Страна: Австро-Венгрия
Год: 1910
Фронтовой самолет
В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
Двухместный расчалочный моноплан цельнодеревянной конструкции с дополнительным внешним лонжероном под крылом и полотняной обшивкой. Управление по крену гошированием, а по вертикали - отклонением задней кромки стабилизатора. Оригинальный самолет, напоминающий птицу (нем. "Taube" - "голубь") спроектирован в 1910 году австрийским инженером Иго Этрихом.
Благодаря выдающимся летным данным и простоте управления, он получил широкое распространение в предвоенной Европе. Его выпускали многие немецкие и австрийские фирмы, в том числе Румплер, Хальберштадт, Фоккер, Альбатрос, Гота, DFW и Джаннин.
Машины разных производителей имели серьезные геометрические и конструктивные различия. Например, аппараты фирмы Хальберштадт имели фюзеляж типа полумонокок и "классическую" схему управления с рулями и элеронами, а самолеты фирм DFW и Джаннин строились с цельнометаллическим силовым набором из стальных труб (так называемые "Штальтаубе").
За годы серийного выпуска из заводских цехов вышло свыше 500 аэропланов, большинство из которых на счету фирмы Румплер.
В августе 1914 года все самолеты, принадлежавшие частным владельцам на территории Германии, были реквизированы и приписаны к военно-воздушным силам. При этом "Таубе" присвоили индекс A-1. (В немецкой военной классификации буквой "A" обозначали невооруженные монопланы).
В первые месяцы войны "Таубе" наиболее часто применялись для разведки как на западном, так и на восточном фронте. Самолеты этого типа сыграли важную роль в битве на Марне и в отражении русского наступления на Восточную Пруссию. 30 августа 1914-го "Голубь" впервые сбросил бомбы на Париж.
К началу 1915 года аппараты Этриха постепенно уступают место более современным разведчикам бипланной схемы. В учебных частях "Таубе" эксплуатировались еще более двух лет.
"Австро-Даймлер", 120 л.с. (на машинах австрийской постройки) или "Мерседес", 100 л.с. или "Аргус" той же мощности. В отдельных случаях применялись и другие типы рядных моторов водяного охлаждения.
Не предусмотрено.
"Гота-Таубе" "Румплер-Таубе"
Размах, м 14,5 13,6
Длина, м 10,0 8,6
Площадь крыла, кв.м 33,4 28,9
Сухой вес, кг 690 600
Взлетный вес, кг 1026 980
Скорость максимальная, км/ч 96 105
Время набора высоты, м/мин 800/12 ?
Потолок, м 3000 ?
Продолжительность полета, ч 4 ?
- В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
- L.Opdyke French Aeroplanes Before the Great War (Schiffer)
- Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913
- А.Александров, Г.Петров Крылатые пленники России
- P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One (Flying Machines)
- E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
- J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.2: Aircraft A-H (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 74)
- Журнал Flight
В.Кондратьев - Самолеты первой мировой войны
"Этрих" A-II ("Таубе") ВВС Австро-венгрии, апрель 1915г.
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Etrich A II 72.06 Ernst Kerschischnig
В.Обухович, А.Никифоров - Самолеты Первой Мировой войны
Этрих "Таубе"
Форум - Breguet's Aircraft Challenge /WWW/
Etrich Taube II, first prototype (Austria-Hungary, 1910)
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
The Etrich monoplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1915 г.
The 1913 Etrich Taube.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Among the civil aircraft confiscated at the beginning of hostilities was the German Etrich Taube owned by Carl Ehrlich. The LFT number assigned was 00.50.
Журнал - Flight за 1910 г.
Igo Etrich's monoplane, "Taube," with which he has been flying at the Steinfeld, Wiener-Neustadt. View from the front and from above.
Журнал - Flight за 1910 г.
Etrich and Illner flying on the "Taube" monoplane over the Steinfeld, near Wiener-Neustadt. On this machine Illner flew from Wiener-Neustadt, starting at 6.20 a.m. on Tuesday, to Vienna, a distance of 31 miles, arriving at the Semmeringer Helde at 7.30 . After a short stop, he flew back to his starting point.
Журнал - Flight за 1910 г.
