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Страна: Франция

Год: 1915


В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны

"Ньюпор-11"/-16 ("Ньюпор бебе") / Nieuport 11/16 (Nieuport bebe)

   Аппарат спроектирован Густавом Деляжем в 1914 году для участия в воздушных гонках на приз Гордона Беннета, где он должен был составить конкуренцию "Морану N". Но из-за неожиданного для многих начала войны ему, как и "Морану", пришлось выступать совсем в другой роли - боевого самолета-истребителя. "Ньюпор-11" представлял собой облегченный и уменьшенный в размерах одноместный вариант "Ньюпора-10", оснащенный 80-сильным ротативным мотором "Рон". За свои относительно небольшие габариты он получил прозвище "бебе" (младенец) или "Ньюпор бебе".
   Аэроплан запущен в серийное производство во Франции в середине 1915 года. Поначалу он не имел вооружения, но вскоре "бебе" стали оснащать курсовым пулеметом "Льюис", установленным на стойках над верхним крылом по типу "Ньюпора-10". Иногда, вместо "Льюиса", ставили "Кольт" или "Гочкисс". Таким образом, самолет превратился в довольно удачный одноместный истребитель с более высокими, чем у его предшественника, летными характеристиками.
Несмотря на относительно маломощный мотор, "Ньюпор-11" обладал неплохой скоростью, хорошей маневренностью, а главное - простотой и легкостью пилотирования, что выгодно отличало его от "Морана N". В результате самолет приобрел популярность среди пилотов, а его серийный выпуск быстро набирал обороты. К началу 1916 года "Ньюпор бебе" стал основным истребителем во французской авиации. Благодаря ему французам удалось ликвидировать немецкое превосходство в воздухе, захваченное летом 1915-го с помощью первых истребителей Фоккера.
   "Бебе" также состоял на вооружении ВВС Великобритании, Бельгии, Италии и России. В двух последних странах эти машины производились серийно. Итальянская фирма "Ньюпор-Макки" построила 646 "Ньюпоров-11", а московский завод "Дукс" - более сотни. Кроме того несколько десятков штук сделано по лицензии в нейтральной Голландии. Выпуск "бебе" непосредственно во Франции составил примерно 600 экземпляров.
   Но уже в марте 1916 года фирма "Ньюпор" выдала новую модификацию своего полутораплана, оснащенную более мощным 110-сильным мотором "Рон". Она получила обозначение "Ньюпор-16". Рост энерговооруженности вызвал значительное улучшение летных характеристик, особенно резко повысилась скороподъемность. Внешне же самолет отличался только наличием заголовника за кабиной пилота (надо отметить, что на многих "ньюпорах-11" российской сборки также был заголовник, поэтому отличить их по фотографиям, на которых не видно двигателя, от "Ньюпора-16" довольно сложно). Кроме того, на новом "бебе" впервые во Франции начали устанавливать синхронный пулемет "Виккерс" перед кабиной пилота, хотя из-за нехватки синхронизаторов большинство машин по-прежнему строилось с несинхронными надкрыльевыми "Льюисами".
   "Ньюпоры-11" и -16 широко и с успехом применялись на всех фронтах Первой мировой войны. Но их боевая карьера была недолгой. Уже в середине 1916 года на смену "бебе" пришла очередная модификация ньюпоровского истребителя, о которой пойдет речь в следующей главе. С западного фронта "бебе" исчезли к концу 1916-го, а с восточного и итальянского - к середине 1917 года.

