Страна: Франция
Год: 1911
- Maurice Farman - MF.3 - 1911 - Франция
- Maurice Farman - MF.3 Hydro - 1912 - Франция
- Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
- L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
- Журнал Flight
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
THE MILITARY AEROPLANE COMPETITION AT RHEIMS. - Barra, on his Farman, being despatched by the military officials on a long-distance test.
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
The MF II with vertical uprights in the tailbooms.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
M. Farman. 1912-13 staggered biplane. This is the type which has done best as a hydro-aeroplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Birra on his Maurice Farman biplane in the final speed test in connection with the French Military Competition.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
GENERAL VIEW OF THE THIRD PARIS AERO SALON. - The machine at the bottom of the photograph is the Bleriot 100-h.p. "Aeronef," built to the order of M. Henri Deutsch de la Meurthe. On the same side, but towards the centre of the Exhibition, may be seen the Zodiac biplane and the Borel and Deperdussin monoplanes, while opposite are the Train and H. Farman monoplanes and Savary and M. Farman biplanes.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bleriot Bleriot-XXIV Aeronef - Франция - 1911Deperdussin B/C - Франция - 1911Farman monoplane - Франция - 1911Morane-Borel-Saulnier A - Франция - 1911Savary biplane - Франция - 1910Train monoplane - Франция - 1910Zodiac No. 4 - Франция - 1911
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
The Farman stand at the Paris Aero Salon, showing, in addition to the latest type Maurice Farman biplane, the Henry Farman monoplane, described last week in FLIGHT.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Farman monoplane - Франция - 1911
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
FARMAN. Henry and Maurice Farman, 167, Rue de Silly, Billancourt (Seine) Aerodromes: Buc, pres Versailles and Etampes. Depots: Camp de Chalons--Reims. Established by H. Farman in 1908. M. Farman established works a little later. In 1912 the two brothers combined. The present works were opened in January, 1912, and had an output capacity of at least 300 machines a year in March, 1913.
M. Farman M. Farman M. Farman
Military biplane. Big military Staggered
biplane. biplane.
Length..........feet (m.) 39-1/3 (12) 46 (14) 39 (11.90)
Span............feet (m.) 50-3/4 (15.50) 65-3/4 (20) 36 (11)
Area.....,...sq. ft. (m?) 646 (60) 861 (80) 323 (30)
Weight, total, lbs.(kgs.) 1102 (500) 1433 (650) 882 (400)
Weight, useful,lbs.(kgs.) 617 (280) 882 (400) 551 (250)
Motor................h.p. 70 Renault 70 Renault 70 Renault
Speed, max....m.p.h.(km.) 56 (90) 44 (70) 69 110)
Speed, min....m.p.h.(km.) ... ... ...
Endurance............hrs. ... ... ...
Number built during 1912. ... ... ...
Remarks.--The whole of the above can easily be converted into hydro-avions --two long narrow floats without steps. H. Farmans are of wood and steel construction; M. Farman, wood. In all 1913 biplanes the ailerons are inter-connected. All 1913 machines designed to carry one or in some cases two mitrailleuse, and special attention is paid to facility for taking down for transport and re-assembling. The 1911-12 H. Farmans had elevators forward, were a good deal longer, and had more surface than 1913 models. Ailerons not inter-connected. The M. Farmans generally as now, except that all planes, etc., had rounded edges. On September 11th, 1912, Foury, in an M. Farman military, made world's endurance record to date, 13 hrs. 22 min., covering 631 miles (1,017 km.) All models of this type, also the "big military," are fitted with the Doutre stabiliser. Fabric: "Aviator" Ramie.
Latest Hydro.--In March, 1913, a new hydro was produced experimentally. There is a boat body, without steps, carrying the motor which is chain connected with the propeller. Machine is fitted with wheels and skids as well.