В.Кондратьев Самолеты первой мировой войны
Цельнодеревянный биплан со смешанной обшивкой. Фюзеляж покрыт фанерными листами, крылья и оперение - полотном. Вместо стоек бипланной коробки применены диагональные раскосы из стальных труб обтекаемого сечения. Первый одноместный вариант S.V.A.5 спроектирован летом 1917 года инженерами Савойя и Вердуццио. Выпускался крупной серией на туринской фирме Ансальдо, принадлежавшей концерну ФИАТ. Всего построено 1245 экземпляров машины.
С февраля 1918 года самолет активно и весьма успешно применялся на итало-австрийском фронте в качестве скоростного разведчика и легкого бомбардировщика. S.V.A.5 обладал значительным по тем временам радиусом действия. Несмотря на отсутствие защитного вооружения, "Ансальдо" совершали дальние рейды в глубокий тыл австрийской армии. Высокая скорость и большой потолок позволяли им не опасаться вражеских зениток и истребителей.
SPA 6a, 220 л.с.
На некоторые S.V.A.5 ставили синхропулемет "Виккерс", на S.V.A.10 - турельный пулемет "Ревелли". До 90 кг бомб.
Размах, м 9,10
Длина, м 8,10
Высота, м 3,20
Площадь крыла, кв.м 30,0
Сухой вес, кг 700
Взлетный вес, кг 1050
Двигатель: SPA-6A
мощность, л. с. 220
Скорость макс., км/ч 220
Набор высоты, м/мин 1000/5
Дальность полета, км 1000
Потолок, м 6000
Экипаж, чел. 1
Вооружение 1 пулемет
90 кг бомб
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А.Шепс Самолеты Первой мировой войны. Страны Антанты
S.V.A.5 1917 г.
Одновременно с истребителем A-1 "Балилла" фирма выпустила под обозначением S.V.A ("Савойя Вердуццио Ансальдо" - филиал фирмы) серию разведчиков и легких бомбардировщиков, имевших аналогичную конструкцию и даже внешне похожих на него. Отличались они только большими размерами и увеличенным размахом крыла. Машины выпускались как одноместные, так и двух- и трехместные, что вело к изменению конструкции кабины.
Устанавливались различные варианты вооружения. Машины строились как в ходе войны, так и после ее окончания и поставлялись в ряд европейских и латиноамериканских стран.
S.V.A.5 - одноместный разведчик с двигателем SPA-6a (220 л. с.), двухстоечный биплан, конструктивно повторявший А-1 "Балилла".
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Jane's All The World Aircraft 1919
The famous engineering and shipbuilding concern, the Societa Gio Ansaldo of Genoa, is now making aircraft upon a very large scale. This firm, which is comparable in this country only with Vickers', Armstrong's, or Beardmore's, or in Germany with Krupps', is governed by the brothers Pio and Mario Perrone. These enterprising men, both of whom are but slightly past forty years of age, have shown enterprise in every department of engineering, and it is not surprising, therefore that their aeronautical products are equally original and successful.
The Ansaldo firm has incorporated the S.I.T. (Societa Italiana Transaerea, Turin) business, which holds the Bleriot and Voisin licenses for Italy, and the F.I.A.T. Saint-Georgio business for the manufacture of aero-engines at Muggiano. In addition an important aircraft works has been established at Borzoli, near Genoa, the whole establishment being raised upon green fields within eight months.
An aerodrome site was purchased about six miles from the works, the surrounding terrain being unsuited to this purpose. A number of houses were pulled down to clear the ground, and a first-class testing depot established.
Owing to the difficulty of procuring steel tube suitable for aircraft work, the firm laid down tube mills to work to make its own. And as first-class wing fabric was scarce, they installed a silk-weaving plant to make special fabric for themselves.
They then commenced to build S.V.A. 5 (Savoia-Verduzio-Ansaldo) aeroplanes, successful examples being single-seater land machines and seaplanes, whose most noteworthy feature is the use of triangularly arranged tubular interplane struts, much after the practice prevailing before the war in certain German biplanes and in the French Clement-Bayard biplane, the object in view being the elimination of unnecessary bracing cables.
On a land machine of this description the military .aviator Stoppani flew from Turin to Rome in 2 hr. 50 mm. This machine is regarded as a long-distance fighter, and can carry fuel for eight hours, in the course of which it will fly between 1,600 and 1,700 kilometres, which represents the distance from Rome to Paris. When some of the fuel carrying capacity is utilised for bomb loads the machine becomes a formidable raiding unit. The seaplane is a similar machine fitted with long, narrow twin floats of Howard Wright type.
