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Halberstadt D.V

Страна: Германия

Год: 1917


Halberstadt - CL.II/CL.IIa - 1917 - Германия<– –>Halberstadt - C.V/C.IX - 1918 - Германия

В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны


   Последней серийной модификацией стал "Хальберштадт" D.V, появившийся вначале 1917 г. Помимо фирмы-разработчика, его выпускали по лицензии авиазаводы "Авиатик" и "Ханновериш Вагонфабрик". D.V отличался улучшенной аэродинамикой, усиленной конструкцией планера (фюзеляж получил фанерную обшивку) и элеронами с роговой аэродинамической компенсацией. Двигатель - "Мерседес" D-II или "Аргус" As-II.
   Выпуск "хальберштадтов" продолжался до весны 1917 года, после чего их сняли с производства из-за того, что по своим летным характеристикам они значительно уступали "альбатросам". Всего построено 96 экземпляров D.II, 54 D.III и 90 D.V. 33 "пятерки" в том же году были переданы Турции. Также турки получили несколько экземпляров D.II.
ВООРУЖЕНИЕ: 1 или 2 7,92-мм синхронных пулемета MG "Шпандау" 08/15
   Размах, м 8,80
   Длина, м, 7,30
   Площадь крыла, кв.м 23,80
   Сухой вес, кг 561
   Взлетный вес, кг 771
   Скорость максимальная, км/ч 145
   Время подъема на высоту
   1000 м, мин.сек 4,00
   Потолок, м ?

А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России

Истребитель "Хальберштадт Д. V", хотя и с менее мощным 120-сильным "Мерседесом" или "Аргусом", пользовался куда лучшей репутацией, чем "Роланд". Он был последним среди аппаратов класса Д, выпускавшихся фирмой "Хальберштадт" с 1915 г. и, оказавшись на фронте примерно в начале 1917 г., снискал известную популярность, несмотря на ряд недостатков: в частности, прочность хвостового оперения всей этой серии внушала опасения. Довольно скоро устарев на Западном фронте, модель продолжала использоваться на Восточном и, кроме того, поставлялась в Турцию. Как минимум один из "Ц-пятых" очутился в русском плену, но детали данного происшествия неизвестны (78).

O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)

Halberstadt D V
   Virtually a standard D III airframe fitted with either Mercedes or Argus engine, and with modified centre-section struts and ailerons. The D V was reputedly delightful to fly. As may be seen from the national insignia of the aircraft illustrated, some examples were supplied to the Turkish Government. Engine, 120 h.p. Mercedes D II or Argus D II. Span. 8.8 in (28 ft. 10 1/2 in.). Length, 7.3 m. (23 ft. 11 1/2 in.). Climb, ca. 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.) in 3 min.

W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters


   The D V, which reverted to the two-bay formula, was based on the earlier D III and was similarly powered with a 120 hp Argus As II engine. It differed in featuring aerodynamically-balanced inset ailerons and a redesigned centre section, which, with a simplified cabane structure and a large semi-circular cut-out in the upper wing, offered an improved field of view for the pilot. A single LMG 08/15 machine gun was mounted on the port side of the forward fuselage, but the last D Vs produced were armed with twin synchronised guns. The D V appeared at the Front in the autumn of 1916, some 50-55 being produced by the Halberstadter Flugzeugwerke during the course of that year. A further 37 were manufactured in 1917, these being mostly for use by Turkey where the first D Vs arrived in March 1917. Operating in high temperatures, the D Vs were fitted with additional radiators on their fuselage sides, resulting in some loss of performance. On the Western Front, the D Vs were replaced in the operational role in the summer of 1917, but others remained in first-line service in Palestine well into 1918.

Max speed, 99 mph (160 km/h).
Time to 3,280 ft (1 000 m), 4.0 min.
Range, 124 mis (200 km).
Empty weight, 1,323 lb (600 kg).
Loaded weight, 1,790 lb (812 kg).
Span, 28 ft 6 1/2 in (8,70 m).
Length, 23 ft 11 3/8 in (7,30 m).
Wing area, 258.34 sq ft (24,00 m2).