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  • В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
  • А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
  • В.Шавров История конструкций самолетов в СССР до 1938 г.
  • J.Davilla, A.Soltan French Aircraft of the First World War (Flying Machines)
  • W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
  • O.Thetford British Naval Aircraft since 1912 (Putnam)
  • H.Nowarra, G.Duval Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969
  • A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov The Imperial Russian Air Service (Flying Machines)
  • E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
  • J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.3: Aircraft M-W (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 75)
  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Serving with the RNAS, 3983 was delivered to the Dunkerque Depot late in 1915. Initially allocated to No.l Wing by December 2 1915, it was soon transferred to No.2 Wing. For a time at least it was flown by Flight Commander K S Savory and was known as his Blue Bird. The aircraft's fuselage was refined by fitting side fairings behind the engine cowling in place of the original oil deflectors: these fairings resembled those of (and might have been taken from) the contemporary Bristol Scout C. This photograph suggests that the forward fuselage and mainplanes were coloured, doubtless blue, though here a replacement starboard aileron had not been painted to match the wing. This Nie.11 was lost on January 14 1917, when Flight Lieutenant W H Peberdy failed to return from a mission over Born Lake.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    The known Service history of Nie.11 3993 indicates that it spent most of its RNAS life at or near Dunkerque, where it was with No.l Wing by February

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Second aircraft of the batch of Nie.16s received by the RFC from the RNAS, No.5172 had originally had the RNAS serial 9155. Here it is seen at No.1 AD, St-Omer, on April 26 1916; the cheerful occupant of its cockpit is Lt. W J C Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, one of the finest pilots of his time. Remarkably, the Nieuport had a conventional spinner, not a cone de penetration. No.5172 went to No.l Squadron RFC, on July 4 1916, and was struck off the squadron’s strength on August 5. It was reported at No.1 AD on September 1, and was issued to No.60 Squadron from No.2 AD, Candas, on September 25. Five days later, 2/Lt. C H M King crashed fatally during air-to-ground firing practice; the wrecked airframe was sent to No.2 AD on October 1 1916, and was written off next day.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Twin overwing Lewis guns on a double mounting on an RNAS Nie.11. Also of interest is the fact that the instruments appear to be grouped together on a panel in the cockpit, which was not the case on early Nieuports when they left the factory.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Another twin-gun installation on an RNAS Nie.11, demonstrating that the guns could be lowered for magazine changing and upward firing. The staining on the fuselage suggests that the oil deflector was not doing as much deflecting as was desirable.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    The RNAS pilots at Dunkerque made various attempts to improve and increase the armament of their Nieuports. This installation of twin Lewis guns on 3981/N593 must have taxed the Nie.11's 80-hp Le Rhone severely. No.3981 had a considerable career, operating from Dunkerque as an aircraft of ‘A' Squadron. On February 20 1916, Flight Sub-Lieutenant R S Dallas destroyed an enemy two-seater, and nine days later FSL H R Simms shot down an LVG two-seater in flames. Dallas destroyed another two-seater on April 23.
    No.3981 survived combat damage on that date, and a later crash that Summer. By January 11 1917, it was with No.6 (Naval) Squadron, but FSL G P Powles had to make a forced landing in Dutch territory on February 26. The Nieuport was taken over by the Luchtvaarl Afdeling, initially as LA40 and subsequently as N213 and N230.

  • K.Delve - World War One in the Air /Crowood/

    Following on from earlier Nieuports in RNAS service, the Nieuport 11 Bebe' is here as '3982 of 2 Squadron RNAS - part of 1 Wing at Dunkirk. The Bebe became operational with Escadrille N3 in January 1916 and was an immediate success.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    One of No.11 Squadron’s Nie.16s flown by Albert Ball, A134 (ex-N995) had been transferred from the RNAS on April 14 1916. It went to No.11 Squadron from No.2 AD on June 21; and on July 2 Ball shot down a Roland C.II and an Aviatik two-seater, both of which crashed. Next day, with A134 armed with Le Prieur rockets, Ball attacked an observation balloon near Pelves but failed to set it alight. A134 returned to No.2 AD on August 11.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Nieuport Type 11 N1290, flown by Sergent Lawrence Rumsey of the Escadrille americaine, photographed at Behonne, near Bar-le-Duc, in September 1916. Each upper mainplane has a swept-back diagonal white stripe, but no roundel. It is not known whether the (apparently) white elevators and port lower mainplane were intentionally so coloured or left unpainted; or were so merely because they were recently-fitted replacement components.