Some idea of the extent of the activities of the Perrone Bros, may be judged from the fact that they employ over 60,000 workmen in their various factories, an important proportion of whom are engaged upon aircraft construction.
During 1918, the firm absorbed the O. Pomilio Aircraft Company, of Turin, mentioned elsewhere in this work.
The principal outstanding work done by S.V.A. in the war was the pacific raid of 7 machines on Vienna, a 700 mile flight done in under 7 hrs. The firm are exclusively fitting the 220 S.P.A. 6-cylinder engines. During the early part of this year most of Italy's crack pilots were flying or in expectation of flying S.V.A. machines. The famous Baracca and Serenissima escadrilles are using them exclusively,
Type of machine Single-seater Biplane.
Name or type No. of machine S.V.A. (Savoia-Verduzio-Ansaldo).
Purpose for which intended Single-seater reconnaissance.
Span 29 ft. 10 in.
Overall length 26 ft. 7 in.
Maximum height 10 ft. 6 in.
Engine type and h.p. 220 h.p. S.P.A. 6A (Ansaldo).
Weight of machine empty 1,900 lbs
Weight per h.p. 13.2 lbs.
Tank capacity In gallons 75 gallons.
Speed low down 140 m.p.h.
Landing speed 45 m.p.h.
To 20.000 feet in minutes 30 mins.
Total weight of machine loaded 2,900 lbs.
Type of machine Single-seater.
Name or type No. of machine S.V.A. 5 Primo.
Purpose for which Intended Daylight bomber and reconnaissance.
Span 29 ft. 10 In.
Length 26 ft. 7 in.
Height 10 ft. 6 in.
Total lifting surface 261 sq.ft.
Engine type and h.p. S.P.A. 6A 200 h.p.. 6 cyl., vertical. 225 h.p. at 1700 r.p.m.
Tractor screw Two-bladed.
Weight empty 1450 lbs.
Tank capacity In hours 6-7 hours.
Speed at sea level 143 m.p.h.
Landing speed 45m.p.h.
To 10,000 feet in minutes 10 mins.
To 20,000 feet in minutes 28 mins.
Useful load with tanks full About 450 lbs. has been flown with 650 lbs.
Total weight with tanks full and full load of bombs 2,315 lbs.
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W.Green, G.Swanborough The Complete Book of Fighters
In the summer of 1916, Ingegneri Umberto Savoia and Rodolfo Verduzio of the Direzione Tecnica dell' Aeronautica Militare (Technical Directorate of Military Aviation), together with Ingegner Celestino Rosatelli, began designing a single-seat fighter around the 205 hp SPA 6A six-cylinder water-cooled engine. The task of supervising the development and production of the fighter was assigned to the Societa Ansaldo, and thus the prototype, first flown on 19 March 1917, was designated S.V.A. (Savoia-Verduzio-Ansaldo). The S.V. A. was a conventional biplane of wooden construction with interplane bracing of the Warren truss type and an armament of two synchronised 7,7-mm Vickers machine guns. It displayed exceptional speed but, inherently stable, was considered to lack the manoeuvrability demanded for fighter-versus-fighter combat. However, its excellent range rendered it suitable for the reconnaissance fighter role, and the Aviazione Militare decided to adopt the S.V.A. for this task. Deliveries of the initial production version, the S.V.A.2, had meanwhile commenced in the autumn of 1917, 65 being built by the year's end and this model being assigned to training.
Max speed, 137mph (220 km/h).
Time to 9,840 ft (3000 m), 11.35 min.
Endurance, 3 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,477 lb (670 kg).
Loaded weight, 2,100 lb (952 kg).
Span, 29 ft 10 1/4 in (9,10 m).
Length. 26 ft 6 7/8 in (8,10 m).
Height, 8 ft 8 1/3 in (2,65 m).
Wing area, 260.49 sq ft (24,2 m3).
Built under licence by the AER concern at Orbassano, the S.V.A.3 was a reconnaissance fighter production derivative of the S.V.A. fighter, and essentially similar to the S.V.A.4 built in parallel by the Ansaldo factories at Borzoli and Bolzaneto. In the spring of 1918 a special interceptor version was produced, this having wings of reduced span and area. Known as the S.V.A.3 ridotto (reduced), this model was used primarily for airship interception, and although standard armament remained two synchronised 7,7-mm Vickers guns, some examples were fitted with an additional weapon firing upwards at an oblique angle. Power was provided by an SPA 6A engine of 220 hp.