J.Herris Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 45)

Halberstadt D.V

  The last Halberstadt fighter was the D.V. Very similar to the D.II and D.III, it had the same 120 hp Argus As.II engine used in the D.III, probably due to the high demand for Mercedes engines. However, the preferred 120 hp Mercedes D.II did find its way into some D.V fighters. The single fixed machine gun was now mounted left of the center-line and the cabane structure was redesigned to be more open to provide the pilot a better field of view. Furthermore, the cut-out in the middle of the upper wing was reshaped to be semi-circular.
  The ailerons were within the rectangular planform of the upper wing but were given inset aerodynamic balances.
  At least 31 Halberstadt D.V fighters were supplied to Turkey out of the 57 built. Some of these had Mercedes engines and two machine guns. And some of the Halberstadt D.V fighters sent to Turkey had small side radiators added to them to supplement their standard airfoil radiators in the hot climate in the Middle East.
  Supplying Halberstadt fighters to Turkey late in the war when more powerful Albatros fighters were available may have been due to the delightful flying characteristics of the Halberstadts. Buddecke's experience as the leader of Jasta 4, which was equipped with the Halberstadt D.II, D.III, and D.V types, along with his PLM buddies von Althaus, Hohndorf, Berthold, Frankl, etc., was the determining factor in obtaining the type for Turkey. As Serno's eyes and ears, bringing important experience back to Turkey was key in this decision. It was based on the experience of one man, Buddecke, the "Shooting Hawk" that made that type the main choice for Turkey. Photos show that the type was used there well into 1918 and was still on the airfield until the end of the war. This was important when assigned to inexperienced pilots.
  Records show two guns were sent to Halberstadt on 19 October 1916 for a D.VI fighter but it was not built.

Halberstadt Fighter Type Description
Type Engine Ailerons Wings Remarks
D.V 120 hp Argus As.II (4) or, some aircraft 120 hp Mercedes D.II Inset balanced ailerons with trailing edge flush the wing trailing edge. Three-piece upper wing, cabane joined to the center section. Semi-circular cut-out. 31 (33?) to Turkey, both engine types used. Single fixed gun on port. Second gun sometimes added to starboard. Short, downward exhaust on starboard.
(4)Mercedes engines used an overhead camshaft; Argus engines used pushrods.

Halberstadt Fighter Specifications
Spec \ Type D.l D.II D.III D.IV D.V
Engine 100 hp Mercedes D.l 120 hp Mercedes D.II 120 hp Argus As.II 150 hp Benz Bz.III 120 hp Argus As.II
Span, upper - 8.8 m 8.8 m 8.4 m 8.8 m
Span, lower - 7.92 m - - 7.8 m
Chord, upper - 1.52 m 1.52 m 1.5 m 1.5 m
Chord, lower - 1.52 m 1.52 m - 1.5 m
Wing Area 24.0 m2 23.6 m2 23.6 m2 24.0 m2 23.6 m2
Length - 7.3 m 7.3 m - 7.3 m
Weight empty 551 kg 520 kg 525 kg - 600 kg
Weight loaded 739 kg 730 kg - 815 kg 812 kg
Speed - - - - 160 km/h
1,000 minutes 4.5 3.5 4 - 4
2,000 minutes 10 8.5 9 - 9
3,000 minutes 18.5 14.5 15 - 15
4,000 minutes 35 22.5 - - 24
5,000 minutes - 38.5 - - -
D.II(Av) Empty Wt. 575 kg, Loaded Wt. 728 kg.
D.II(Han) Empty Wt. 561 kg, Loaded Wt. 744 kg

Halberstadt Fighter Production
Order Date Quantity Type Engine Serial Numbers & Notes
October 1916 20 D.V 120 hp Argus As.II D.2310-2329/16
January 1917 12 D.V 120 hp Argus As.II D.200-211/17 (not confirmed). No documentation was found on this series before and after it went to Turkey.
June 1917 25 D.V 120 hp Argus As.II D.3500-3524/17

