Страна: Германия
Год: 1914
Фронтовой самолет
В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
Румплер B-I / RUMPLER B-I
Доктор Румплер, владелец и главный конструктор фирмы Эдмунд Румплер Флюгцойгверк, спроектировал в 1914 году двухместный многоцелевой биплан смешанной конструкции с преобладанием древесины, использовав для него фюзеляж моноплана "Румплер-Таубе".
Самолет с заводским обозначением 4A оказался весьма удачным. Его приняли на вооружение немецких ВВС под индексом В-I и запустили в серию на фирмах Румплер и Пфальц. Всего построено 198 экземпляров машины, которые применялись в 1914-1915 годах на западном и восточном фронтах.
"Мерседес", 100 л.с.
- В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
- А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России
- O.Thetford, P.Gray German Aircraft of the First World War (Putnam)
- J.Herris Rumpler Aircraft of WWI (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 11)
- M.Dusing German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 85)
- P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One (Flying Machines)
- E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
- Журнал Flight
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Rumpler B.I (Rumpler 4A) (1914)
The Rumpler biplane on which Herr Basser beat the world's duration record at Johannisthal on June 24th last, with a flight of 18 hrs. 12 mins. duration. The nose of the fuselage round the 100 hjp. Mercedes engine is covered with aluminium, whilst the top of the body is covered with three-ply wood. The rear portion of the fuselage is totally covered in with fabric. Provision has been made for quick erecting and dismantling of the wings, which are separated by 12 steel tube struts of streamline section. The chassis is exactly similar to that of the Rumpler monoplanes, thus allowing of interchange of spare parts. -
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
This aircraft may be the Rumpler B.I prototype. Here is Sanke card 260. The B.I was a reliable replacement for the obsolete Taube and had good flying qualities, making it suitable for training use as well as operational reconnaissance missions.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919 /Jane's/
Early form of Rumpler B.I type military biplane, which just before the war broke various distance and duration records, including an 18 hours non-stop flight by Herr Basser, and a flight from Berlin to Constantinople, stopping only at Vienna, Sofia and Bucharest. Herr Basser is seen in the pilot's seat above.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler 4A14 was developed from the Rumpler B.I by installing a 150 hp Benz Bz.III.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I in left foreground in a hangar with other B-types.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
The Rumpler military flying school at Muncheberg circa 1916/17. Rumpler B.I trainers crowd the hangar.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Naval Rumpler B.I S60.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I B.362/15.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Rumpler B.I 477/14 (02.28) was transferred to the LFT from Flieger Abteilung 30 at the Front. Still in its original German markings, it was flown later as a trainer in Wiener-Neustadt.
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
Rumpler B.I B.483/14 carries national insignia on both sides of all four wings. A 100 hp Mercedes D.I provided the power. Designed and placed into production in 1914, the Rumpler B.I was a good aircraft for its time. (Aeronaut)
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
This Rumpler B.I 484/14 (02.26) was operational with Flik 1 with the German insignia still intact. It would be repainted when it came in for repair.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
The Rumpler B.I was of conventional wood, wire, and fabric construction and used a 100 hp Mercedes D.I engine.
A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/
"Aviation fashion" in winter 1915... In the photo against the Rumpler B.I Oblt. Ludwig Dumbacher and Oblt. Cizinsky of Flik 1 surrounded by German officers at the Croatian airport in Slatina, March 15, 1915 - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I with then Vzfw. Raetsch at right.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I aircraft.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Anonymous Rumpler B.I aircraft in use.
Журнал - Flight за 1917 г.
An interesting photograph of the landing of an enemy machine with pilot badly injured and the observer killed. Our contemporary, La Guerrv Aerienne, states in regard to the above that on January 10th, 1915, near Villers-Bocage, Sub - Lieut. Eugene Gilbert, the well-known aviator, brought down this Aviatik. The landing was quite normal, the motor having been stopped through a bullet smashing the radiator. When the French soldiers arrived to seize the machine, the observer, Lieut. von Falkenstein, was noticed to be sitting perfectly still, and it was soon realised that he was dead, whilst the pilot, Lieut. Keller, was completely hors de combat through being seriously wounded.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
A Mercedes-engined Rumpler B.I (02.08?).
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The longer 100 hp Daimler engine did not deter resourceful LFT fitters. Here it is installed in the B.I 02.25.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I depicted in Sanke card 271. Aircraft recognition, always a problem for the infantry, was in its infancy and the aircraft is will decorated with German national insignia to identify it for the ground troops.
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I approaching to land. In addition to the Fliegertruppe, the B.I was used by the German Navy and 31 were sold to the Austro-Hungarian Luftfahrtruppen where they served until at least August 1918.
A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/
Nord-Ostfront 1914... Flik 5 in the "full gala" at the field airport in Baranow Sandomierski (?). In the photo there are six Rumpler B.I planes with their crews and ground personnel standing next to them - source: Fotoarchiv SAW-KA.
М.Маслов - Русские самолеты Первой Мировой /Эксмо/
Оригинальная подпись гласит, что на фото сборочная аппаратов (манеж), относящаяся к 6-й авиароте. Представленные аппараты Румплер, Шнейдер, Фарман свидетельствуют о наличии в эксплуатации значительного количества самолетов иностранного производства
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Farman HF.15/16/20 - Франция - 1912LVG B.I - Германия - 1914
A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/
A standard forward area army park showing aircraft being repaired for their return to service with frontline detachments. A captured Albatros (Rumpler ???) is in the foreground, with a Morane-Saulnier L behind it. Nieuport IV fuselages and Voisin nacelles are also visible.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Morane-Saulnier Type L / Моран-Парасоль - Франция - 1913Nieuport Nieuport-IV - Франция - 1911Voisin 3/5 (L/LA/LAS) - Франция - 1913
А.Александров, Г.Петров - Крылатые пленники России
(КПР 9)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: LVG B.I - Германия - 1914
J.Herris - Rumpler Aircraft of WWI /Centennial Perspective/ (11)
Rumpler B.I from the Militar Flieger Schule Muncheberg flown by Lt. Raetsch on its nose.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Rumpler B 1 (02.01, w/n 217) in which Feldwebel Franz Juhasz of Flik 5 suffered a minor landing mishap in early 1915. The tail markings, possibly applied at the Rumpler factory, were non-standard.
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Rumpler B.I. Flugzeugnummer 02.02, Seitenruder nicht original, nur Versuch, „Kraxe“ am 15. März 1916 in Wiener Neustadt
Rumpler B.I. № 02.02, руль не оригинальный, единственный такой экземпляр, "Крушение" 15 марта 1916 года в Винер-Нойштадте. -
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
In training service a number of B.I biplanes were retro-fitted with an aerodynamically-balanced rudder, shown here on Rumpler B.I 02.02. The marking on the tailplane is unusual.