Max speed, 149 mph (240 km/h).
Time to 13,125 ft (4 000 m), 13min.
Endurance, 3 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,470 lb (667 kg).
Loaded weight, 1,965 lb (891 kg).
Span, 25 ft 5 1/8 in (7,75 m).
Length, 26 ft 6 7/8 in (8.10 m).
Height, 8 ft 8 1/3 in (2,65 m).
Wing area, 236.8 sq ft (22,0 m2).
The S.VA.4 was the first reconnaissance fighter development of the S.V.A. to be built in substantial quantities. It did not demand an escort in performing reconnaissance missions as it could accept combat with fighters on reasonably equal terms, and break off combat at will by utilising its high speed. It was powered by a 205 hp SPA 6A six-cylinder water-cooled engine, and normally carried two synchronised 7,7-mm Vickers guns, although the starboard gun was sometimes removed when a reconnaissance camera was carried. The S.V.A.4 entered service with the Aviazione Militare early in 1918.
Max speed, 134 mph (216 km/h).
Time to 9,840 ft (3 000m), 12 min.
Max endurance, 3.6 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,545 lb (701 kg).
Loaded weight, 2,150 lb (975 kg).
Span, 29 ft 10 1/4 in (9,10 m).
Length, 26 ft 6 7/8 in (8,10 m).
Height, 8 ft 8 1/3 in (2,65 m).
Wing area, 260.49 sq ft (24,20 m2).
Built in larger numbers than any other single-seat derivative of the S.V.A., the S.V.A.5 was a reconnaissance-fighter-bomber armed with two 7,7-mm synchronised Vickers machine guns and carrying two reconnaissance cameras or light bombs slung on the fuselage sides on special clips. Initial production examples were powered by the 205 hp SPA 6A engine, but later examples had the higher compression version of that engine rated at 230hp. Some S.V.A.5s were fitted with the 250 hp Isotta-Fraschini V6 engine with which a maximum speed of 149 mph (240 km/h) was attainable. The majority of the 1,248 S.V.A. aircraft built during 1917-18 were S.V.A.5s.
Max speed, 143 mph (230 km/h).
Time to 9,840 ft (3 000 m), 10 min.
Normal endurance, 3 hrs.
Empty weight, 1,500 lb (680 kg).
Loaded weight, 2,315 lb (1050 kg).
Span, 29 ft 1014 in
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J.Davilla Italian Aviation in the First World War. Vol.2: Aircraft A-H (A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes 74)
Ansaldo SVA Single-Seaters
The need for Italy to develop an indigenous fighter was driven by the difficulty of obtaining fighters from France. The French aviation industry, the largest in the world, was struggling to produce enough aircraft for its own forces, plus its allies. The DTAM decided to support two of its engineers, capitani Umberto Savoja and Rofolfi Verduzion, in their quest to produce a world-class single-seat fighter for the Aviazione Militaire. The well-respected engineer Celestino Rosatelli was also a member of the team. The type would be known as the SV after the initials of its two creators.
The aircraft would use non-strategic materials, in this case plywood, designed to produce as sturdy an airframe as possible. The fuselage was built up around a wooden truss, and the wings used a Warren-truss interior structure. To produce a sturdy aircraft from the materials available to the Italian industry, the designers made extensive calculations of the stresses the aircraft would encounter in combat.
Encouraged by DTAM, the Ansaldo company agreed to build the prototypes, thus making the SV a combined government and private industry project. Ansaldo created an aircraft factory (its first) Borzoi near Genoa in November 1916; it was known as Cantiere 1. A second factory with its own airfield and designated Cantiere 2 was also built at Bolzaneto,The SIT factory at Turin was also taken over by Ansaldo. In early 1918, Ansaldo took control of the Pomilio factory and designated it Cantiere 5. Cantiere 4 was built at La Spezia with the intention of using it to build seaplanes.
Fuselage - a long fuselage which tapered markedly towards the tail. The shape of the fuselage changed from rectangular at the nose to triangular at the tail. Aside from these unusual shapes, construction was the standard wooden longerons and formers, covered by plywood. One of the main innovations was the decision to join the longerons together aft of the cockpit, creating a single, very rigid structure (called in contemporary literature a “longhorn”) all the way to the stern.
Wings -a very thin wing was built around two spars and rib construction. Cattaneo notes that the trailing edge was more curved at low speeds, thus enhancing lift and load carrying capability, but at high speeds it would straighten which decreased drag. The ailerons were located only on the upper wing and were unbalanced.