J.Herris - Development of German Warplanes in WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (1)
Halberstadt D.V in the winter of 1916/1917. Factory camouflage is used with unit number '2'.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V, Oblt. Hans-Joachim Buddecke, JAFU of Jasta 4, 1916. Buddecke was the 3rd ace awarded the Pour le Merite and scored 13 victories before his death in combat on 10 March 1918.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V 421/16 '234'. After capture, recovering with new fabric, and British markings applied for technical evaluation.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V HK29, Lt. Emil Meinecke, 6 victories, Turkish Air Service, January 1918
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
A Halberstadt D V of the Turkish Army Aviation force, as used in 1917-18.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Late Halberstadt D.V with Mercedes engine. The plane has been rebuilt and given 1918 markings. The aircraft was probably used for training or communications duty. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Halberstadt D.V.
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Halberstadt D.V fighters. The gun is to port of centerline. The circular cutout in the trailing edge of the upper wing for increased pilot visibility identifies the aircraft as D.Vs; the D.II and D.III had an angular cutout. The redesigned three-piece upper wing with redesigned cabane section gave better visibility. All these aircraft had an Argus As.II engine. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Halberstadt D.V with Argus engine cowling removed.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Closeup view of a Halberstadt D.V shows details of its Argus As.II engine. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Halberstadt D.V '2' of Jasta 5 on the Western Front. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
This Halberstadt D.V with happy airmen shows the inset aileron balances of the type. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Oblt. Hans Joachim Buddecke in his Halberstadt D.V while serving as commanding officer of Jasta 4 at Vaux on the Western Front. This D.V has an Argus engine. The seam between the aft fuselage fabric and forward fuselage plywood is clearly seen. In his autobiography (El Schahin) he described his unit's planes as "unsere braunen Ratten" ("our brown rats"). Buddecke was awarded the Pour le Merite on April 14, 1916 while serving in Turkey, the third ace to be so honored after Boelcke and Immelmann. After serving as CO of Jasta 4, he returned to Turkey in December 1916, returning to the Western Front in February 1918, where he was KIA on March 10. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Oblt. Hans Joachim Buddecke in his Halberstadt D.V while serving as commanding officer of Jasta 4 at Vaux on the Western Front. This D.V has an Argus engine. The seam between the aft fuselage fabric and forward fuselage plywood is clearly seen. In his autobiography (El Schahin) he described his unit's planes as "unsere braunen Ratten" ("our brown rats"). Buddecke was awarded the Pour le Merite on April 14, 1916 while serving in Turkey, the third ace to be so honored after Boelcke and Immelmann. After serving as CO of Jasta 4, he returned to Turkey in December 1916, returning to the Western Front in February 1918, where he was KIA on March 10. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
Oberleutnant Buddecke commander of Jasta 4, in his Halberstadt D.V at Vaux.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Lt. Douglas Schnorr of Jasta 30 in the pilot's seat of the Halberstadt D.V "arranged" for him; the guns have been removed. One-legged Schnorr, Offizier zur Besondere Verwendung (Special Duty Officer) of Jasta 30, no longer flew combat missions, but was provided with a unarmed Halberstadt D.V to fly. (Bruno Schmaling)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Lt. Kurt Wolff with a Halberstadt fighter of Jasta 11; although obscured by the propeller, the aileron appears to be that of a D.V. In the background is a Halberstadt D.II or D.III which can be identified by the extended ailerons.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Vzflgm. Max Winkelmann (center) and Vzfw. Heinrich Bussing look toward the camera in this picture taken at Jasta 5's Gonnelieu airfield. The Halberstadt D.V fighter in the background, designated with a 'T' on its fuselage, was flown by their CO, Hans Berr.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V in flight. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
The Halberstadt fighter at left with the initial 'M' (for Meier?) was Halberstadt D.II(Han) 820/16 serving with Jasta 25 in Macedonia. The serial is not visible on the Halberstadt D.V at right with initial 'L'.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
The Jastaschule at Famars airfield near Valenciennes with Halberstadt fighters. At right is a D.V; the other two fighters are D.II. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Lineup of Halberstadt D.II, D.III, and D.V fighters at Jastaschule I. Third aircraft from the right is an Albatros D.I.
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
