Страна: Франция
Год: 1913
Летающая лодка
А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
FBA типов A, B, C 1914 г.
Это был двухместный разведчик, трехстоечная, с подкосами, однореданная летающая лодка цельнодеревянной конструкции с двигателями "Гном" (50 л. с.; типы A, B) или "Клерже" (130 л. с.; тип C). Верхнее двухлонжеронное крыло имело большой размах и оборудовалось элеронами. Лодка имела вогнутый редан. Оперение обычного типа было поднято на загибе хвостовой части лодки и крепилось системой растяжек и распорок. Руль поворота без киля, у разных типов имел разную форму. Подкрыльевые поплавки первоначально металлические цилиндрические, на более поздних моделях - понтонного типа, деревянные. Вооружение отсутствовало.
Спроектированный как разведчик, самолет впоследствии использовался как учебная летающая лодка. Выпущено несколько сотен лодок FBA в различных вариантах.
Россия купила 30 машин типа C с двигателем "ГномМоносупап" (100 л. с.), еще 34 построили на заводе Лебедева. С 1915 года заменялась М-5 Д. П. Григоровича.
Показатель FВА тип С, 1915г.
Размеры, м:
длина 8,0
размах крыльев 13,68
Площадь крыла, м2 33,5
Вес, кг:
максимальный взлетный 840
пустого 535
Двигатель: "Гном-Моносупап"
мощность, л. с. 100
Скорость, км/ч 105
Дальность полета, км 400
Потолок практический, м 2500
Экипаж, чел. 2-3
Вооружение нет
- А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
- В.Шавров История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
- J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
- L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
- D.James Schneider Trophy Aircraft 1913-1931 (Putnam)
- G.Duval British Flying-Boats and Amphibians 1909-1952 (Putnam)
- O.Thetford British Naval Aircraft since 1912 (Putnam)
- E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
- J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.2: Aircraft A-H (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 74)
- Журнал Flight
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
FBA C #48, Baltic Sea Fleet, autumn 1915.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
FBA Gnome 90 hp (type C) n°39 from CAM Venise usually flown by lieutenant de vaisseau Jean Louis Conneau, San Andrea Island, Summer 1915.
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
F.B.A. Type C of the Aviation Maritime.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
FBA Gnome 90 hp (type C) n°54 from CAM Venise usually flown by enseigne de vaisseau Jean Roulier, San Andrea island, Summer 1915.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
FBA Gnome 90 hp (type C) n°94 from CAM Venise flown by enseigne de vaisseau Andre Vaugeois, San Andrea Island, June 1916. Vaugeois was captured in this plane.
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
FBA 100 hp Rhone (Type C) (no 104), CAM Salonique, May 1916.
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
FBA 100 hp Rhone (no 196), CAM Argostoli, Late 1916.
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
FBA 100 hp Clerget no 219 of the Argostoli CAM
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
Theoretical profile of the FBA 100 ch Clerget of the second master Jeanblanc and the sailor Trouillet, victorious crew having contributed to sink the submarine UC 38 at the north of the island of Argostoli on December 14, 1917
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
Летающая лодка FBA французской морской авиации
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
Летающая лодка FBA, построенная в России заводом Лебедева (1915г.)
А.Шепс - Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
Летающая лодка FBA, построенная автро-венгерской фирмой "Якоб Лохнер и Ко" (1913г.)
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
FBA Type A No.26. The type was used by the Austro-Hungarian Naval Air Service and the RNAS.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
AT THE PARIS SALON. - The F.B.A. flying boat.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
The 100 h.p. Gnome-engined flying boat of the Franco-British Aviation Co.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
The F.B.A. flying boat - type Deauville - fitted with 130 h.p. Salmson engine.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
Tail of the F.B.A. flying boat.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
The Franco-British seaplane, piloted by Burri, the only other machine besides the winning Sopwlth seaplane to finish the course for the Schneider Cup at Monaco.