One of the unique features of the SVA was the Warren truss interplane struts used to ensure a robust structure. Each bay had its own bracing, and each bay was rigged independent of the other bays.
Tail Unit - Unbalanced; the stabilizer could be adjusted on the ground.
Engine - 220-hp S.P.A. 6a (205-hp on earlier aircraft) enclosed in a large, rectangular bay covered by aluminum sheeting. The fuel tank was located just behind the engine.
Landing gear - The main landing gear was built around steel tubing and the single axle used bungee chords as shock absorbers. The single tail longeron joined to a girder fitting in the tail, which also held a leaf-spring tailskid.
Armament - Two synchronized .303 Vickers machine guns.
Equipment - two cameras could be fitted behind the main fuel tank aft of the engine.
On 3 March 1917 the prototype made its first flight by sergento Stoppani. Stoppani made further test flights and was very impressed by the speed and handling of the SVA. He suggested some alterations be made to the rigging and landing gear.
As testing continued, the SV showed some remarkable abilities - a climb to 1,300 m in two minutes and a maximum speed of 223.5 km/h was recorded at Mirafori where DTAM carried out its official tests of the aircraft. On April 30 capitano Croce stated that he felt the SVA (Ansaldo’s initial had now been added to the previous “SV” designation, which greatly displeased Savoja, Verduzion, and Rosatelli and led to numerous law suits) could perform aerobatics without difficulty.
The ability of the SVA to make long-range missions was confirmed by a non-stop flight from Turin to Udine flown at an average speed in excess of 210 km/h. In July a 1,450 km flight was made in 6 hours and 50 minutes.
Given its impressive attributes, it is surprising that the SVA was dismissed, almost out of hand, by the combat pilots who evaluated it. A panel drawn from 91a Squadriglia, probably the most successful Italian fighter unit, evaluated 6755 in August 1917. They outright rejected the design, primarily because it was less maneuverable than the HD.1s and SPAD 7s then in use by the Italian fighter squadriglias. They also criticised its poor visibility as well as the location and low rate of fire of its machine guns.
Alegi reports that aircraft 6758 was evaluated by the STAe at Villacoublay, where the aircraft won high marks. The only complaints that echoed 91a Squadriglias evaluation was the distance from the guns to the cockpit (making it difficult, if not impossible, to clear the all-too-frequent gun jams caused by faulty Italian ammunition) and the limited forward view.
Ansaldo attempted to improve the maneuverability issue by producing an SVA with wings of reduced span (SVA 3). However, it was too late, the SVA had been rejected for use as a fighter.
The re-enforced wood structure was heavier, making the machine less maneuverable than some contemporary designs. While maneuverability was an important part of any fighter’s repertoire, so were speed, climb rate, and range; in the later categories the SVA excelled. The aircraft could also carry a significant bomb load. The range of the SVA would have enabled it to fly long-range escort missions. In retrospect, it seems that the rejection of the SVA fighter was short-sighted. As noted in the squadriglia histories below, the SVA proved itself capable of tangling with enemy fighters and, if necessary, could withdraw from combat without difficulty.
Ansaldo - The first order for SVAs was placed in the Fall of 1917, and by the end of the year 65 had been completed. Eventually 900 examples were ordered.
By February 1919 619 SVAs of all types had been delivered.
AER - 350 ordered; 250 delivered by the end of the war.
Bauchiero - 150 ordered,all delivered by the Armistice.
Savoia - 300 ordered, 70 received by November 1918. These were all single-seat aircraft. Alegi notes that these aircraft had tail surfaces made of steel tube, eliminated the lower wing openings, and had the feeder fuel tanks mounted in a high-drag configuration.
Engines - Cantiere 3 tested versions of the SVA with a 250-hp Isotta-Fraschini I.F. V6. The results are reported to have given a maximum speed and climb rate superior to the Fokker D.VII. The engine was later used on the SVA 9/10 two-seaters.
A 200-hp Lorraine was also fitted, but without any increase in performance.
SVA 2 - Known as the “Ridotto” (reduced) wing, this variant had a “clipped” wing than the standard SVA, although the wing span and area are little changed according to unpublished Castoldi manuscript). Alegi records that it was to be used an an unarmed fighter trainer.