Herr Igo Etrich, on his special monoplane, in flight over the Steinfeld, near Wiener-Neustadt, about an hour's train journey from Vienna.
Журнал - Flight за 1910 г.
The Etrich monoplane, with Austrian-Daimler engine, in flight at Wiener Neustadt. This is the aeroplane of which the German Government have ordered twenty replicas.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The original Etrich Taube (Etrich II) coming in for a landing at Wiener-Neustadt in April 1910.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
THE DAILY MAIL CIRCUIT OF BRITAIN. - General panoramic view of the scene at the Brooklands aerodrome for the start on Saturday last, taken from the new bridge over the track to the flying ground. Note the extraordinary concourse of motor cars parked round the entire track and the thouthands of the public who have secured positions on the top of the banking. The machine to the left surrounded by the crowd is Lieut. Bier's Etrich monoplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Lieut. Bier, with his passenger, starts away on the Etrich.
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
Wartime photograph of a Taube reconnoitering the area around Paris. (Author's Collection)
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
AN INCIDENT DURING THE RECENT JOHANNISTHAL FLYING WEEK. - Photograph taken from Pietschker's aeroplane, before he met with his death, of the Johanntsthal aerodrome and of Miss Melli Beese flying on her aeroplane.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Albatros Farman F1 / F2 - Германия - 1910
Журнал - Flight за 1912 г.
Lieut. Gregory, R.N., testing the new Etrich monoplane at the Royal Aero Club's Eastchurch flying grounds.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
AT HENDON AERODROME. - Arrival of the Etrich-Taube monoplane at Hendon during the progress of a race on Saturday.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
A plan view of the Etrich monoplane as seen from beneath.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
13. The Etrich Taube.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
This Manovertaube was one of six purchased from Lohner in May 1911. Oberleutnant Ritter Blaschke von Zwornikkirchen has just completed the first overland flight from Wiener-Neustadt to Fischamend, 25 July 1911.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Latest model of the Etrich Monoplane, which has just been acquired by the Austrian Army. - These machines are constructed by the Motor-Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft of Hutteldorferstrasse, Vienna. In our photograph Oberlieutenant Miller, who has charge of the machine, is in the pilot's seat; in front the Army delegates, Rittmeister Schmidl, Captain von Petroczy, First Lieutenant Blaschke, First Lieutenant Stohanzl, the Managing Directors of the Motor-Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft, Kommerzialrat Castiglioni, Director of the Austro-American India-Rubber Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of Vienna, and Director Fischer of the Oesterreichische Daimler Motoren A . G .; and next to the propeller Mr. Illner, the Etrich pilot.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
Two views of the Etrich monoplane covered with Emaillite treating and flown by Lieut. Nittner at Wiener Neustadt. It will be noticed especially from the photograph on the right that the inner construction of the planes can be seen through the top surface.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Oberstleutnant Emil Uzelac, commander of the Luftschifferabteilung, during the Offiziers-Flugmeeting in October 1912. The aircraft is an Etrich Type F Taube, of which 14 were supplied by Lohner.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Flight pupil Rudolf Blass at Flek 1 in Ujvidek in one of the old Taubes of the former Lohner-MLG flying school. Initially numbered F-01, it was re-numbered 10.09 in March 1915.
Lohner-Etrich A.I, Flugzeugnummer 10.09. Flugfeld Ujvidek, am „Steuer“ Rudolf Blasz
Lohner-Etrich A.I, номер 09/10. Аэродром Уджвидек, у «штурвала» Рудольф Блас -
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Löhner. Type Etrich-Gnöme, Flugzeugnummer 10.15
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Etrich A.II "Taube". Flugzeugnummer 72.02
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
One of the aircraft on display at the Budapest Aircraft Exhibition in April 1917 was this Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.13 (ex F.13).
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Shown here at the Offiziersfliegen in Wiener-Neustadt (October 1912) is either Aram or Arnim which in February 1915 became respectively Etrich A.I(Pd) 71.06 (later 72.43) or 71.07 (later 72.34).