A direct follow-on from the DII, the Halberstadt DIII performed reasonably well during 1916; it served on into spring 1917 pending delivery of new single-seat scout deliveries but by then its speed of 90mph (145kph) and single Spandau were simply not adequate.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V 421/16 (work no. 234) of Jasta 30 was brought down by anti-aircraft fire on February 15, 1917. It was powered by a 120 hp Argus As.II. The pilot, Unteroffizier Heinrich Schneider, was taken prisoner. The British assigned it captured enemy aircraft number G.12. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V 421/16 being paraded through London during the Lord Mayor's Show of 1917. It had been entirely recovered and painted up with fake Iron Crosses. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V 421/16 being paraded through the streets of London during the Lord Mayor's Show in November 1917. Apparently this was after it had been completely re-covered in clear-doped fabric. Its British markings were painted over with "German" ones for the parade.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
The fuselage and wings of a captured Halberstadt D.III single-seat Fighter of 1916 (120 h.p. Argus As II engine).
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
Chassis and engine housing of the Halberstadt biplane.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V 421/16 was refurbished and test flown by the British. The work number was painted on the rudder, (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
O.Thetford, P.Gray - German Aircraft of the First World War /Putnam/
Halberstadt D III captured by the R.F.C. and given British roundels.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
Three-quarter rear view of the Halberstadt biplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
Side view of the Halberstadt biplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
A CAPTURED HALBERSTADT BIPLANE. - Three-quarter front view.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
O.Thetford, P.Gray - German Aircraft of the First World War /Putnam/
Halberstadt D III.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V with Mercedes D.II engine in Turkish service. (Peter M. Grosz collection/STDB)
O.Thetford, P.Gray - German Aircraft of the First World War /Putnam/
Halberstadt D V
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
This Halberstadt D.V in Turkish service and the one behind both have Mercedes engines. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
This Halberstadt D.V in Turkey has additional radiators attached to the fuselage sides in addition to the airfoil radiator. The pilot is Oblt.d.R. Theodor Croneiss, commander of Ottoman Fl. Abt. 6 (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
Сайт - Pilots-and-planes /WWW/
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V in Turkish service with the ground personnel of Turkish FA 5. The fighter has an Argus engine and supplementary cheek-style radiators in addition to the regular airfoil radiator.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Hans-Joachim Buddecke (wearing tropical helmet) shows a Halberstadt D.V to General Liman von Sanders (wearing Turkish Kalpak hat) sometime during Buddecke's second tour of duty in Turkey in 1917. (Tobias Weber)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V in Turkish markings flown by German ace Lt. Emil Meinecke, who achieved six victories over the Dardanelles. Here Meinecke is shown on January 27, 1918 after a tough combat with six British fighters. The maneuverability of the Halberstadt must have been a factor in his survival. This aircraft is fitted with a Mercedes D.II instead of the Argus As.II and has a protective plate installed to protect the carburetor intake manifold from the blast effects of the machine gun or certain types of ammunition. This slightly alters the nose contours. HK29 is marked on the Turkish insignia.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V in Turkish markings with an Argus As.II engine which did not have an overhead camshaft to operate the intake and exhaust valves. It had push rods and rocker arms instead, whose double springs could be seen and not hidden under the valve gear covers. The cowling panels are modified to cover a higher area over cylinders to provide better streamlining and altering the nose contours. This is apparent in the Argus-engined models. Ace Lt. Emil Meinecke is second from left.
А.Александров, Г.Петров - Крылатые пленники России
(КПР 78)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Cockpit of Halberstadt D.V 421/16. The mounting for the gun on the left is visible and the RPM indicator is mounted centrally high in the pilot's line of sight. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Cockpit of Halberstadt D.V 421/16. The mounting for the gun on the left is visible and the RPM indicator is mounted centrally high in the pilot's line of sight. (Peter M. Grosz Collection/STDB)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
A somewhat unsuccessful landing by Lt. Schnorr on Jasta 30's airfield. Three Halberstadt D.Vs were provided to Jasta 30 as initial equipment. They had formerly been flown by Jasta 11 who had completed turning them in on February 28, 1917 to the Armee Flugpark 6. (Bruno Schmaling)
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V crashed by Josef Jacobs while he was an instructor at Jastaschule Ia.
W.Green, G.Swanborough - The Complete Book of Fighters
The Halberstadt D V with Argus As II engine.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
THE HALBERSTADT BIPLANE. - Plan, side and front elevations.
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V
J.Herris - Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI. Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS.I & Fighters /Centennial Perspective/ (45)
Halberstadt D.V