SVA 3 - The Ansaldo SVA 3 was the counterpart of the SVA 4 built under license by AER at Arbassano as a reconnaissance fighter. In the spring of 1918, however, AER produced the SVA 3 to be used as a interceptor derivative of the SVA-3 with a rapid climb rate; this would make it perfect for the various Sezione difesa (Defense sections) used to protect Italian cities and factories. Built only in small numbers, the SVA 3 Ridotto was distinguishable from the SVA-3 mainly by its higher-rated SPA 6A engine, and its smaller wing. The armament was unchanged from the standard SVA, but sometimes a third machine gun was fitted at an angle to attack enemy aircraft from beneath.
SVA 4 - high-speed, long-range reconnaissance aircraft with two Vickers machine guns and two cameras. The wing was enlarged.
SVA 5 - long-range, armed reconnaissance aircraft with two Vickers machine guns and two cameras, but also with an auxiliary fuel tank and bomb racks to enable it to carry three 162-mm bombs. It had a wing of the same size and area as the SVA 4.
SVA 6 - dedicated reconnaissance variant with only a single Fiat machine gun and carrying two cameras.
SVA 7 - dedicated high-speed bomber variant capable of carrying eight bombs.
SVA 8 - ground attack/low altitude reconnaissance variant fitted with armor. It was fitted with a 250-hp Isotta Fraschini V6 engine; the more powerful engine was undoubtedly needed due to the weight of the armor plating.
SVA 9/10 - two-seat versions (see entry).
Operational Service
The decision not to equip the fighter squadriglias with the SVA left DTAM and Ansaldo with a high-performance aircraft in search of a mission. The aircraft could be useful in the high-speed reconnaissance and bomber missions. In spite of the fact that it did not carry a second crew member, the Ansaldo could still carry out these missions. Cameras could be used to gather data on enemy dispositions far behind the front lines and no rear gunner would be needed as the aircraft flew fast and high enough to avoid interception by enemy fighters. The SVA could be deployed in small numbers all along the front to supplement the army co-operation two seaters.
The first two SVA squadriglias were initially designated 181a and 182a Squadriglia, but became the 86a and 87a within two months when the original designations were reassigned to Caproni Ca.4 squadrons. Their strength was initially established at 18 pilots and 24 aircraft each, reduced to 18 on 2 February 1918 by deleting six reserve aircraft.
Protracted deliveries and the unexpected rejection of the SVA as a fighter, made 87a the only all-SVA Squadriglia created.
By January 1918 it had been decided to deploy 86a as three separate Sezioni (1a, 2a, and 3a). The same fate befell the planned 88a, deployed in May-June 1918 as the 4a, 5a, and 6a Sezione.
A plan was devised where each Armata was to have a Pomilio PE squadriglia and an SVA sezione for strategic reconnaissance. There would be three strategic reconnaissance squadriglias each with three seziones of six SVAs.
Three seziones of six aircraft were assigned to la and 4a Armatas and to the Comando truppe altipiani (Highland Troops Command) and intended to provide a strategic reconnaissance capability for use by each Armata command.
Two SVA squadriglias, one of which, 87a, were already at the front to provide the Comando supremo with a highspeed reconnaissance capability. These could be sent to the various units on an ad hoc basis.
In 1918 a long range reconnaissance capacity was supplied to the 1a, 2a, and 6a Armate by individual SVA seziones assigned to each Armata and to the 7a Armata by the 87a Squadriglia SVA of the Comando Supremo.
To provide fighter escort for the new reconnaissance and artillery units, there would be 15 squadriglias each with six seziones of six aircraft each. These would not only have HD.1s, SPAD 7s and 13s, and Nieuport 27s, plus the new Ansaldo Balillas and Pomilio Gammas.
The SVAs were true multirole aircraft enabling them to fly fighter escort, long-range reconnaissance, and high-speed bombing missions. They were used in all these roles with considerable success, and they acquitted themself well in air-to-air combat. The first combat victory came on 11 January and there were others throughout the remainder of the war.
As for long-range bombing missions, there was the famous raid with ten SVA led the SVA 10 flown by tenente Palli and carrying D’Annunzio as a passenger. The SVA 10 and five SVAs completed the mission and returned safely; the other SVAs had turned back due to technical problems.
A number of Seziones difesa were formed or re-equipped with SVAs. They provided local defense for major cities and industrial centers against Austro-Hungarian bomber raids. Given the fact that these units were flying M.F.lls and Voisin 3s, the SVAs represented a quantum leap in performance.
Foreign Service
A large Italian mission was sent to Argentina, with aircraft and pilots assigned to the newly created 350a Squadriglia. Several long distance flights, including one in June to Buenos Aires (Palomar) - Bahia Blanca - a 1,380 km round trip in 7.5 hour. On 21 July an SVA 5 was flown from Buenos Aires across the Andes to Valparaiso and Santiago. The non-stop return flight was made on 5 August.
