fuel. They were picked up after three hours in the water by a Dutch torpedo boat. Two others drifted into Dutch waters and were salvaged by the Dutch. All the crew survived to be interned but four officers and two men had been wounded.
Three Borkum W.19 crews were credited with a motor-boat each. Two Norderney W.12 crews and one W.29 crew also received credit for one motorboat each. One Norderney W.29 had been shot down in the action and its crew killed. Also a Norderney W.12 had to alight with a bullet in the radiator and had to be towed in by a torpedo boat. Activity continued all day with all six Borkum Kastas flying a mission and Kasta 5 flying two.
On 30 May 1918, two flying boats from Great Yarmouth were making a reconnaissance over the Borkum area when Curtiss H.12 convert 8660 was forced to alight with engine trouble. The accompanying flying boat was notified by Aldis lamp that the trouble was repairable, and it circled the downed boat until after about 50 minutes two German fighting seaplanes appeared and a combat ensued. The two forward guns on the flying boat jammed after a few rounds; however, the German seaplanes turned and flew off in the direction of Borkum with the evident intent of bring back reinforcements. The British boat pursued the Germans until he realized he was too far from his damaged comrade and he turned back but could not locate the Curtiss boat. Finding nothing after a long and careful search, he flew home at 4.45pm with only about twenty minutes fuel left. At 6pm Capt. R. Leckie took another boat out to search for the missing boat. Not long after he departed a pigeon message arrived stating that 8660 was on the water and being attacked by three "Huns."
H.12 8660's engine had been fixed and the boat had left the water and continued on its patrol. After three-quarters of an hour the machine was again forced to alight with engine trouble. In the meantime the Borkum station had sent out four seaplanes, three Brandenburg W.19 fighters and an accompanying Friedrichshafen FF49C MN 1830. This was Kasta 1 that had been equipped with the W.19 from 25 May, flying its last patrol in the W.12 on 3 May. The Germans found 8660 on the water and immediately attacked, circling the boat and letting their observers fire on the machine on the water. MN 2213 had to break off the attack due to engine trouble. Two diving attacks were made when the attackers noted that three men had left the boat and were swimming away from it and so they ceased their attack and landed to pick up the swimmers. Two were taken captive and the other drowned. The Friedrichshafen taxied up to the boat and the observer went onboard to find the mechanic wounded in the head by splinters and the pilot, Capt. Charles L. Young, DFC, dead at the controls. As the flying boat could not be towed back to Borkum the boat was set on fire and the Germans left with their three POWs.
W.19 Engines
There were numerous engine, armament, and equipment variations within W.19 production. For example, airplanes through the first three production batches were generally scheduled to receive the 240-hp Maybach Mb.IVa engine, but when struck off charge some individual airplanes had the high-compression 260-hp Maybach Mb.IVa engine. It is not known if the more powerful engine was installed during production or retrofitted after delivery. The fourth production series was scheduled to have the 260-hp Maybach Mb.IVa. On 12 August 1918 this series was allotted between Kofl F (North Sea) and Kofl Marinekorps (Flanders).
Confusingly, both the Maybach 240-hp and 260-hp engines apparently shared the designation Mb.IVa. The engine rated at 240-hp had cast iron pistons, produced a maximum of 245-hp, and weighed 400 kg. The engine rated at 260-hp had aluminum pistons, produced a maximum of 300-hp, and weighed 390 kg. Both engines had six cylinders of 165mm bore and 180mm stroke and developed their rated power at 1,400 RPM. From these similarities it appears they were essentially the same engine with different pistons, power ratings, and compression ratios, but with little or nothing to distinguish between them visually. The reduced reciprocating mass of aluminum pistons allows the engine to rev more easily, and the improved thermal conductivity enables a higher compression ratio before knocking/pinging.
(54) The prototypes, and many early machines, were powered by the 240-hp Maybach.
(55) This section is based on the research of R. Kintner. See "The Brandenburg W.19 - Operational History", Over the Front Journal, Vol.26, No.4,2011.
Brandenburg W.19 Production
Marine Numbers Class Engine Delivered Notes
1469 - 1471 C2MG Mb.IVa The engine used in 1469 is unknown, the machine was destroyed on its first flight August 1917. The other two had the 240-hp Maybach.
2207 - 2216 C3MG Mb.IVa Apr. - May 1918 2215 cancelled 2 Apr. 18, due to faulty workmanship
2237 CK Mb.IVa Apr. 1918 20mm Becker Kannon test installation
2238 - 2257 C3MG Mb.IVa Jan. - June 1918
2259 - 2278 C3MG Mb.IVa Feb. - June 1918 2267 accepted in second half of June 1918 had a 260-hp Maybach. 2278 MGMK. Some aircraft CHFT2MG
2537 C3MG Mb.IVa May 1918 Replacement for 2215
2544 - 2563 CK Mb.IVa Also 1MG1MK. Most found at Warnemunde by Allied Armistice Naval Commission (See Appendix in Vol.3).
2683 - 2722 C3MG Mb.IVa 2687 &. 2688 to Italy post-war
Brandenburg W.19 Specifications
Source Typenschau Gray & Thetford Brandenburg 3-view SVK MN 1470 SVK MN 2208
Dimensions in m
Span 13.80/13.80 13.80 13.800/13.800 13.800/13.800 13.800/13.800
Chord 8.470 9.450 8.690 9.600 9.600
Length 3.230 3.550 3.300 3.300 3.300
Height 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800
Areas in m2
Wings 57.80 57.8 - 50.46* 57.80
Ailerons 5.00 - 2.28 5.00 -
Elevators 2.27 - 1.62 2.25 -
Rudder 1.25 - 0.75 1.25 -
Empty Wt, kg 857 977 959 997 1,056
Loaded Wt, kg 1,314 1,434 1,230 1,454 1,550
Speed in km/h 151 150.5 - - 150.5
Time to 800 m 6.7 minutes - - - 6.7 minutes
Time to 1000 m 8.4 minutes 6.4 minutes 8.4 minutes 6.7 minutes 8.4 minutes
Time to 1500 m 13.8 minutes - 13.8 minutes 10.2 minutes 13.8 minutes
Time to 2000 m 18.9 minutes 18.9 minutes 18.9 minutes 14.2 minutes 18.9 minutes
Time to 3000 m 23 minutes 23.0 minutes 28.7 minutes 25.1 minutes 23 minutes
Endurance - 5 hours (approx) - - -
Engine 260-hp Maybach 260-hp Maybach Mb.IV 260-hp Maybach 240-hp Maybach -
* This discrepancy cannot be explained as the span and chord are the same for both Atlas entries.
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