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
FBA Type A No.27 - note differences in hull shape.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
A remarkable photograph secured by Mons. E. Marchessaux at Monaco on April 20th, during the final contest for the Schneider Aviation Cup. - This negative absolutely untouched, and shows Mr. Howard Pixton's Sopwith machine passing the Franco-British seaplane piloted by M. Burri. The above is one of the autograph photographs of the amateur photographer which he presented to the two pilots who finished for this cup.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sopwith Schneider/Baby - Великобритания - 1914
Форум - Breguet's Aircraft Challenge /WWW/
F.B.A. Type A 1914 Schneider Trophy Contest (100 hp Gnome). In 1914 Schneider Trophy Race Burri was second with a respectable speed of 62.0 mph. The winner was C. Howard Pixton in Sopwith Tabloid floatplane (86.5 mph).
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
F.B.A. Type B. The F.B.A. Type B was an enlarged version of the Type A and had a redesigned tail and a more powerful 100-hp Gnome.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
One might think that this is a photo of Lieutenant de vaisseau Jean Louis Conneau (in light-colored shirt and suspenders facing the camera) at the CAM Venise. But this is not the case: this is Lake Garda, whose northern end was occupied by Austrian troops. The Italian army hastily created a small seaplane squadron and bought FBAs from France. Conneau, an employee of the firm, delivered them in July 1915 (Passot-Seguin Collection)
G.Duval - British Flying-Boats and Amphibians 1909-1952 /Putnam/
Lieutenant de Vaisseau Conneau, who flew under the pseudonym 'Beaumont', is seen here at Magnus Volk's Waterplane Station at Brighton with the Franco-British Aviation (FBA) Leveque flying boat which he had flown across the Channel to Newhaven, England, on 16 August 1913. He is holding the crank-handle of the aeroplane's 80hp Gnome rotary engine.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
As early as September 1915, the French FBA 100 hp were equipped with a machine gun fixed on an improvised removable carriage. However, its limited range will limit its effectiveness in combat against Austrian aircraft. (ARDHAN)
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
Ensign Jean Roulier, a young maritime pilot, poses in front of his personal FBA coded 10 in July 1915. This pilot became famous for his bombing attack on an Austrian submarine on July 1, 1915, the event making the front page of Italian newspapers (Passot-Seguin Collection)
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
View of the FBA of Ensign Vaugeois, lying on the quay in Trieste after his capture. Gottfried Banfield invited the French pilot to the table of his squadron where he and his pilots toasted his bravery. (Paolo Varriale)
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
F.B.A. Type C. This view shows the 130-hp Clerget 9B rotary engine.
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
Launching of a 100 hp FBA 100 hp (Type C) on the island of San Andrea, the aircraft coded "2" of Lieutenant Jean Louis Conneau, a famous pre-war civilian pilot known even in Italy for having won the 1911 Paris-Rome race on his Bleriot (Passot-Seguin Collection)
D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/
In June 1915, a squadron of 6 FBA 100 hp seaplanes of the French Navy was installed on the island of San Andrea, which officially became the CAM Venise in 1916. The seaplanes were housed in a large hangar next to a channel, formerly used for torpedo tests. (Passot-Seguin collection)
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
In The Argostoli Airfield also received in 1916 FBA seaplanes with a 100 hp Clerget engine, called "type C" by their manufacturer. (Coll ARDHAN)
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
A manhunt is organized to capture the crew hiding in the swamps... These French sailors and soldiers have captured the standard. On the left is a 100 hp FBA of the CAM Salonica.
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
FBA 100 hp Rhone (type C) used by CAM Salonique in 1916.
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
F.B.A. Type C taxiing on the water. Type B flying boats reengined with 130-hp Clerget 9B rotary engines were designated the F.BA Type C.
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
The F.B.A. Type Cs saw extensive service as patrol and anti-submarine aircraft and were operated from many French naval air stations. Reairche.