In July 1919 the local Ansaldo representative suggested establishing a school with SVA single-seaters, SVA 10s, and A.1 Balillas.
On December 2,1920, the Army authorized the acquisition of fifteen additional SVA 5s that entered service in 1921. They were widely used for reconnaissance and training flights for fighter pilots at the Escuela de Aviation Militar (EMA) at El Palomar. At least a dozen were still on hand four years later.
This aircraft was donated by Italian Colony in Chile. During its only flight in Chilean colours it crash landed at sea and had to be SOC, both crew member, luckily reached the coast swimming.
In 1925, Feng Yuxiang formed the Northwest Air Force and bought a mix of 12 SVA 5 and 9 aircraft (see SVA 9/10 entry for details).
Peruvian military aviation obtained two SVA-5s in 1924 and were employed at the “Jorge Chavez” Military Aviation School in Las Palmas. In 1925 the pilot instructors Alejandro Velasco Astete and Mayor Baltazar Montoya requested to use these aircraft to make long-distance flights to the cities of Cuzco and Puno, as part of long-distance navigation and flight exercises scheduled by the School for that year. On August 29, sub-lieutenant Alejandro Velasco Astete arrived in Cuzco aboard the SVA 5 “Cuzco”, becoming the first Peruvian to arrive in flight to that city, of which he was a native.
Unfortunately, Peruvian pilot Cuzqueno was killed on September 28,1925 when he crashed into a massive adobe wall during his arrival in the city of Puno while avoiding hitting the excited villagers with the propeller of his aircraft as they were approaching his aircraft during landing. Days later, Major Baltazar Montoya successfully completed his flight to the highlands as well as to the city of Arequipa.
The Ansaldo SVA-5 “Puno” continued in service until mid-1928 when it was withdrawn from service due to its precarious state of repair.
The Italian Military Air Mission in Warsaw, trying to obtain orders for the SVA 5 single-seat intelligence aircraft, brought three demonstration copies to Poland. The first was No.12090 which was sent to Krakow, where it was demonstrated in February 1920. The next ones, with numbers 12211 and 12251, were assigned to 7 EM (Eskadra Mysliwska) in Lviv, the last one was previously the official mission aircraft of the Italian Mission. Later it was placed at the disposal of IWLot and in the 2 Pulku Lotniczym (2nd Air Regiment).
This aircraft survived until 1922. The last mention of it was in an accident report during the flight after renovation, made by Colonel pil. Adam Zaleski 8 VII 1922. The landing gear was then slightly damaged during a forced landing outside the airport. All planes were treated as trial aircraft; none took part in combat operations. Although the plane was well-liked and had good performance, none of the offers of both Societa Gio Ansaldo from 1919, as well as Unione Italo-Polaco in Turin from September 21,1921, was met with much interest. All SVA 5 were deleted, along with the SVA-10s, in 1923.
One SVA 5 was presented to the King of Spain in 1919, but this, and a non-stop Rome-Madrid to demonstrate the type’s impressive range, failed to secure orders. The aircraft was apparently used as a “hack” aircraft by the various Regiments.
United Kingdom
On 26 October the Italian Government Commission in London informed the Air Board that SVA 6758 would be presented to the British government after being overhauled at Hounslow by an Italian mechanic. Display fights in the SVA by the Italian demonstration pilot continued after the handover to the RAF. The aircraft eventually returned to Italy with No.66 Squadron RAF.
United States
Three SVA left Genova by boat on 1 August, 16 August and 30 September destined for the United States. Upon arrival, they were reassembled at Langley Field, Virginia. For unknown reasons no orders were placed, and the fate of these three aircraft remains a mystery.
Two SVA 5s were reported in use between 1924-29, not confirmed.
A single SVA 5 was acquired in 1920.