  • J.Bruce - Nieuport Fighters /Albatros/

    Following the Luchtvaart Afdeling's acquisition of the forced-landed RNAS 3981, the Dutch authorities ordered the production of 20 Nie.11s from the Nederlandsche Automobil en Vliegtuigfabriek Trompenburg. Twelve, originally numbered N214 - N225, and powered by 80-hp Thulin A engines, were delivered. It has been reported that these Dutch Nie.11 never entered service, being considered unsafe. At least two, one of which is seen here, nevertheless managed to acquire individual markings. Although renumbered N237 - N248, the Trompenburg Nieuports were written off in 1925.

  • D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/

    Nieuport 11 of Sergeantul Nicolae Manescu, of N.1 Squadron. This aircraft was a reconditioned aircraft delivered to Romania (Coll Jack Herris)

  • D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/

    Nieuport fighter of Sergent Henri Manchoulas on patrol along the Putna River, May 23, 1917, photographed by a Farman it was escorting. Moments later, attacked by an enemy aircraft, Manchoulas was wounded in the head and had his machine gun destroyed, but remained to protect the Farman. He was awarded the military medal for this feat (DR).

  • D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/

    On February 14, 1917, S/Lt Charles Revol-Tissot and Corporal Henri Manchoulas shot down a German aircraft in their lines and landed beside their victim. The Nieuport n°1413 of Corporal Manchoulas is seen here, on the left of the cockpit, surrounded by soldiers of the 4th Russian Army who witnessed the air combat (SHD)

  • D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/

    Pilots from Franco-Romanian escadrille N.3 at Tecuci around March 1917. From left to right: sergent Henri Manchoulas (3 victories), adjudant Charles Revol-Tissot (2 victories, +1 won in France), capitaine Maurice Gond (2 v.), adjudant James Texier (3 v, killed on August 16, 1917), caporal Maurice Theron (1 v.), sergent Francois Terry. Notice Revol-Tissot is wearing his decorations, the Third and Fourth Class Cross of Saint George.

  • A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/

    Capitaine Maurice Gond, commanding officer of escadrille N.3, in front of his Nieuport decorated with an archer.
    Maurice Roch Gond with his Nieuport 11, while serving in the Franco-Romanian escadrila N.3. The collar insignia denotes French aviation service, and the cloth pilot's wings are sewn on the left sleeve. The three chevrons on the lower sleeves denote the rank of Capitaine. His Croix de Guerre with star indicates a citation in regimental orders, awarded possibly for service with the 30th Dragoons or escadrilles N.67 or C.64. In addition, he was made a Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, and was awarded the Order of Saint George Fourth Class, Order of Saint Anne Third Class, Order of Saint Stanislau Second Class and Third Class from Russia. He also received the Order of Michael the Brave Third Class - Romania's highest award - the Romanian Star with Swords, and the Romanian War Cross. An interesting figure is applied to the fuselage of the Nieuport.

  • D.Mechin - Foreign Fronts of the French Air Force 1914-1919 /Aeronaut/

    Adjudant Charles Revol-Tissot holding a Romanian pilot by the shoulder, in front of a Nieuport 11 which could be the latter's. In fact, in a correspondence written in the 1960s, Revol-Tissot indicated that his personal Nieuport was decorated with a red five-pointed star (DR).

  • A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/

    Sublocotenent (2nd Lieutenant, Romanian service) Charles Revol-Tissot, seated in his Nieuport 11, while stationed at Tecuci, as a member of Franco-Romanian escadrila N.3. His awards include, the Medaille Militaire, Legion d'Honneur, Cross of Saint George Fourth Class, Medal of Saint George Fourth Class, and the Cross of Saint George Third Class. All awards were received while he held an NCO rank.

  • A.Durkota, T.Darcey, V.Kulikov - The Imperial Russian Air Service /Flying Machines/

    The Nieuport flown by Revol-Tissot on his last flight with Franco-Romanian escadrila N.3, on July 10, 1917. Shortly after takeoff his plane burst into flames and forced him to land immediately. He managed to escape the inferno, but his career at N.3 was over. He was evacuated to a rear area hospital for treatment of his wounds.