A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/
On October 15, 1910, a military airport was opened in Wiener Neustadt. The inaugural flight was carried out with the participation of the "Polish duo"... Airplane designed by Ing. Adolf Warchalowski (Zivil Flieger Adolf Warchalowski, on April 22,1910, received pilot diploma No.1 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) piloted by Oblt Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) Miller, visible in the photo (on June 22, 1910, he received a pilot diploma No.5) standing next to the Etrich Taube, source: collection of the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The Lohner-Etrich Geier is representative of the five Taubes delivered to the Army in June-July 1911 which included Condor and Falke. Condor was still active in February 1915 when it was designated 70.01. After repair and modification in April 1915, it was designated Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.35. Falke was re-designated 70.02 and finally 72.37.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
This Maneuver Etrich 1911, delivered as Buzzard in June 1911, was later assigned the number F.14 and finally became Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.14.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Offizierstellvertreter Hans Matti with the Etrich X-III, a Taube that featured side-by-side seating for instructional purposes and was delivered by Lohner after a long delay in 1913. Re-numbered 70.03 in February 1915, it was soon written-off.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The Lohner-built Etrich Aar (Type F) took part in the Grand Army Maneuvers and the Offiziersfliegen of 1912. In February 1915, it was designated Etrich A.I(Fd) 71.01 and after repair and modification in July 1915, the designation was changed to Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.42.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Training activity at Flek 5, Szeged in 1916. The first aircraft, 72.27, has the outer wings removed and may have been used for ground instruction. The third aircraft in line is 72.26.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Etrich A.I(Fd) 71.05 Anita in early red and white military markings being hauled on its special wagon. The six-cylinder 90 hp Daimler has been replaced by a four-cylinder 65 hp Daimler engine for training use. No photographs have been found showing the series 71 designation on an aircraft.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The Maneuver Etrich Taube 1912, (Type F) under construction at the Flugzeugwerk in 1912-1913, was built without the knowledge or permission of the rightful patent owners.
J.Davilla - Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.1: Operations /Centennial Perspective/ (73)
Etrich Taube in Libya with Giulio Gavotti who on November 1, 1911 dropped three small bombs over Turkish encampments, the first aerial bombardment in history. (Roberto Gentilli)
H.Cowin - Aviation Pioneers /Osprey/
The Etrich Taube two seater of Austrian origin first flew in November 1909 and was adopted by the German military in 1911 as their standard reconaissance and training type. Most were built under licence in Germany by Rumpler. They were withdrawn from front line service by mid-1915. This is a 1912 Taube fitted with a 100hp Daimler D.I, giving a top level speed of 7l mph.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
The 130-h.p. Etrich monoplane photographed from the front.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Etrich-Taube with Mercedes D.I.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Rear view of the Etrich monoplane.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
A STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES. - The gathering of the pilots and others immediatelly after the arrival from France of the Etrich monoplane at Hendon on Saturday.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
The cockpit of the Etrich monoplane, showing accommodation for mechanic, pilot and passenger.
Журнал - Flight за 1913 г.
THE ETRICH MONOPLANE AT HENDON. - From left to right: Herr Friedrich (pilot) Mr. Claude Grahame-White and Herr Igo Etrich.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
The motor employed on the 3-seater Etrich monoplane - a 6-cyl. Austro-Daimler of 130-h.p.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
B.F.W.-built 1913 Etrich Taube.
L.Opdyke - French Aeroplanes Before the Great War /Schiffer/
The 1910 Aman-Etrich single-seater.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
Clerget-Etrich Taube "Aman" (France, 1910) Slightly modified version of the Etrich IV Taube license-built by Clerget in France for whose name appeared on the tail, Gustave Aman. Powered by an inline Clerget engine, it was completed in August but first flown in October 1910.
Журнал - Flight за 1915 г.
WINGED. - A German Taube in the tree tops.
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Etrich A.I, Flugzeugnummer 10.09. "Kraxe"
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Etrich S.V, built by the Flugzeugwerk in 1913, in a typical training accident. Because of the Taube's slow speed and innate stability, crashes were rarely fatal. It was re-numbered 70.05, and after repair in May 1915, Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.38.
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Etrich A.II(Fd) 72.02 (ex F.2), powered by a 85 hp Hiero engine, in a typical low-impact landing accident. The instructor’s cockpit behind the pilot has been covered over for solo flight. In July 1915, this trainer was re-numbered 72.41.