SV/SVA (SVA 1 ?) single-seat fighter with one 234-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 8.00 m; length 8.00 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 21.60 m,
Weights: empty 655 kg; maximum 895.6 kg; payload 240 kg
Maximum speed 230.5 km/h at low altitude; climb to 1,000 m in 3 minutes 45 seconds; 2,000 m in 6 minutes 45 seconds; 3,000 m in 10 minutes 45 seconds; 4,000 m in 15 minutes 30 seconds
Armament: two or three fixed forward-firing 0.303-in Vickers machine-guns
SVA 2 single-seat fighter trainer with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 8.00 m; length 8.00 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 22.00 m,
Weights: empty 695 kg; maximum 920 kg; payload 225 kg
Maximum speed 214 km/h at low altitude; climb to 1,000 m in 3 minutes; 2,000 m in 7 minutes; 3,000 m in 11 minutes 45 seconds; 4,000 m in 17 minutes
SVA 3 single-seat fighter with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 8.00 (7.65 m Green); length 8.00 (8.10 m); height 2.65 m, wing area 22.00 m,
Weights: empty 695 kg: maximum take-off 920 kg (891 kg); payload 225 kg
Maximum speed 212 km/h at low altitude; climb to 1,000 m in 3 minutes 15 seconds; 2,000 m in 7 minutes; 3,000 m in 11 minutes 30 seconds; 4,000 m in 17 minutes; endurance 3 hours (Green)
Armament: two fixed forward-firing 0.303-in Vickers machine-guns
SVA 4 single-seat high speed reconnaissance aircraft with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 9.10 m; length 8.10 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 24.20 m,
Weights: empty 690 kg; maximum 965 kg; payload 275 kg
Maximum speed 195 km/h at 2,000 m;climb to 1,000 m in 3 minutes; 2,000 m in 6 minutes 45 seconds; 3,000 m in 11 minutes 45 seconds; 4,000 m in 16 minutes 15 seconds; ceiling 7,000 m; endurance 3 hours 15 minutes
Armament: two fixed forward-firing 0.303-in Vickers machine-guns
SVA 5 single-seat long range,armed reconnaissance aircraft with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 9.10 m (7.75 m Camurati); length 8.10 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 24.20 m (21.60 sq m),
Weights: empty 700 kg (665 kg); maximum 1,050 kg (890 kg); payload 350 kg (225 kg)
Maximum speed 200 km/h at 2,000 m (225 km/h); climb to 1,000 m in 6 minutes; 2,000 m in 10 minutes 30 seconds; 3,000 m in 18 minutes 15 seconds (11 minutes); ceiling 6,000 m; endurance 2.5 hours
Armament: two fixed forward-firing 0.303-in Vickers machine-guns
The discrepancy between Camurati and Alegi suggests that Camurati was describing a different subtype. His data is reproduced here for completeness.
SVA 6 single-seat high speed long range reconnaissance aircraft with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 9.10 m; length 8.10 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 24.20 m,
Weights: empty 700 kg; maximum 975 kg; payload 275 kg
Maximum speed 195 km/h at 2,000 m; climb to 1,000 m in 3 minutes; 2,000 m in 6 minutes 45 seconds; 3,000 m in 11 minutes 45 seconds; 4,000 m in 16 minutes 15 seconds; ceiling 7,000 m
Armament: one fixed forward-firing Fiat machine-gun.
SVA 7 single-seat high speed bomber aircraft with one 205-hp SPA 6A six cylinder engine
Wingspan 9.10 m; length 8.10 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 24.20 m,
Endurance 4 hours
Armament: two fixed forward-firing 0.303-in Vickers machine-guns and up to eight bombs
SVA 8 single-seat high speed bomber aircraft with one 250-hp Isotta Fraschini V6 engine
Wingspan 9.10 m; length 8.10 m; height 2.65 m, wing area 24.20 m,
Data from Alegi Ansaldo Fighters at War, based on unpublished “Castoldi manuscript”.
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Журнал Flight
Flight, February 7, 1918.
A LITTLE while back we reproduced two views of the Italian S.V.A. Fighting Scout, and this week we are able, through the courtesy of our American contemporary Aerial Age, to give further illustrations and some particulars of this machine.
"The S.V.A. machines are manufactured by Gio. Ansaldo and Co., of Genoa, in a number of types quite similar to one another, the principal differences being in the wing spread and weight. In nearly all the types, the same propeller, motor and fuselage are used. With the exception of one of the types, the interplane strut bracing at either side of the body is arranged in the form of the letter N. The machine illustrated here is convertible for water use by replacing the landing gear with twin floats, as illustrated in one of the accompanying views.
"All the material used in the construction of these machines is tested in laboratories before being installed, and again rigidly inspected when the machine has been tested out in actual flight. The woods are tested for transverse and longitudinal tension and compression, &c. Cables are from eight to ten times as strong as calculations show them to be necessary under extreme conditions. The silk-linen covering is somewhat transparent, and after being treated with dope is practically untearable. Every piece of fabric and all the materials are submitted for examination by a staff of laboratory experts, and must have their approval before being turned over to the factory.