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
View of an FBA Rhone 110 hp, whose drift has been dismantled, in Argostoli Bay at the end of 1916 (ARDHAN)
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
One of the FBA 110 hp Rhone in its hangar at Argostoli, 1916-1917 (ARDHAN)
D.Mechin - Oriental Adventures of the French Air force 1914-1918 /Aeronaut/
FBA 100 hp Clerget no 219 of the Argostoli CAM at the end of 1916. The aircraft has an original decoration. (Coll. ARDHAN)
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
FBA flyingboats under construction at the FBA works, January 1914.
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
A single example of the F.B.A. Type C was fitted with two Clerget engines in 1917, but the conversion was not a success. Reairche.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
A F.B.A. Flying-boat (100 h.p. Gnome engine), built by the Gosport Aircraft Co., Ltd.
O.Thetford - British Naval Aircraft since 1912 /Putnam/
G.Duval - British Flying-Boats and Amphibians 1909-1952 /Putnam/
F.B.A. (No. 9630). Production version for R.N.A.S.
K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/
The German submarines were a major problem for Allied shipping around the UK and the RNAS's flying boats, such as this FBA, flew thousands of hours on antisubmarine patrols. The FBA (Franco-British Aviation) was a small two-seat aircraft of which some 128 were used by the RNAS.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
An F.B.A. flying boat on the water. Actually in the service of Italy.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
FBA Type C in Italian service.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.2: Aircraft A-H /Centennial Perspective/ (74)
FBA Type C in Italian service.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.2: Aircraft A-H /Centennial Perspective/ (74)
Lineup of FBA Type C flying boats at the flying school at Sesto Calende.
C.Owers - The Fighting America Flying Boats of WWI Vol.1 /Centennial Perspective/ (22)
FBA flying boat 3646 was built in France and delivered to White City in January 1916. The FBA was an example of the pre-war type of flying boat The type was continually developed during the war years and saw service with the French, British, Italian and US Navies..
C.Owers - The Fighting America Flying Boats of WWI Vol.1 /Centennial Perspective/ (22)
The FBA flying boat was modified by Norman Thompson and given the designation N.T.5. The 100-hp Gnome Monosoupape powered N1059 was the last boat of a batch for 20 Type B boats ordered under Contract C.P.120948/16. Note the H-12 in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Curtiss H.12 Large America - США - 1917
J.Davilla, A.Soltan - French Aircraft of the First World War /Flying Machines/
A preserved Portuguese F.B.A. Type B. The Portuguese Type Bs were assigned to the Escola de Aeronautica Militar at Vila Nova da Rainha.
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
FBA flying boat (tactical no. 48) of the Black Sea Fleet, circa 1915. This type was used in large numbers by both fleets in 1913-16. The rudder of this machine displays the naval Cross of St. Andrew (light blue cross on a white field).
M.Schmeelke - "Torpedo Los!" /Aeronaut/
Russian FBA flying boat captured at Osel being towed.
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
An FBA flying boat attached to a hoisting boom on the Orlitza, circa 1917.
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
Orlitza in 1917. An FBA flying boat is in the forward hangar.
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
An FBA (Franco-British Aircraft) type C flying boat, with a 130-h.p. Clerget engine, Baltic Sea, circa fall 1915. Saint Andrew flags are attached to the outer wing struts.
C.Owers - The Fighting America Flying Boats of WWI Vol.1 /Centennial Perspective/ (22)
Hull Comparison of RNAS Flying Boats
Другие самолёты на фотографии: A.D. Flying Boat - Великобритания - 1916Curtiss H America - США - 1914Felixstowe F.2 - F.5 - Великобритания - 1917Phoenix Cork / P.5 - Великобритания - 1918Porte Baby - Великобритания - 1916White & Thompson NT.2 - Великобритания - 1915
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
FBA C #48, Baltic Sea Fleet, autumn 1915.
D.James - Schneider Trophy Aircraft 1913-1931 /Putnam/
FBA flying-boat
В.Шавров - История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
Схема летающей лодки ФБА