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Etrich A.II, Flugzeugnummer 72.06, "Kraxe" bei Ujvidek. Flugzeugführer Ernst Kerschischnig
E.Hauke, W.Schroeder, B.Totschinger - Die Flugzeuge der k.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe und Seeflieger 1914-1918
Etrich A.II, Flugzeugnummer 72.12, Bemalung rot-weiß-rote Streifen
Etrich A.II, номер 72.12, окрашен в красно-бело-красные полосы -
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
The pilot of this Etrich A.II(Fd) of Flek 5 (1916) could not avoid a gentle crash on a hillside. The red and white insignia was a holdover from prewar days. In this instance the rear cockpit is uncovered for the instructor.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
Mr. Carl Hochhaltinger's Etrich Taube model.
Журнал - Flight за 1916 г.
Two views of Mr. Hay's scale model Taube referred to above.
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
War-time propaganda postcard depicting German infantry closely supported by a Taube. (Author's collection)
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
A Taube from FFA 4 discovers the lead elements of French Third Army marching toward the Ardennes. (Author's Collection)
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
German postcard illustrating Taube reconnaissance aircraft over the front. (Aeronaut)
A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/
Viribus Unitis... The beginnings of Austro-Hungarian aviation. - author's collection...
A.Olejko - Habsburg Wings 1915 /Aeronaut/
Year 1914 - the era of the "fifth weapon"... The photo shows an engraving from the era of air combat from 1914. source: B. Hamann, Der Erste Weltkrieg. Wahrheit und Luge in Bildern und Texten, Munchen-Zurich 2014.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Advertisement (1913)
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
Wartime Propaganda postcard depicting a Taube bombing Paris. (Author's Collection)
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
Wartime postcard depicting two Taubes departing for the front. (Author's Collection)
M.Bowden - The Great War's Finest. Volume1: Western Front 1914 /Aeronaut/ (1)
French infantry fire on a Taube. (Author's Collection)
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Romantic view of the first (unofficial) Belgian aerial combat victory.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Farman HF.15/16/20 - Франция - 1912
W.Pieters - The Belgian Air Service in the First World War /Aeronaut/
Romantic view of a German Taube shot down by early AA-fire.
Журнал - Flight за 1916 г.
BROUGHT DOWN BETWEEN THE LINES. - As a result of many duels in mid-air between the British and German machines, enemy pilots are continually forced down between the lines, the combat being often witnessed with intense interest by both sides in the trenches. The above picture portrays one of these incidents in Flanders, in German Taube, crippled by one of the British machines, has fallen between the British and German lines, a blazing mass.
Журнал - Flight за 1915 г.
The evolution of the Etrich Taube.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Etrich Luft-Limousine / VII - Австро-Венгрия - 1912Etrich Schwalbe - Австро-Венгрия - 1912Etrich Sperling - Австро-Венгрия - 1909
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
MONOPLANES AND BIPLANES IN THE DAILY MAIL CIRCUIT ROUND GREAT BRITAIN. - From these every machine can be readily identified either in flight or on the ground.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
DETAILS OF THE ETRICH MONOPLANE. - On the left the landing carriage, somewhat reminiscent of Henry Farman practice; on the right the details of the wing tip, showing a portion of the steel bridge-like structure which strengthens the wings, and the fitting of the small wheel which prevents damage occurring to the tip of the wing.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Diagram illustrating the arrangement of spars and ribs in the wing construction. The shaded portion indicates the rigid portion of the wings; the trailing edge, unshaded, is flexible.
M.Dusing - German Aviation Industry in WWI. Volume 2 /Centennial Perspective/ (85)
Typical wing design of Etrich-Taube.
Журнал - Flight за 1914 г.
13. The Etrich Taube.
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
THE ETRICH MONOPLANE. - Plan and elevation to scale.
Etrich-Taube with 120 hp Austro-Daimler engine installed. [1911] -
Журнал - Flight за 1911 г.
Front elevation of the Etrich monoplane.
Jane's All The World Aircraft 1913 /Jane's/
P.Grosz, G.Haddow, P.Shiemer - Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One /Flying Machines/
Etrich A.II(Fd) Series 72