"The principal characteristics of this machine are as follows :-
Span, upper plane 9.100 m. (30 ft. 2 ins.)
Span, lower plane 7.600 m. (25 ft.)
Chord, both planes 1.650 m. (5 ft. 5 ins.)
Gap 1.800 to 1.500 m. (5 ft. 11 ins. to 4 ft. 11 ins.)
Overall length 8.100 m. (26 ft. 7 ins.)
Overall height 3.200 m. (10 ft. 6 ins.)
Weight, empty 640 kg. (1,411 lbs.)
Weight, loaded 900 kg. (1,984 lbs.)
Motor, S.P.A. 210 h.p.
Maximum speed 232 km. (125 miles) p.h.
Minimum speed 82 km. (45 miles) p.h.
Climb in 14 min.4,000 metres (13,123 ft.)
"The main planes are in four sections. The top plane is a flat span, but the lower plane sections are set at a dihedral angle. The wing curve has a negative tendency at the trailing edge, and the planes are given but a slight incidence angle or angle of attack. As in most of the fast Italian machines, the trailing edge is flexible, tending to flatten out the owing curve as the speed of the machine increases. A single set of ailerons are hinged to the upper plane. The steel-tube interplane bracing is of the streamline section, and attachment to the wing spar is by a pin running through the end of the brace, parallel to the line of flight. The bracing method employed is such that both the lift and landing stresses are taken by the struts, eliminating the wire bracing cables. Drift and anti-drift cables are used in the usual manner. Main planes have a surface area of about 24.25 sq.m.; the loading of the machine is about 36.700 kg. (about 81 lbs.).
"At the forward end of the fuselage, the motor is entirely covered in, and the cowling runs back in a straight line as far as the pilot's seat. The rear curves of the under side of the fuselage are composed of a series of straight lines, and not a continuous curve. A noticeable feature of the fuselage is its narrowness in the vicinity of the tail plane, and its exceptional depth forward. The interplane struts sloping outward from the fuselage are not connected to the upper longerons, but are carried part way down the vertical spacing members between the upper and lower longerons. Evidently a compression member is located at such points, running from one side of the fuselage to the other. Veneer is used for covering in the body, except at the front end, where the aluminium cowling covers in the engine.
"The leading edge of the tail plane is located at the level of the centre of the propeller thrust, as indicated on the drawing, and the plane is fixed at a negative angle. It will be noticed on the plan view that the tail plane, or horizontal stabilising surface, is exceptionally small, its area being only slightly more than half the area of the elevators. The elevators are worked with short control tillers located close to the body. A pair of steel struts support the tail from the fuselage. The familiar triangular fin or vertical stabilizer is used, with the rudder hinged to its trailing edge. The lower end of the rudder is carried in a cupped metal fitting attached to the underside of the fuselage termination. Control wires run into the body through protective metallic plates with friction reducing guides.
"Steel tube chassis members carry the floating axle, cross-wired in the usual manner. The shock-absorbing rubber elastic is covered in to reduce skin friction. The tail skid is unusual inasmuch as it relies upon a steel leaf-spring skid for its shock-absorbing effect. The upper end of the spring is rigidly clamped to a metal container, from which supports are run to the upper longerons of the body, and to the tail plane.
"The engine is a 6-cylinder S.P.A. developing 210 h.p. at 1,600 r.p.m. The propeller is a 2.750 m. (about 9 ft.) in diameter, with a 2.100 m. (6 ft. 11 ins.) pitch. Petrol is carried for an endurance of 3 hours, weight of petrol being 105 kg. (231.48 lbs.) and of oil 15 kg. (33.06 lbs.).
"In the empty machine the weights are distributed as follows: Machine unequipped, 300 kg. (661.38 lbs.); motor, propeller and radiator, 315 kg. (694.45 lbs.); fuel tanks and necessary piping, 25 kg. (55.11 lbs.). Total weight 640 kg. (1,410.95 lbs.). The useful load consists of oil and petrol (120 kg. or 264.55 lbs.), and an additional useful weight of 140 kg. (308.65 lbs.). The loading of the machine per b.h.p. is about 9 lbs.
"This type of S.V.A. machine is also manufactured in what is called the "reduced size," in which the wing span is shortened to 7.570 m. (24 ft. 10 ins.), but otherwise preserving the lines of the "Normal" type. In the smaller machine the total weight is 875 kg. (1,929.04 lbs.), so that with the same powered motor and a change in the angle of incidence of the planes, a much greater speed is obtained."
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