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Страна: Великобритания

Год: 1914

Single-engine, two-seat, two-bay biplane, twin-float patrol bomber seaplane

C.Barnes Short Aircraft since 1900 (Putnam)

Short Seaplanes (1914-16): Admiralty Types 166, 827 and 830

   The first proposal for an aircraft carrier was submitted to the Board of Admiralty by the Air Department in December 1912, based on a design by Beardmores of Dalmuir; but it was not accepted, because the Admiralty had already decided to equip the cruiser Hermes as a seaplane depot ship. Hermes was commissioned in May 1913 and carried Short seaplane 81 and a Caudron seaplane during the manoeuvres in July, in the course of which the Caudron was flown off a forecastle platform, as S.38 had done from Hibernia a year previously. The Caudron was considered too small for operational use, but the Short, the first to have folding wings, was highly commended. Subsequent production of the 160 hp ‘folder’ has already been described, together with the operational use of the two Salmson-engined prototypes 135 and 136.
   The reserve of power of 136 suggested its possible use as a torpedo-carrier, while 135, though underpowered, had established the basic reliability of the 135 hp Salmson engine. The Air Department therefore ordered small production batches of folding seaplanes with both types of engine, the lower-powered type being somewhat smaller to reduce stowage space on seaplane-carriers, the first of which, Ark Royal, ms bought late in 1913 from the Blyth Shipbuilding Co, Sunderland, while still building as a tramp steamer. After extensive redesign and conversion she was still not ready when war broke out and was in fact not commissioned till 9 December, 1914, too late to be used in the famous Cuxhaven raid on Christmas Day. For this operation, as already related, only the makeshift converted Channel packets Empress, Engadine and Riviera were available to serve as seaplane-carriers, but they proved so successful that they were joined later by the Isle of Man packets Ben-my-Chree, Manxman and Vindex. All these ships had hangars, cranes for hoisting outboard and very limited workshop equipment; only the last two had small forward flying-off decks. The seaplanes initially tailored to fit the Ark Royal proved to be well suited to the converted packets, as the Cuxhaven raid and Gallipoli campaign showed.
   The production version of the larger prototype, 136, was generally similar except that the wing extensions were braced by king-posts and cables instead of lift struts. This saved weight at the expense of a small increase in drag, but the practical advantages were that the sloping lift struts were all too easily damaged because of their small clearance from the tailplane when folded, and the stranded cables that replaced them were a normal product of seafaring skill, whereas the repair of struts was a specialised workshop job; at little increase of drag the cables could be duplicated, giving a valuable ‘fail-safe’ advantage under enemy fire. The first production batch of six 200 hp seaplanes (S.90-95), known as Short Type A, was already in hand at Eastchurch when war broke out; they received serials 161-166 and were referred to in Admiralty records as Type 166, in accordance with the early system of naval nomenclature. They were embarked in Ark Royal in November 1915 and acquitted themselves well at Salonika, bombing enemy batteries and spotting for the guns of the monitors Raglan and Roberts. They never carried torpedoes, although equipped to do so, and later in the campaign 163 and 166 were flown as landplanes from the R.N.A.S. airfield at Thasos. No further production of Type 166 was ordered from Short Brothers, but a batch of 20 (9751-9770) without torpedo gear was built by the Westland Aircraft Works, Yeovil, and of these 9754 also became a landplane at Thasos. They were delivered to Hamble by rail in July 1916 and test-flown there by Sydney Pickles; they were fitted to carry wireless and three 112-lb bombs, and the observer in the rear cockpit was armed with a Lewis gun. Somewhat similar in dimensions and role to Type 166 was the prototype Type B ordered as 178 but cancelled after war began, and so never built. This was an attempt to improve the crew’s view by placing them ahead of the wings and moving the engine aft to maintain balance, driving the airscrew through a long shaft; the engine proposed was a 200 hp Le Rhone two-row rotary, and some indication of the layout is given in patent No. 13,021 of 27 May, 1914.
Type 166 - Span 57 ft 3 in (17 45 m); length 40 ft 7 in (12-4 m); area 575 sq ft (53-5 m2); empty weight 3,500 lb (1,589 kg); all-up weight 4,580 lb (2,080 kg); max speed 65 mph (104 6 km/h); duration 4 hr.

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